Colin Hay

Image of Colin Hay
I had a very erratic career. I got very famous for a minute and then it just all went away, you know?
- Colin Hay
Collection: Famous
Image of Colin Hay
I got very famous for a minute and then it just all went away, you know? And for the last 20 years - you've got to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and then go on your merry way and start again, in a sense, and that's what I've been doing.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Famous
Image of Colin Hay
People say history is boring, and that is true because people are boring. We haven't changed since time began. We're still the same. We've obviously made some changes. When we started, it was all about food, clothing and shelter. Now we watch 'Top Chef', 'Project Runway', and 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.'
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
Most people remember me for a couple of tunes.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
It's great fun if you get a good piece of writing and you can pretend to be someone else, tell a story that needs to be told, make some kind of connection. I've always fancied myself as a leading man, but I really doubt whether anyone else sees me that way.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
It strikes me there's a bunch of people in power who have really strong intentions of running the world and adjusting the world to exactly how they see it.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
There's a fine line between character building and soul destroying.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I can't remember too much about the '80s, to be honest with you... I wish that weren't true, but it is.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I don't walk off and come back for encores. I figure I can add four weeks to my life that way.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
In certain ways I still feel like I'm finding my way. I feel pretty comfortable playing acoustic guitar and singing, but then I feel pretty good sitting on a reggae groove as well.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I feel pretty comfortable in a lot of different musical styles. I like rhythm, and I like melody and so forth.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I just want to be a better guitar player, really.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I'd love to have a hit record. I don't believe anyone that says they wouldn't like that.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I just found over the years that it's very hard to change people's perception of what it is that you do.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
It's frustrating to do albums that you think are worth listening to, but it's just so difficult to cut through.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
In Scotland, beautiful as it is, it was always raining. Even when it wasn't raining, it was about to rain, or had just rained. It's a very angry sky.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I was brought up west southwest coast of Scotland and my mother and father had a music shop, and so I was surrounded by pianos and drums and guitars, and music, of course.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I play in a lot of empty rooms.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
The thing with playing live is, most of the audience is in their 20s and 30s. If you're older than that, you don't tend to go out to shows anymore. So it's good if you can attract a younger audience because they've got the energy to get up off the sofa and go out.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I don't think I'm going to change jobs at this point.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I used to drink a lot. I had to stop drinking because it was getting the better of me, and I replaced that with really doing shows.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I had a very strange career. I mean I went from playing to 150,000 people in 1983/84. Three or four years later I was playing to four people, you know, in Melbourne. I thought - bit strange, you know bit odd, bit erratic.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
Well, my thoughts about California are kind of mythological. To me, as well as being a real place, it's a place where people go to find something - to find happiness or to realize their dreams. So it has that kind of quality of heroism and heartache, and Australia has that, as well.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
My mother features quite heavily in a lot of my songs.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
The Men at Work thing is always there, it's always going to be there. It's not something I consciously think that much about anymore. The thing that stays with you is the songs, which is a good thing for me, because the songs are the things that stand the test of time.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I've got a long-term plan.
- Colin Hay
Image of Colin Hay
I tried talking to Jesus, but he just put me on hold.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Jesus
Image of Colin Hay
I like to let the songs speak so that they can go through some kind of rebirth as you play them.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Song
Image of Colin Hay
I do like writing songs in a band. When it's rock, it's such a different kind of dynamic, obviously.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Song
Image of Colin Hay
Sometimes there's a general arc that you want to try and get better the longer you do something.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Get Better
Image of Colin Hay
People say history is boring, and that is true because people are boring. We haven't changed since time began. We're still the same. We've obviously made some changes. When we started, it was all about food, clothing and shelter. Now we watch 'Top Chef', 'Project Runway', and 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Home
Image of Colin Hay
I tend to write, either myself, or I sometimes write with a co-writer, my friend that lives up the road. It's usually a relatively solitary thing, but I do like coming up with ideas.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Hay
I tend to write pretty much by myself. I always did that anyway. I used to write with Ron Strykert 'cause he was the only guitarist and we played well together. We lived in the same place. I would play a certain style and he would kind of dance around what I did, in a sense. I learned from him and also vice-versa. With this band, I think I bounce ideas off everybody. Perhaps on the next album they'll be more collaborative stuff, but for the last 2-3 years, I've been pretty well writing by myself.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Hay
You don't want to get worse at something.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Want
Image of Colin Hay
I like the process of writing songs. It makes me feel good.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Song
Image of Colin Hay
I sit around and play acoustic guitar - usually acoustic, sometimes electric, occasionally piano, but more often guitar, just trying to come up with tunes. Ideas kind of pop into your head.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Guitar
Image of Colin Hay
I suppose ever since I was about 14, I remember listening to "Sgt. Pepper's," and I remember thinking, "how do you possibly write songs like that?" I remember starting to try and write songs around that age, but just sitting around with an acoustic guitar, and try to come up with ideas for songs, and that's just what I've done ever since. I just never really stopped doing that, I suppose.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Song
Image of Colin Hay
I love going up the West Coast of the U. S. because it's one of my favorite parts of the world to tour.
- Colin Hay
Collection: West Coast
Image of Colin Hay
I find that, rather than the cities, I'm very lucky because the audiences that come and see me are very, generally speaking, truly kind, so I have a great time playing everywhere.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Cities
Image of Colin Hay
It’s great fun if you get a good piece of writing and you can pretend to be someone else, tell a story that needs to be told, make some kind of connection. I’ve always fancied myself as a leading man, but I really doubt whether anyone else sees me that way.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Fun
Image of Colin Hay
It strikes me there’s a bunch of people in power who have really strong intentions of running the world and adjusting the world to exactly how they see it.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Strong