Peter King

Image of Peter King
I've been accused over the years of being close to players, but if something needs to be written, I've tried my best to write it and write it in a way that is fair to whoever I'm writing about and is fair to all of my readers.
- Peter King
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter King
I so admire great writing done quickly, with great detail.
- Peter King
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter King
We have too many mosques in America.
- Peter King
Collection: America
Image of Peter King
The importance of command leadership. Clear objective and strategy and loyalty to those reporting to you.
- Peter King
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Peter King
As a devastating series of attacks rock America's oldest ally, the nation that stood by us after 9/11 that gifted us the Statue of Liberty. France on November 13, 2015 fell victims to the worst terror attack in its history.
- Peter King
Collection: Rocks
Image of Peter King
The president should stop apologizing, stop being defensive. The reality is the NSA has saved thousands of lives not just in the United States but in France, Germany and throughout Europe.
- Peter King
Collection: Reality
Image of Peter King
There is an obligation both moral, but also legal, I believe, against a reporter disclosing something which would so severely compromise national security.
- Peter King
Collection: Believe
Image of Peter King
Well take care of the counting.
- Peter King
Collection: Care
Image of Peter King
The British government is a murder machine.
- Peter King
Collection: Government