Rie Rasmussen

Image of Rie Rasmussen
It's masturbation for writers to be able to write this absolutely outrageous personality, in a character that you somehow agree with, part of the time, at least.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Writing
Image of Rie Rasmussen
I've made compromises to survive in life, and to be able to do what I want to do. But, once anything has been put on screen, I've never made a compromise.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Want
Image of Rie Rasmussen
Honestly when you do it black and white, you really have to work your ass off. Because if you make it, make it good. Otherwise, don't pretend.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Black And White
Image of Rie Rasmussen
I grew up in a very responsible, social, Democratic community, and destruction was a bad word. But, in California, destruction is a rad word. The juxtaposition of the two is really what made me into who I am today, in my battles with how fun it is to be bad, and how wrong it is to be bad.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Fun
Image of Rie Rasmussen
I'm not ill-informed about movies. I like movies that take it to that next step.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Next Steps
Image of Rie Rasmussen
In my personal life I've made a lot of compromises. I don't live comfortably. I've lived out of a suitcase for the last 15 years. I have lived without a dime to my name, for a very long time.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Years
Image of Rie Rasmussen
I'm always on the road, and there's a very male-dominated energy where I am. There's that aggressive energy surrounding me, all the time. So, in personal peace and harmony, I've totally made a gazillion compromises.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Energy
Image of Rie Rasmussen
Film is my passion. I had no money, after Human Zoo. I was completely broke. It was horrible. My film was in Berlin on opening night, but I couldn't even get to Berlin.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Zoos
Image of Rie Rasmussen
If something rad is going on and it has to do with film, I want to be there. If it's getting coffee, I don't care. It's a passion of mine.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Coffee