Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 91

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Image of William Landay
When I was 30 or so - by that time I had become an assistant D.A. - I decided I would try to write a novel. To be clear: I did not decide to become a novelist. Honestly, it never crossed my mind that I could actually earn a living as a professional novelist.
- William Landay
Collection: Writing
Image of William Landay
Probably careful plotting reflects my personality. I am meticulous by nature. I can't imagine speed-writing anything that happens to pop into my head.
- William Landay
Collection: Writing
Image of Hector Tobar
I write, fighting for every sentence, fighting to hold the reader with every paragraph.
- Hector Tobar
Collection: Writing
Image of W. J. T. Mitchell
Writing, in its physical, graphic form, is an inseparable suturing of the visual and the verbal, the “imagetext” incarnate
- W. J. T. Mitchell
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Kirby
I write from a people's point of view. I love people because I understand them. I understand an enemy, I understand a friend, I understand grey areas, and I understand black areas.
- Jack Kirby
Collection: Writing
Image of Shuggie Otis
When we go into the 80's it has more of a pop feel. But it's what I wanted to do. I wasn't trying to reach. See, that's the thing with me, I never wanted to reach any particular crowd. I'm writing for myself. If I don't like it I won't play it for anybody.
- Shuggie Otis
Collection: Writing
Image of Celine Sciamma
I was a lot younger - when I wrote Water Lilies. I was like 26. It felt so natural to write about adolescence.
- Celine Sciamma
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessa Crispin
I don't think that if I had spent the time that I was in, say, Belgrade, writing about my time in Trieste, which is where I had just been, that would have been productive. I told myself: take extensive notes while you're there, do the research part of it, and then pray, pray, the muses will be available when the actual 'ready' happens.
- Jessa Crispin
Collection: Writing
Image of Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
I'm not a method actor, I don't write my character's history or all those kinds of things. I'm more about the 90 percent of the brain that is subconscious. I like to just pick certain pieces, let it soak in, and then let it kind of emerge out.
- Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Collection: Writing
Image of Victor Levin
You learn to do your best writing on story rather than off story. Very often at the beginning of their careers, writers including me do their best dialogue writing off story - the best lines, the best observations - but they haven't got enough to do with the plot to stay in.
- Victor Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of Victor Levin
I like to write about love plus an obstacle. Not a really big obstacle; not too serious and not too funny. Just somewhere nicely in between - a combination of the two.
- Victor Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of Victor Levin
It's hard to hand a script to a director, there's no question about it. You've lived with these characters, you've started with a blank page, especially when it's an original work and something not based on a preexisting piece of material. But if you don't like it, write a novel.
- Victor Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of Vera Brosgol
Comics taught me how to write, and also patience and confidence.
- Vera Brosgol
Collection: Writing
Image of A.C. Newman
Sometimes, even when I'm writing the lyrics, I'm not sure what I'm getting at, but then months will pass and I'll listen to it and I'll understand it completely. I think I trust myself in that most of what comes out of me will be honest. Even if it seems like it doesn't make a lot of sense, I realize that it does. It's hard to follow, and maybe there's a lot of subtext to it that nobody knows, so it makes it impossible to follow.
- A.C. Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Wendy Liebman
In addition to comedy, I'm a writer. I write checks. They're not very good.
- Wendy Liebman
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Kripke
When you're writing TV or movies your vernacular is time, it's all based on rhythms, a character takes a beat or two characters have a moment, like everything is about time. And when you're writing a comic, everything is about space. It's how many panels to put on a page, when should you do a full page splash, what is the detail that you see in any particular image.
- Eric Kripke
Collection: Writing
Image of Fatih Ak?n
I always listen to music when I write, I need a rhythm to write.
- Fatih Ak?n
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Nix
I have always been drawn to characters, and this was true for my feature-writing career as well, where there is a tension between rule-breaking and rule-following.
- Matt Nix
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Nix
I came to accept in myself a long time ago that I really do like writing articulate sociopaths.
- Matt Nix
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Nix
I just really like writing and making television shows. There are ego rewards in doing battle with other television programs in prime time in the main season. I suppose there are times when I might look at that and think that's the major league. But when you look at it, ultimately would I really want to gamble my livelihood and my ability to connect with my fan base or write a show that I really like writing, or in some cases direct a show that I really like directing, for the sake of winning an ego battle? It's totally not worth it. That stuff is so ephemeral.
- Matt Nix
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Nix
I think it's satisfying for people to feel that that relationship is reciprocal in some way. The truth is, you do have a relationship with your fans, and there is a feedback loop there. And while you have to be careful not to write a show just for the superfans, that kind of feedback is really valuable.
- Matt Nix
Collection: Writing
Image of Tommy Lasorda
I've been Catholic all my life, and there's one thing I've never understood. Why didn't the Corinthians write back?
