Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 48

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 48 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Betsy Lerner
... but every person who does serious time with a keyboard is attempting to translate his version of the world into words so that he might be understood.
- Betsy Lerner
Collection: Writing
Image of Pat Schneider
A writer is someone who writes!
- Pat Schneider
Collection: Writing
Image of William Cobbett
Sit down to write what you have thought, and not to think what you shall write.
- William Cobbett
Collection: Writing
Image of William Cobbett
All my plans in private life; all my pursuits; all my designs, wishes, and thoughts, have this one great object in view: the overthrow of the ruffian Boroughmongers. If I write grammars; if I write on agriculture; if I sow, plant, or deal in seeds; whatever I do has first in view the destruction of those infamous tyrants.
- William Cobbett
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Tesich
So I made an outline. Well, you know, days are going by, and I am not writing anything because this thing is laid out in front of me. It's as if you get every brochure for a trip you are going to go on and you get the minutest details of every step along the way. Well, I really doubt you're going to then get in the car and go. You know, it's like, why bother if it's all laid out in front of you?
- Steve Tesich
Collection: Writing
Image of Fisher Stevens
Once I hit 25, I realized I had to do more than just be an actor. I love acting, but there's something that makes it difficult to just be a man, a grownup. Not to take away from any actors, but I knew I wasn't going to be Tom Cruise. I knew I was a character actor, which is great and I'm proud of it. But I knew that I wanted to do more. I started producing and directing and writing and stuff for the theater, and then that grew out of hand and I sort of lost my control. I've always loved the process of filmmaking. Now I'm much more into producing docs, but I want to direct features.
- Fisher Stevens
Collection: Writing
Image of Gene Weingarten
Mostly, you become a writer not because you want to get rich or famous, but because you have to write; because there is something inside that must come out.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Writing
Image of Gene Weingarten
The one thing an aspiring writer must understand is that it's hard. If you think it's not hard, you're not doing it right.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Zollo
Any quick analysis of a Beatles tune or a Cole Porter tune will reveal often simple but unexpected chords, chords that chromatically shift between keys, or between major and minor.
- Paul Zollo
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Zollo
Asked if he knew how important Stardust would be, Mitchell Parish said he did have a gut feeling that this was a momentous one. But had no idea it would become a standard. You don't sit down and write a standard, he explained. A standard evolves.
- Paul Zollo
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Zollo
Raksin worked for Alfred Hitchcock, about whom one of the most famous Raksin anecdotes was spoken. The legendary director declared he wanted no music at all for the oceanic Lifeboat, because he felt audiences would wonder where the music was coming from in the middle of the sea. Raksin said, Ask Hitch where the cameras are coming from.
- Paul Zollo
Collection: Writing
Image of Rob Riggle
I do write, I enjoy it. But I like acting. I wanna be in front of the camera as much as I can as long as I can, so I'm still pursuing that. There's just a lot going on. I write standup, so it's just a matter of time. I just need more time!
- Rob Riggle
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Alexander
Everyone has his own particular talent, niche and interests. Which isn't to say that you shouldn't try new genres or styles or explore forms other than the ones you're most comfortable with. But you should be willing to recognize that when writers try to make themselves into something they aren't or, more important, don't want to be ... they aren't going to be doing their best work.
- Kevin Alexander
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Connelly
You know what I did after I wrote my first novel? I shut up and wrote twenty-three more.
- Michael Connelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Connelly
How I work is that I write a story I'd like to read. Then you fly to Paris or Sydney and the interviewers talk about the greater significance of your work.
- Michael Connelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Megan Chance
I see the emphasis on a lot of ideas and I know that's directed at me. [Megan Chance] come up with an idea, hone it, and write it. I come up with thirty ideas, flesh each one out, research each one, come up with characters, and then decide I don't like it.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Writing
Image of Megan Chance
With The Nightingale, I had been kicking the idea around for years. I was frightened to write it because on the surface it seems so different for me.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Writing
Image of Megan Chance
Coming up with the idea is the worst part of writing for me.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Bauer
I am devoting some time to music. I'm finding a balance in my life right now so that when I'm not acting I'm really working on the music side of things... producing and writing and recording and also getting to do some live shows. It's a really exciting thing.
- Steven Bauer
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Elkin
Writing is an exercise in sculpture, chipping away at the rock until you find the nose.
- Stanley Elkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Elkin
I would never write about anyone who is not at the end of his rope.
- Stanley Elkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Aitchison
Purists behave as if there was a vintage year when language achieved a measure of excellence which we should all strive to maintain. In fact, there was never such a year. The language of Chaucer's or Shakespeare's time was no better and no worse than that of our own - just different.
- Jean Aitchison
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Aitchison
Word meanings are like stretchy pullovers, whose outline contour is visible, but whose detailed shape varies with use.
- Jean Aitchison
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Stapleton
Lyrically, 'less words mean more' is a pretty good rule of thumb. Try to cut out the fat and get to the meat of what you're saying.
- Chris Stapleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Eve Bunting
I write every day. I don't have a writing schedule. I write when I feel like it. Fortunately I feel like it all the time. I am writing for hours.
