Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 89

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Image of Claire Cameron
Parents spend a lot of time talking over kids. My son went through a vocabulary burst as I was writing The Bear. I thought, What if I just stopped and listened?
- Claire Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Kahneman
Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well...Writing about why the positive events in your life happened may seem awkward at first, but please stick with it for one week. It will get easier. The odds are that you will be less depressed, happier, and addicted to this exercise six months from now.
- Daniel Kahneman
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Brown
For some reason, I write about crash-landed spaceships quite a lot and my wife is sick of hearing of hearing my ideas for new tales about them.
- Erica Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Brown
If our writing is worth anything at all, then we have to put ourselves into it.
- Erica Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Brown
I don't read or write SF for cutting edge ideas; I read and write it for the storytelling, and every story is new. So have I brought anything new to it? Only in so far as no-one before has written about the characters I've invented in their particular situation.
- Erica Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Elena Poniatowska
I write in order to belong.
- Elena Poniatowska
Collection: Writing
Image of Whit Stillman
I explained to Amazon that I don't like outlining or projecting what something's going to be. I like to allow a story to arise as I'm writing scripts. I find it horrible when I try to think of something for the plot without really being on the ground and seeing where it goes. I was really resistant to do the mini-bible. So I gave them something, but I really didn't want to do it that way.
- Whit Stillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Whit Stillman
It's terrible to write what are essentially comedies for people with no sense of humor. Everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, but observably not.
- Whit Stillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Whit Stillman
So something I've felt I've learned with The Cosmopolitans shoot is using some agility and changing things quickly. That's something I found really useful on this shoot too. The gestation of The Cosmopolitans and this are slightly different from my other films. The script would be done and I'd be cutting it, but I wasn't always writing new material.
- Whit Stillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Drumming
Writing in journalism teaches you to be very comfortable taking criticism, being edited, and rewriting.
- Neil Drumming
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Strisik
You can write a letter with a typewriter, a pencil, or a crayon. What you have to say is the important thing.
- Paul Strisik
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Holland
I am also producing and writing a bunch.
- Andre Holland
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Zigman
Film writing and concert writing are two very different things. In film writing I am serving the film and it tells you what to write. I have to stay within the parameters of the film. In writing concert music for the stage I can write anything I want and in this day and modern age rules can be broken.
- Aaron Zigman
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Zigman
When I create I don't think in technical or mathematical terms until the idea is formulated Musical composition is formulated in improvisation. Once a pianist like myself sits down and begins to play and start thinking about what I am writing all of a sudden a little tune will emerge, a little spot light and I'll go, "That's interesting."
- Aaron Zigman
Collection: Writing
Image of Alessia Cara
I've now learned how to do it, I can write anywhere. I'm the type of person that will get a random idea and then I'll have to write it down and then continue on it. It can be anywhere. It doesn't have to be a set place.
- Alessia Cara
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Lethem
The level at which my OCD enters my writing process isn't that I slap the keyboard - it's more along the lines of a compulsive need to swap syllables around, rework words and sentences - I revise for the pleasure and satisfaction of it, rather than out of a sense of duty.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Lethem
I've always felt that the writing I responded to most - the novels and stories that compelled me, that felt like they described the world I live in, with all of its subjectivity, irrationality, and paradox, were those which made free use of myths and symbols, fantastic occurences, florid metaphors, linguistic experiments, etcetera - to depict the experiences of relatively 'realistic' characters - on the level of their emotions and psychology, rather than in terms of what kinds of lives they led or what kind of events they experience.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Zobel
Writing is a totally different brain than directing, at least for me. With writing, you're trying your best to foresee all the problems before they happen. It's more architectural in a weird way.
- Craig Zobel
Collection: Writing
Image of Corey Smith
In many ways my writing is like therapy. It is my way of dealing with things.
- Corey Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Cakes da killa
Sometimes I start with the beat. Sometimes I can write something down and it takes me a while to figure out how I want to say it or the beat I want to say it to. I definitely like to live the experiences that I cover.
- Cakes da killa
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Peet
I always begin my stories as experiments - on large yellow tablets - a mixture of writing and sketching.
- Bill Peet
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisa Loeb
I learn so much from writing with other musicians, asking questions about their playing style and gear, and hanging out, too.
- Lisa Loeb
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Landau
Most acting today on television is like a locomotive on a track. Everybody knows what they are doing. The problem of writing today is everyone sounds the same. We speak differently. We think differently. People are different. And that's the beauty of it.
- Martin Landau
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Antopol
It is more important to just be as honest as I can about my characters than to write some really great sentence.
- Molly Antopol
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Antopol
There are certain writers I can't read when I'm trying to write because their voices are so distinct. Cormac McCarthy, he's the most different writer from anything I've ever written, but there's something about those really spare sentences that is just tough - it would be too much of an influence. Grace Paley is my favorite writer. Her stuff is so voice-driven, when I read her a lot I want to make my writing more voice-y and dialogue-heavy. I love a lot of stuff in translation.
- Molly Antopol
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Antopol
Stuart Rojstaczer writes with enormous wit, style and empathy, and The Mathematician's Shiva is a big-hearted, rollickingly funny novel that's impossible to put down. A tremendous debut.
- Molly Antopol
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Antopol
But what I realized when I was looking back at them was that no matter how different they are, they're still coming from me, and they're still coming from my brain and my set of obsessions. I think that no matter how different I tried to make them, there were just these certain questions that I just kept circling back to as I was writing. I think they were the ones I was really swept up in in that decade.