- Tommy Lasorda
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Lawrence
The writing is what's most important to me.
- Billy Lawrence
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Lawrence
With showrunning, the more successful you get, the more you're pulled away from the writing.
- Billy Lawrence
Collection: Writing
Image of Cameron Johnson
Google AdWords help with targeting people. Social media makes it easy to find people. A lot of people write blogs as a hobby. Others do it to make money. Instead of advertising on a blog, do a revenue share where you give them a 10-percent share for the business you receive.
- Cameron Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Antosca
I write out of enthusiasm. Momentum that comes from a new idea. Eagerness to explore. I also write out of fear - fear of losing an idea - fear of feeling stagnant.
- Nick Antosca
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Antosca
Fiction and screenwriting blend for me. I feel like being a TV writer/screenwriter has definitely made my fiction writing better, although I have less time to do it.
- Nick Antosca
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Antosca
I'm not disciplined in terms of scheduling. I work best late at night, but I can't do that when I'm on a TV show - our hours are roughly 10-6:30, so I have to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. So I'll sometimes write fiction for an hour or two in the evenings, or several hours on the weekend afternoons - unless I'm actively writing a script for the show I'm working on, in which case there's no time to write fiction at all.
- Nick Antosca
Collection: Writing
Image of Roselee Goldberg
There's a moment when you say, "Okay, I'm not going to become a dancer. I'm not going to become a painter." So in a sense, I ended up writing about those big conflicts that I felt.
- Roselee Goldberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Brandt
When you're writing for a TV show, what's great is that you always know what actor you're writing to.
- Michael Brandt
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen D. Krashen
Those who read in a second language write and spell better in that language.
- Stephen D. Krashen
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen D. Krashen
People who say they read more write better.
- Stephen D. Krashen
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Koch
I thought, 'There are a lot of poets who have the courage to look into the abyss, but there are very few who have the courage to look happiness in the face and write about it,' which is what I wanted to be able to do.
- Kenneth Koch
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Koch
When you get an idea, go and write. Don't waste it in conversation.
- Kenneth Koch
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Kunitz
The first task of the poet is to create the person who will write the poems.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Kunitz
End with an image and don't explain.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Kunitz
...few young poets [are] testing their poems against the ear. They're writing for the page, and the page, let me tell you, is a cold bed.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Writing
Image of James Lipton
I may be writing well, I may be writing poorly, but I enjoy the act of writing and sometimes when it turns out okay, I feel an elation that is incomparable.
- James Lipton
Collection: Writing
Image of James Lipton
A good day's writing, when I turn off my computer after I know that I've written okay, or as well as I can write, that's a day well spent.
- James Lipton
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Ripp
I'm trying my best to sound like me rather than trying my best to write hits or praying to God that people respond. I've arrived in a very healthy place and it feels great!
- Andrew Ripp
Collection: Writing
Image of Karen Walton
Somebody told me I should try writing. Actually, a lot of people tried to get me to try writing, long before I thought I was 'the writing type'.
- Karen Walton
Collection: Writing
Image of Karen Walton
I didn't want to write unless I could say, and think for myself. I looked to peers that I not only respected but those that supported that. I finished becoming who I am today by sticking up for myself as a voice, but that is in part thanks to the huge role the good guys I chose to work with played in my professional development. Some really terrific human beings who loved horror welcomed me with open arms.
- Karen Walton
Collection: Writing
Image of Amit Bhatia
I write poems like some people sing in the bathroom.
- Amit Bhatia
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Larkin
Many modern novels have a beginning, a muddle and an end.
- Philip Larkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Larkin
When I get sent manuscripts from aspiring poets, I do one of two things: if there is no stamped self-addressed envelope, I throw it into the bin.-If there is, I write and tell them to f**k off.
- Philip Larkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Marisi Ornstein
When I get a script and do my work, and then show up on set and work, it's the same zone that I'm in when I'm in front of a canvas, or when I'm writing a story about one of my paintings, or when I'm playing music. Whatever I'm doing at any given time, it's the same exact zone.
- Michael Marisi Ornstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Branko Milanovic
In the U.S. when people like me started writing things about inequality, the economic journals had no classification for inequality. I couldn't find where to submit my inequality papers because there was no such topic. There was welfare, there was health issues, there was trade obviously. Finance had hundreds of sub groups.
- Branko Milanovic
Collection: Writing
Image of Vestal McIntyre
I've always written stories from female perspectives. That it's one of the reasons I write, to have that experience.
- Vestal McIntyre
Collection: Writing
Image of Johan Hegg
There is a diverse meaning to the lyrics as well. A lot of the stuff I write is from a personal level but is not really anything that I care about if people get or not so I write alot of the stuff as metaphors based in Viking mythology and Viking History which is sort of my main interest in life and sort of my main atmosphere in life.
- Johan Hegg
Collection: Writing