- Eve Bunting
Collection: Writing
Image of Lydia Davis
To observe the world carefully, to write a lot and often, on a schedule if necessary, to use the dictionary a lot, to look up word origins, to analyze closely the work of writers you admire, to read not only contemporaries but writers of the past, to learn at least one foreign language, to live an interesting life outside of writing.
- Lydia Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Crichton
We think we know what we are doing. We have always thought so. We never seem to acknowledge that we have been wrong in the past, and so might be wrong in the future. Instead, each generation writes off earlier errors as the result of bad thinking by less able minds - and then confidently embarks on fresh errors of its own.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Wilmore
I love writing family stories.
- Larry Wilmore
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Wilmore
I've always been sort of entrepreneurial. ... I felt that I needed to learn how to write and produce so I could write my own thing and not worry about Hollywood finding me.
- Larry Wilmore
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Lauterbur
You could write the entire history of science in the last 50 years in terms of papers rejected by Science or Nature.
- Paul Lauterbur
Collection: Writing
Image of Diane Glancy
Words - as I speak or write them - make a path on which I walk.
- Diane Glancy
Collection: Writing
Image of Diane Glancy
Writing is the hammer & chisel that breaks down the established way of thinking. A concrete event, then an abstraction. An image, then a thought. Finally, writing builds another establishment with the fragments.
- Diane Glancy
Collection: Writing
Image of Gabrielle Hamilton
It's promising and seductive, that huge Italian family, sitting around the dinner table, surrounded by olive trees. But it's not my family and I am not their family, and no amount of birthing sons, and cooking dinner and raking leaves or planting the gardens or paying for the plane tickets is going to change that. If I don't come back in eleven months, I will not be missed, and no one will write me or call me to acknowledge my absence. Which is not an accusation, just a small truth about clan and bloodline.
- Gabrielle Hamilton
Collection: Writing
Image of Carolyn See
I figure 1000 words a day, or four pages, and sometimes I'll write more, but I'll try not to. Because I think you don't want to exhaust what it is you're writing about, so the next day you would have to gear up for a brand new scene.
- Carolyn See
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Asher
Writing is a conversation, to me. The best kind. You can't get interrupted.
- Gerald Asher
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Asher
One thing I don't think that we have enough of in wine writing is the use of cause and effect. Whatever wine tastes like, whatever you're going to do with it, it is as it is for a reason.
- Gerald Asher
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Wiggs
Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance.
- Susan Wiggs
Collection: Writing
Image of Pippa Middleton
I have finally perfected my signature. It took hours of practicing I decided early on just to write Pippa, not Middleton.
- Pippa Middleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Bloom
When I write I'll sometimes say things which are somewhat controversial - not because I'm seeking out controversy for its own sake, but if I don't have anything to say which is different, why am I bothering to write stuff down in the first place?
- Paul Bloom
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Clowes
I try to only work on the screenplays for a few hours a day when I'm in my most voluble mood, just sort of writing whatever comes into my head. It's a very freeing thing.
- Daniel Clowes
Collection: Writing
Image of Amina Mama
As a young woman, Ama Ata Aidoo the freedom fighter vowed never to write love stories. Let’s delight in the fact that over the years she has changed her mind about the value of writing about love, as her rich edited collection of highly original and diverse ‘African Love Stories’ demonstrates. She has traveled her path and had the courage to grow and change while retaining her deep commitment to Pan- Africanism. Love flourishes, after all is said and done.
- Amina Mama
Collection: Writing
Image of Moshe Kasher
Sometimes my humor does offend people, and I've said it before: I don't write jokes to be offensive. I write jokes to be funny, and I guess what I find funny are things that other people sometimes find offensive. I would love nothing more than to never offend anyone, but it just doesn't seem to work out that way.
- Moshe Kasher
Collection: Writing
Image of Cameron Monaghan
I love to write, so I think writing would be the next natural step. And if I'm making something that I'm writing, it would also probably make sense to be a producer and have some creative input from that perspective as well. Eventually, I do want to direct, but I want to get comfortable in those two jobs first. I want to dip my foot into this pool before I dive in I guess.
- Cameron Monaghan
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Shannon
If it's not happening, write your own thing!
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Shannon
I barely have time to watch stuff that I'm in, or my friends' stuff. The bar for writing has really elevated and it's really exciting, it's not just parts for 25-year-olds.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Shannon
I'm very driven by writing.
- Molly Shannon
Collection: Writing
Image of Nathan Englander
What interests me when I'm writing is being able to crawl into a character's head and speak from his or her mouth. It's not pulling the strings on a marionette, it's not playing ventriloquist, and it's not mimicry. It's about inhabiting a character, and, at the same time, being totally unaware of what you've become.
- Nathan Englander
Collection: Writing
Image of Nico Tortorella
I've learned so much from just being in film industry. I definitely want to stay in front of the camera and learn more from as many people as I can. Somewhere down the line, writing, directing and producing would be fantastic.
- Nico Tortorella
Collection: Writing