Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 57

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 57 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of William Shunn
Read as widely as possible, and write every day, even if it's as little as three sentences.
- William Shunn
Collection: Writing
Image of Ian Fleming
I always make it a rule never to look back. Otherwise, I'd ask myself how I could write such piffle and live with myself, day after day.
- Ian Fleming
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Greengrass
There's a film you write, there's a film you shoot, and there's a film that you cut - and they're all different.
- Paul Greengrass
Collection: Writing
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Writing a portable OS is not much harder than a nonportable one, and all systems should be written with portability in mind these days.
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
There is no nobler chore in the craft of writing than holding up the mirror of reality and turning it slightly, so we have a new and different perception of the commonplace, the everyday, the 'normal,' the obvious. People are reflected in the glass. The fantasy situation into which you thrust them is the mirror itself. And what we are shown should illuminate and alter our perception of the world around us. Failing that, you have failed totally.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
Thank your readers and the critics who praise you, and then ignore them. Write for the most intelligent, wittiest, wisest audience in the universe: Write to please yourself.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
Entertain, yes. That goes without saying. But a good writer does that automatically, it's built into the machine. Telling a thumpingly good, mesmerizing story is what one does without question. But beyond that, any writer worth his/her hire knows that all writing, one way or another, is subversive. It is guerrilla warfare against the status quo.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Wesley Morris
Everybody brings their thing to their criticism. I bring this wealth of opinions and feeling and knowledge about race and gender and sexuality. I feel like I have it, I may as well express it, and if it's applicable to what I'm writing about and I'm not forcing it, I should try to use it, because it's interesting. It speaks to more than some people.
- Wesley Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Topher Grace
What I've been saying to people is that I write it.
- Topher Grace
Collection: Writing
Image of Topher Grace
I don’t want to be an editor! I don’t want to direct; I’d be a horrible director. I don’t want to write - I have a “story by” credit on one film I did. And I don’t want to edit at all.
- Topher Grace
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Ford
Find what causes a commotion in your heart. Find a way to write about that
- Richard Ford
Collection: Writing
Image of Annie Fellows Johnston
I have to be by myself when I write, and I never know how long it will take. It is like making butter. Sometimes it will come in a few minutes, and sometimes I have to churn away for hours.
- Annie Fellows Johnston
Collection: Writing
Image of Liana Liberato
I love writing. I love to write, and I would eventually love to have some of my work produced.
- Liana Liberato
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Archer
You know, I always say musicians, they can do it on their own. They can practice their violin on their own. A painter can paint by himself. A writer can write by himself. But an actor needs a group, and the hardest thing about expanding your ability and your craft is to have a group to do it with that is of a caliber where you can grow even more.
- Anne Archer
Collection: Writing
Image of James Berardinelli
Although The Terminator is arguably the more visionary of the first two films, [Terminator 2] is the more visually and viscerally satisfying. It's an exhausting experience and, even 18 years after its release (as I write this review), few films have matched it within the science fiction genre for sheer white-knuckle exhilaration.
- James Berardinelli
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Hamby
I know that one of the things that I really did to push myself was to write more formal poems, so I could feel like I was more of a master of language than I had been before. That was challenging and gratifying in so many ways. Then with these new poems, I've gone back to free verse, because it would be easy to paint myself into a corner with form. I saw myself becoming more opaque with the formal poems than I wanted to be. It took me a long time to work back into free verse again. That was a challenge in itself. You're always having to push yourself.
- Barbara Hamby
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Hamby
For 2,500 years, people have been writing odes. Why? I think that there's something innately human in wanting to praise the world even though it's disappointing in so many ways. There's always that tension.
- Barbara Hamby
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Hamby
I've been writing fiction as long as I've been writing poetry. It's just that the poetry took off, and it took me a lot longer to figure out how to write a story.
- Barbara Hamby
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Hamby
You want to make a representative selection, but at the same time, you want to give a sense of the whole project. I have this big conflict in my writing life that I'm trying to work out all the time.
- Barbara Hamby
Collection: Writing
Image of Taiye Selasi
The big ideas always come in flashes. I don't really craft stories that much. I genuinely don't know where these people come from and I've often wondered if writing is just a socially acceptable form of madness.
- Taiye Selasi
Collection: Writing
Image of Taiye Selasi
I write essays to clear my mind. I write fiction to open my heart.
- Taiye Selasi
Collection: Writing
Image of Taiye Selasi
I was four when I announced my ambition to write, eight when I began publishing such claims.
- Taiye Selasi
Collection: Writing
Image of Taiye Selasi
When writing screenplays, it's a matter of remembering to leave off the page anything and everything that doesn't appear on the screen.
- Taiye Selasi
Collection: Writing
Image of Taiye Selasi
I wrote fiction during my entire childhood, from age 4 to 18, and started writing plays when I went to Yale and Oxford.