- Molly Antopol
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Antopol
It really made me nervous to write about it [Holocaust] and to approach it, because I was nervous about how to do it respectfully, and I was also thinking about how I could add something new to something that had already been so explored.
- Molly Antopol
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Bujalski
Writing a story starts out as a puzzle in your mind, of "What is it I'm fantasizing about right now that makes me think this is going to be worth years of work?" And you just keep pushing and trying to figure it out, and once you've hit on these resonances... Then as a screenwriter, it can be dangerous if you get too hooked on just finding things that resonate with each other, because then you risk getting into stuff that's too neat, and becomes stifled as storytelling. But you do feel like you're on the right track when you start to have a sense of what goes with what.
- Andrew Bujalski
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Alias
We're talking about an extremely prolific poet and songwriter and lyricist. That stuff comes off the top of her head. She [Joni Mitchell] will write exactly what she lives. If she puts some money in the soda machine, she'll write about putting money in the soda machine. "Dry Cleaner from Des Moines," on the Shadows & Light album, was about sitting next to a dry cleaner from Des Moines, playing a slot machine.
- Don Alias
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben E. King
You're writing it is how you feel. And when you're finished you put your signature on it and you mail it off and that's it. And that's how "Stand By Me" was really.
- Ben E. King
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Levine
Corruption is subtle, just like the Bible said. Many young poets have come to me and asked, How am I gonna make it? They feel, and often with considerable justice, that they are being overlooked while others with less talent are out there making careers for themselves. I always give the same advice. I say, Do it the hard way, and you’ll always feel good about yourself. You write because you have to, and you get this unbelievable satisfaction from doing it well. Try to live on that as long as you’re able.
- Philip Levine
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Levine
I believed even then that if I could transform my experience into poetry I would give it the value and dignity it did not begin to possess on its own. I thought too that if I could write about it I could come to understand it; I believed that if I could understand my life—or at least the part my work played in it—I could embrace it with some degree of joy, an element conspicuously missing from my life.
- Philip Levine
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
I try to write about small insignificant things. I try to find out if it’s possible to say anything about them. And I almost always do if I sit down and write about something. There is something in that thing that I can write about. It’s very much like a rehearsal. An exercise, in a way.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
I think there are a lot of similarities between writing and music. Music is much more direct and much more emotional and that's the level I want to be at when I'm writing. Writing is much more intellectual and indirect and abstract, in a way.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
National identity is a motion. It's something you're inside, you don't get what's happening, you can't see it from above. And that's where you have to write. You can't see what's happening now or what's going to happen, so you just dive into it and write.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
The strange thing about writing is that it's so easy to write a novel. It is really easy. But it's getting there to the point where it's easy that's hard. The hard part is to get there.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
You don’t think when you play music, you just try to play and be in it. It is the same for me when the writing is going really well. It’s the same kind of feeling. I’m just in it. It’s not the words, it’s not the sentences, I’m not aware of it. Then it’s good.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
In modern novels I try to not let myself get away and to be here, and that's why I write about my life and myself. But even when I do that there's an element of disappearing to a place that's not me. It's "the selflessness of writing". It seldom happens, but when it does it's worth quite a lot.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
If you are disappearing from yourself, but you're still writing, then there is a kind of activity of thinking going on, which in my world is similar to what's going on in music.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
When it comes to the past, everyone writes fiction.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Rowan Blanchard
That the things that have impacted me most are not news articles written by older people that I would have no relation to; the things that impact me most are things written by people closer to my age. And I wanted to write things in a way where somebody my age could read it and feel like they are holding somebody's hand and be with somebody.
- Rowan Blanchard
Collection: Writing
Image of Stefan Heym
You had censorship. If you brought a manuscript to the publisher, you knew he would suggest changes. If you wanted to write and speak what you thought had to be written and spoken, you had to act against all these suppressive rules.
- Stefan Heym
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Jenkin
I think it's more honest, true to life, to write about serious matters. And also not to do something that's gentle. I like to put, ideally, belly laughs on one side, and really serious moments on the other. So they kind of come up against each other.
- Guy Jenkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Barnett
Max [Landis] writes in quite a heightened way, specifically for Dirk. There's a rhythm and a specific speed to it, and it was very easy to learn because it was so well-written. It just rolled off the tongue. There aren't many auditions that I go for, where I feel like I could actually do the part. But with this one, even though I was not quite sure how to pin Dirk down, I thought I could do it.
- Samuel Barnett
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Meledandri
Anytime you adapt work of somebody who you respect, as much as I respect him, it's an enormous responsibility. In honoring that responsibility, what we try to do is to continually use his work, and the writing that he did about his life and his work, as our guide. That starts with his intent for what he was trying to express when he wrote it, and it extends to his intent overall.
- Christopher Meledandri
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Baker
In writing, punctuation plays the role of body language. It helps readers hear you the way you want to be heard.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Writing
Image of Jon Spaihts
For a successful writer, the secret is to have many irons in the fire. Write the next thing.
- Jon Spaihts
Collection: Writing
Image of Denise Duhamel
I don't know if there are topics that I unconsciously avoid, but as soon as they pop up in my writing, I try to take on those topics, whether or not I publish the poems.
- Denise Duhamel
Collection: Writing