Christa Wolf

Image of Christa Wolf
The most beautiful thing under the sun is being under the sun.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Christa Wolf
When we stop hoping, that which we fear will certainly come.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Stop Hoping
Image of Christa Wolf
To prevent wars, people must criticize, in their own country, the abuses that occur in their own country. The role taboos play in the preparation for war. The number of shameful secrets keeps growing incessantly, boundlessly. How meaningless all censorship taboos become, and how meaningless the consequences for overstepping them, when your life is in danger.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Country
Image of Christa Wolf
The past is not dead - it isn't even past
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Christa Wolf
It is this ability to bear what is unbearable and to go on living, to go on doing what one is used to doing—it is this uncanny ability that the existence of the human race is based on.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Race
Image of Christa Wolf
There are secrets that ravage you, others that make you stronger.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Secret
Image of Christa Wolf
Much later I realized that a person's attitude to pain reveals more about his future than almost any other sign I know.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Pain
Image of Christa Wolf
Between killing and dying there's a third way: live
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Dying
Image of Christa Wolf
You love tenderly and warmly, but your love is like friendship. That's why you have good friends, you're sociable, sympathetic toward people. Until this dissatisfaction comes over you-you know what I'm talking about. Then you become moody, can even repulse people who are close to you, even people who love you, you know why. Those are bad times when everything goes cold, and they follow the times of great love.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Love You
Image of Christa Wolf
Night thoughts have a different color than day thoughts, a different slant, more than anything else they know all the secret paths and chinks in the armor they can take advantage of to force their way into consciousness.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Night
Image of Christa Wolf
Now writing is just working your way toward the border that the innermost secret draws around itself, and to cross that line would mean self-destruction. But writing is also an attempt to respect the borderline only for the truly innermost secret, and bit by bit to free the taboos around that core, difficult to admit as they are, from their prison of unspeakability. Not self-destruction but self-redemption. Not being afraid of unavoidable suffering.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Christa Wolf
I claim that every woman in this century and in our culture sphere who has ventured into male-dominated institutions - 'literature' and 'aesthetics' are such institutions - must have experienced the desire for self-destruction.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Self
Image of Christa Wolf
I asked Agamemnon plainly about Iphigenia; he wept. Not as one cries out of pain, but out of fear. Out of weakness.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Pain
Image of Christa Wolf
Autonomous people, nations, and systems can promote each other's welfare; they do not have to fight each other like those whose inner insecurity and immaturity continually demand the demarcation of limits and postures of intimidation.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Fighting
Image of Christa Wolf
A possession considered of little value up to now suddenly becomes precious to a person if another person desires it, don't you think?
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Thinking
Image of Christa Wolf
What do I actually mean when I say 'delusion'? I mean the absurdity of the claim that the excessive atomic armament of both sides creates a 'balance of terror' that reduces the danger of war; that in the long run it even offers a minimum of security. ... Hence the cynical saying: He who strikes first will die second.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Running