- Taiye Selasi
Collection: Writing
Image of Catherine D. DeAngelis
I am not against the pharmaceutical companies. I love them. That's not the issue. The issue is, in some cases, when they do these clinical trials, they control the data. They analyze the data. In some cases, they even write the article. And that leads to at least the perception, if not the reality, that there's a conflict of interest.
- Catherine D. DeAngelis
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
Once your writing is out there, you can't control how other people perceive it. All you can do is stand in your truth.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
In general, I'm careful when I'm dealing with subjects of deep cultural importance and write with abandon when I'm dealing with issues of personal dysfunction.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
I was born on the same day as Edgar Allan Poe and Dolly Parton: January 19. I am absolutely certain that this affects my writing in some way.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
My family is filled with wonderful storytellers. I lack their gift of gab, so it's a relief to be able to write.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
If I gave up writing, I'd have to find an equally obsessive way to fill my time. Yarn-bombing skyscrapers or making houses out of empty soda bottles.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Linwood Barclay
These days, my subjects are murder and mayhem and other terrible things that happen to people - things that are even worse than cutting yourself shaving. And these are not the sorts of things you feel the need to experience before you write about them.
- Linwood Barclay
Collection: Writing
Image of Linwood Barclay
Even if I couldn't get my early novels published, I could still write. I went into newspapers, where I got paid to write every day. If there's a better school for would-be novelists, I don't know what it is.
- Linwood Barclay
Collection: Writing
Image of T. Jefferson Parker
When my story stalls on me, I've played my hand too soon.
- T. Jefferson Parker
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy K. Miller
To justify an unorthodox life by writing about it is to re-inscribe the original violation, to re-violate masculine turf.
- Nancy K. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Kendra Wilkinson
Right now I think I'm the smartest I've ever been. I'm doing everything great now and everything perfect. Like with this taxes stuff. I'm getting better at that. I'm making sure everything is a write-off. Every single thing.
- Kendra Wilkinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Gustav Meyrink
It is the narrow, hidden tracks that lead back to our lost homeland, what contains the solution to the last mysteries is not the ugly scar that life's rasp leaves on us, but the fine, almost invisible writing that is engraved on our body.
- Gustav Meyrink
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Rittner
Rittner's Computer Law: Never argue with people who write with digital ink and pay by the kilowatt-hour.
- Don Rittner
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Harington
The Society of North American Magic Realists welcomes its newest, most dazzling member, Louis Maistros. His debut novel is a thing of wonder, unlike anything in our literature. It startles. It stuns. It stupefies. No novel since CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES has done such justice to New Orleans. If Franz Kafka had been able to write like Peter Straub, this might have been the result.
- Donald Harington
Collection: Writing
Image of Chad Harbach
To my parents, writing seemed precarious and not the best idea.
- Chad Harbach
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I'm not just interested in the thoughts I have, but also in others' thoughts, and why not carry those forward? That's why American fiction can be so thin. All these fears, like not seeming to be original - I mean, hell, most stuff isn't. The question is whether you can articulate your thoughts for the moment in which you're living, which is a different time. Say them in a newer way. There are new events, and language changes - sensibilities change. We are writing in and of the time we're in. Oh, it's a weird time.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think political situations usually work their way into my writing, but not necessarily in an explicit way. The environment is so chaotic now. There is someone so entirely unreliable in charge, and reliable only in the fact that Thing - I don't say his name - is a pathological narcissist. He's going to do whatever he can to defend himself and whatever will make him look good. That's what matters to him.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Rechy
Writing is hustling of another kind.
- John Rechy
Collection: Writing
Image of James Newton Howard
Composing is a natural fit. As far as the creative process goes, I'd rather do this than anything else, by far. Something different happened to me when I started to write music to images. It was a feeling of excitement and connection and a sense of being in the right place that I never had before.
- James Newton Howard
Collection: Writing
Image of Mike Gatting
I don't think the press are vindictive. They can write what they want
- Mike Gatting
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Graves
I have architects write to me and ask me: How do you - and what do you do to - design the magic thing? I answer that very carefully. It's not necessarily about what you do, but the clients you do it for. You should write to Target, not me.
- Michael Graves
Collection: Writing
Image of Alison Hawthorne Deming
A lot of times students will come up to me and say, "Well, I can't write because I don't know what I think about such-and-such." And I say, "That's why you have to write." You don't wait until you know, because then who cares - it's static.
- Alison Hawthorne Deming
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
I mostly write about the working poor. Somehow, they're not being written about much anymore. I'm very interested in people who are in a situation that needs a little puzzling out. The thing that gets me started on a story is a person in a tough situation.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
I think by writing about a place with great specificity, you manage to make it universal.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing