Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 87

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 87 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Sergio Chejfec
What I find is that many times when I work with chance, with indeterminacy, I am more open to experience, less prone to a fixed process, and I think it creates a very important challenge. It creates a way of writing that is, in a way, flatter or smooth, a surface conducive to release, to movement. And in this way, the form of writing gets delightfully melded with the process of the writing.
- Sergio Chejfec
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Hughes
What’s writing really about? It’s about trying to take fuller possession of the reality of your life.
- Ted Hughes
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Hughes
...imagine what you are writing about. See it and live it. Do not think it up laboriously, as if you were working out mental arithmetic. Just look at it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, turn yourself into it. When you do this, the words look after themselves, like magic.
- Ted Hughes
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Lake
The way you write dialogue is the same whether you're writing for movies or TV or games. We use movie scriptwriting software to write the screenplays for our games, but naturally we have things in the script that you would never have in a movie script -- different branches and optional dialogue, for example. But still, when it comes to storytelling and dialogue, they are very much the same.
- Sam Lake
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Leonowens
The fact is remarkable, that though education in its higher degrees is popularly neglected in Siam, there is scarcely a man or woman in the empire who cannot read and write.
- Anna Leonowens
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Janeway
If every nation gets the government it deserves, every generation writes the history which corresponds with its view of the world.
- Elizabeth Janeway
Collection: Writing
Image of David E. Kelley
The ideal time for writing a [television] script is four days, though sometimes it has to be two or three days depending on the deadline. If it's two days, sometimes there are things I see that don't work as well. If I have two weeks, the scripts get kind of flabby and lack the adrenaline that a sense of deadline fills you with.
- David E. Kelley
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Meades
If you're going to write about something it becomes a damn sight more interesting than if you're not going to write about it, because you engage with it actively in a way that you wouldn't if you were just passing through or if you were going to St Helens to visit family or if it was a place that made you resentful because you'd always wanted to escape from there.
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Meades
I genuinely find it difficult to think of places that I'd never want to see again. It might be because part of my career has been concerned with writing about topography.
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Meades
As primitive as digital can be, there is nothing automatic in the methods I use, it's all basically done by hand. I know nothing about computers. I don't like computers. I use them for writing because I have to. I have never had a conversation about computers in my life.
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Meades
I don't think things necessarily should have a meaning. If stuff has a meaning then why do [writing] about it? If you're trying to say, 'Tall buildings are great' why not just leave it at that: "Tall buildings are great."
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Writing
Image of D'Angelo
I haven't had the time to do a lot of writing. But nothing's really changed about me. It's just my day-to-day activities have changed, and as a person, I have to adapt to those changes.
- D'Angelo
Collection: Writing
Image of Carol Bly
Literature has low enough standards. But we can avoid writing the worst literature if we make ourselves ask ourselves, every two or three sentences we write, 'Is that what I really think?'
- Carol Bly
Collection: Writing
Image of Carol Bly
For a short-story writer, a story is the combination of what the writer supposed the story would likely be about - plus what actually turned up in the course of writing.
- Carol Bly
Collection: Writing
Image of Tyler Hilton
A lot of people can figure out the social media aspect of it, or the merchandising aspect, or whatever and get enough momentum to start a career. To sustain it, you have to keep writing and you have to keep creating.
- Tyler Hilton
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Abercrombie
Here's the beauty of a camera: you don't have to come up with words for what you're looking at... Maybe another angle is needed sometimes. When we're burned out from writing, we can photograph or draw, look at the world in a different way, and photographers could try writing what they see.
- Barbara Abercrombie
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Tempest
Never expect what you write to be any good, 'cause it's the fear of writing badly that stops you from finding the right words.
- Kate Tempest
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Tempest
The minute you finish a piece of writing it doesn't belong to you, you don't write it any more, it belongs to you, the reader, the listener, the audience. So the less you know about whether or not this is me talking about my life or this is me talking about your life, I think the better. Then it can belong to you and it can live outside of the moment in which it was conceived.
- Kate Tempest
Collection: Writing
Image of Masha Tupitsyn
I was never really satisfied with writing only text or with the way my texts looked when they were published. Most online journals have a pretty lame sense of typography - bad font, counter-intuitive margins and line spacing - that it makes me sour on my writing.
- Masha Tupitsyn
Collection: Writing
Image of Masha Tupitsyn
You have to have an eye and a feeling for where things go. Writing visually, writing textually, writing sonically. Text is visual for me and images are textual. There is power in the way ideas are arranged, not just developed rhetorically. Form is everything.
- Masha Tupitsyn
Collection: Writing
Image of Juan Ramon Jimenez
Some of my affectionate envious friends say, "You write too much." Maybe, I answer. But as long as the best of your little is worse than the worst of my much, I will keep on doing so.
- Juan Ramon Jimenez
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward M. Lerner
The scope of what I have to say determines the length of what I write.
- Edward M. Lerner
Collection: Writing
Image of Guillermo Cabrera Infante
When I write, I enjoy myself so much that what is being written really needs no reader
- Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Collection: Writing
Image of Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Writing for me, even what you call serious writing, is play.
- Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Collection: Writing
Image of Guillermo Cabrera Infante
I am the only British writer who writes in Spanish
- Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Collection: Writing
Image of Rich Fulcher
I used to steal pens at the store. Back in the day when you would write checks, I would write a check and use the pen, and I would keep the pen.
- Rich Fulcher
Collection: Writing
Image of James Gray
You should just write the movie based on people you actually know and then just see who wants to play it. Cast the net.
- James Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Rie Rasmussen
It's masturbation for writers to be able to write this absolutely outrageous personality, in a character that you somehow agree with, part of the time, at least.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Writing
Image of Gillian Roberts
The only people who think writing is easy are people who don't write. Writing's a difficult, courageous act. Bravery is required, as well as a great deal of slogging along. A lot of our work is work.
- Gillian Roberts
Collection: Writing
Image of Gillian Roberts
Writing time has to be created.
- Gillian Roberts
Collection: Writing
Image of Otto E. Neugebauer
There is a much higher probability that a first-class scholar should commit an error than that an author who usually writes nonsense should have one good idea.
- Otto E. Neugebauer
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Martin Smith
The idea of directing was something that I always had in the back of my mind, and writing as well. I began to write screenplays when I was in my 20's.
- Charles Martin Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Lou Doillon
The more you’re writing absolutely honestly, and absolutely bare of intention - even if it feels absolutely personal and small because it’s at your own scale - other people relate to it much more.
- Lou Doillon
Collection: Writing
Image of Harrison Smith
You always have to write script with a budget in mind. Although it's always good to write the big story, you really have to think about how things are going to work as far as cast, effects and settings. It's a process. You have to always think budget and then execute and make it happen.
- Harrison Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Knight
There's lots of different ways of writing stuff and lots of different mindsets to have, but I think when it's your own creation, it's more pleasurable because you have total control.
- Steven Knight
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Knight
It's such a gift when you know who you're writing for and you know that that actor is capable of so much that you can relax a bit.
- Steven Knight
Collection: Writing
Image of Heather Graham Pozzessere
I always feel a responsibility to the people I write about. I feel obligated to portray them in the way they feel is proper.
- Heather Graham Pozzessere
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Adly Guirgis
I think anything that anyone writes thats any good is going to have a lot of autobiography.
- Stephen Adly Guirgis
Collection: Writing
Image of Michelle J. Howard
NaNo[ National Novel Writing Month] is an awesome opportunity to stretch your writing muscles and gives you permission to write in a way you probably wouldn't do in a normal circumstance.
- Michelle J. Howard
Collection: Writing
Image of Brady Corbet
Everyone's different. I mean, some people write journals for their characters and stuff, but that was never really my area.
- Brady Corbet
Collection: Writing
Image of Brady Corbet
Now I write often. I decided that I need to write for myself - I can't really direct other people's material.
- Brady Corbet
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayana Mathis
I think that if you just write your characters you end up with something that people can access.
- Ayana Mathis
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayana Mathis
Even if you don't feel like sitting down to write or working on that big proposal, or whatever it is, just show up anyhow and the rest will follow.
- Ayana Mathis
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayana Mathis
Fiction writing is an act of imagination, lived experience is secondary in many ways, writing a novel really is all about inventing worlds and people.
- Ayana Mathis
Collection: Writing
Image of Heidi Julavits
I wont deny that I have a far more productive writing life without the Internet, mostly because I rekindle my ability to concentrate on one thing for a period of longer than three minutes. My curiosity is channeled inward rather than Internet-ward.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Writing
Image of Heidi Julavits
A logic proof is: you get a starting point and an ending point, and you have to get there through all these different steps and tautologies. I approach novel writing that way. When I get to the end I have to go back and connect everything.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Writing
Image of Hilary Liftin
I think people dismiss celebrity memoirs as unreal, contrived and maybe partially made up. But that's definitely not true for anything that I write.
- Hilary Liftin
Collection: Writing
Image of Hilary Liftin
Working with somebody who has a more interesting life than I do - and getting to take on that life temporarily - is an endlessly interesting way to have the experience of writing memoir.
- Hilary Liftin
Collection: Writing