Top Years Quotes Collection - Page 108

Discover a curated collection of Years quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 108 provides more Years quotes.

Image of Eric McCormack
Rachael Leigh Cook was my leading lady. She was awesome. We loved the show [Perception ]. Again, it was more of a TNT show, because there were crimes that got solved, which [going] back five years ago, was a mandate. But there was something innovative about the mental illness side of it.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Years
Image of Eric McCormack
Back then, all the networks were still making a movie a week, virtually. So I did five of them that year. So it was just a nonstop... '92 was a great, nonstop ride in Vancouver.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Years
Image of Eric McCormack
I made Lost World in September of '91, and by the end of that year, I was living in Toronto.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Years
Image of Julian Barnes
I thought of the things that had happened to me over the years, and of how little I had made happen.
- Julian Barnes
Collection: Years
Image of Mitch McConnell
Tiger Woods and John Edwards had a better year than the stimulus bill.
- Mitch McConnell
Collection: Years
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
No matter what you do this year or in the next hundred, you will be dead forever.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: Years
Image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez
And again, as always, after so many years we were still in the same place we always were.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collection: Years
Image of Audre Lorde
If you come as softly As wind within the trees You may hear what I hear See what sorrow sees. If you come as lightly As threading dew I will take you gladly Nor ask more of you. You may sit beside me Silent as a breath Only those who stay dead Shall remember death. And if you come I will be silent Nor speak harsh words to you. I will not ask you why, now. Or how, or what you do. We shall sit here, softly Beneath two different years And the rich earth between us Shall drink our tears.
- Audre Lorde
Collection: Years
Image of Julian Barnes
I remember laughing with relief that the same old adolescent boredom goes on from generation to generation. ...the words took me back to my own years of stagnancy, and that terrible waiting for life to begin. [p. 68]
- Julian Barnes
Collection: Years
Image of Eric McCormack
I'd never been to Africa. This really was my first film [The Lost World]. I'd done 10 years of stage. I'd done a little bit of television. But this was my first film.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Years
Image of Eric McCormack
Brad Wright, who created Grant MacLaren, had me in mind. We'd actually worked together 20 years ago. He wrote an episode of The Outer Limits that I was in in '96 or '95? So we'd been aware of each other for years. I'd lived in Vancouver off and on, where he's based. And it just came to me, and I'm always looking for something different. Perception was a different show than Will & Grace.
- Eric McCormack
Collection: Years
Image of Ewan McGregor
I wanted to be an actor since I was nine years old.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: Years
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
[John Calvin's] Humanist training makes him an excellent writer. What is more, he is as relevant today as he was 500 years ago.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Years
Image of Terence McKenna
The Germans take quite a knock for the holocaust, but the Catholic church manages to push more people into death, disease, and degradation every year than the holocaust managed in its entire show. And it's thought rather crass to even mention the fact. It seems to me that as long as these Catholic bishops can show their face in public that we are in complicity with mass murder.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Years
Image of Terence McKenna
Nobody should be allowed more than fifty years to get their act together.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Years
Image of Jack London
I was five years old the first time I got drunk.
- Jack London
Collection: Years
Image of Bill Maher
Catholicism has changed tremendously in recent years. Now when Communion is served there is also a salad bar.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Years
Image of Rob Lowe
If people are watching me 365 days a year, 360 days they might be bored to tears. And on the other five days, maybe I would qualify as Satan.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Years
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
Cronshaw stopped for a moment to drink. He had pondered for twenty years the problem whether he loved liquor because it made him talk or whether he loved conversation because it made him thirsty.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
It's human nature to keep doing something as long as it's pleasurable and you can succeed at it, which is why the world population continues to double every 40 years.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
If you can find a company that can get away with raising prices year after year without losing customers (an addictive product such as cigarettes fills the bill), you've got a terrific investment.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
The typical big winner in the Lynch portfolio generally takes three to ten years to play out.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Lynch
The biggest winners are surprises to me, and takeovers are even more surprising. It takes years, not months, to produce big results.
- Peter Lynch
Collection: Years
Image of Thurgood Marshall
When in Gregg v. Georgia the Supreme Court gave its seal of approval to capital punishment, this endorsement was premised on the promise that capital punishment would be administered with fairness and justice. Instead, the promise has become a cruel and empty mockery. If not remedied, the scandalous state of our present system of capital punishment will cast a pall of shame over our society for years to come. We cannot let it continue.
- Thurgood Marshall
Collection: Years
Image of Thabo Mbeki
Haiti was a French colony, but in 1804, the slaves rose up and defeated the French and formed the Republic. For the last 200 years, Haiti has had a very unfortunate history.
- Thabo Mbeki
Collection: Years
Image of Cody Johnson
I don't know about one moment that has pivoted my career. I do know that one thing that hit me and made me take a few steps back was a year at Steamboat.
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Years
Image of Cody Johnson
Obviously the way that I talk and the way that I dress all has to do with the way that I was raised. As far as the drive, when I was 18 or 21 years old, everything I did was because I wanted to go play music simply because that's what I wanted to do.
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Years
Image of Dale Jamieson
Apocalypses don't happen very often. They tend to be separated by tens or even hundreds of millions of years.
- Dale Jamieson
Collection: Years
Image of Marshall McLuhan
Some of my fellow academics are very hostile, but I sympathize with them. They've been asleep for 500 years and they don't like anybody who comes along and stirs them up.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Years