Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 46

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 46 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of William Mapother
Well, you're in a theater and it's 24 shots a second, your face, your body, your voice, and it's your craft, the way you earn your living, and it's indelible. It's not like writing a script - I write as well - I can't do another draft, it's done.
- William Mapother
Collection: Writing
Image of Laura Kinsale
What a joy Mary Jo Putney is to read; she can't write fast enough for me.
- Laura Kinsale
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilles Deleuze
Write, form a rhizome, increase your territory by deterritorialization, extend the line of flight to the point where it becomes an abstract machine covering the entire plane of consistency.
- Gilles Deleuze
Collection: Writing
Image of Greta Gerwig
I like acting and things when I like the writing. If I don't like the writing, I don't like acting. I think in some ways everything starts for me from the place of writing.
- Greta Gerwig
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Fitzsimmons
I enjoy writing the same way I enjoy doing standup. Part of the challenge is being creative and making it work no matter what the constraints.
- Greg Fitzsimmons
Collection: Writing
Image of Heloise
Letters were first invented for consoling such solitary wretches as myself. Having lost the substantial pleasures of seeing and possessing you, I shall in some measure compensate this loss by the satisfaction I shall find in your writing.
- Heloise
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Ruhl
I found that life intruding on writing was, in fact, life. And that, tempting as it may be for a writer who is a parent, one must not think of life as an intrusion. At the end of the day, writing has very little to do with writing, and much to do with life. And life, by definition, is not an intrusion.
- Sarah Ruhl
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Ruhl
A multivalent culture is an amazing place to be writing theatre.
- Sarah Ruhl
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Davies
If after two weeks you still can't write your middle-eight, the best course of action is to see a psychiatrist
- Ray Davies
Collection: Writing
Image of Kathryn Hughes
Women do not always have to write about women, or gay men about gay men. Indeed, something good and new might happen if they did not.
- Kathryn Hughes
Collection: Writing
Image of George M. Cohan
I can write better plays than any living danced, and dance better than any living playwright.
- George M. Cohan
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Wordsworth
In an ideal state of society we never lose sight of the womanliness of women…why should it be considered a compliment to any woman to be told she writes, paints, sings, talks, or even thinks, like a man?
- Elizabeth Wordsworth
Collection: Writing
Image of Catie Curtis
I'm pretty social so it's hard for me to find solitude, but I need to have solitude to write.
- Catie Curtis
Collection: Writing
Image of Catie Curtis
So, once I get writing I really try and put five to eight hours a day in my room with a guitar to really try and come up with stuff that feels interesting enough to me to keep it.
- Catie Curtis
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Partridge
When we are very young, we tend to regard the ability to use a colon much as a budding pianist regards the ability to play with crossed hands: many of us, when we are older, regard it as a proof of literary skill, maturity, even of sophistication; and many; whether young, not so young, or old, employ it gauchely, haphazardly, or at best inconsistently.
- Eric Partridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Partridge
A dash derives from "to dash," to shatter, strike violently, to throw suddenly or violently, hence to throw carelessly in or on, hence to write carelessly or suddenly, to add or insert suddenly or carelessly to or in the page. "To dash" comes from Middle English daschen, itself probably from Scandinavian-compare Danish daske, to beat, to strike. Ultimately the word is-rather obviously-echoic.
- Eric Partridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Partridge
Like italics and hyphens, quotation marks are to be used as sparingly as possible. They should light the way, not darken it.
- Eric Partridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Kelly Sue DeConnick
You can't write something actively trying to please everyone - you're going to end up with watery soup that way. You just have to write stories you would want to read and hope that people like them.
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
Collection: Writing
Image of Kelly Sue DeConnick
What I worry about is working in this serial medium, where people are talking about your stories before they're done, we have this instant feedback loop now. I'm very active on Tumblr and I have a very active engagement with readers and I love it, but I don't want to start writing to try to please someone else. I don't want my meter to get skewed.
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
Collection: Writing
Image of Florence Littauer
The beauty of the written word is that it can be held close to the heart and read over and over again.
- Florence Littauer
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Kraus
Because I'm moved in writing to be irrepressible. Writing to you seems like some holy cause, cause there's not enough female irrepressibility written down. I've fused my silence and repression with the entire female gender's silence and repression. I think the sheer fact of women talking, being, paradoxical, inexplicable, flip, self-destructive but above all else public is the most revolutionary thing in the world.
- Chris Kraus
Collection: Writing
Image of Thom S. Rainer
Introverts don't like small talk conversation, but they typically don't mind writing. The more people can "see" you on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or a blog, the more they will feel like they know you, even though you don't have one-on-one interaction with them.
- Thom S. Rainer
Collection: Writing
Image of R. K. Milholland
Typos are very important to all written form. It gives the reader something to look for so they aren’t distracted by the total lack of content in your writing.
- R. K. Milholland
Collection: Writing
Image of Anamika Mishra
A writer is the one who loves to write . . . on and about anything . . . And this clears that I am a writer!!
- Anamika Mishra
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Amis
To idealize: all writing is a campaign against cliché. Not just clichés of the pen but clichés of the mind and clichés of the heart.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Writing
Image of Orianthi
I get really excited about collaborating because by the end of the day you have something that you never thought you'd have. I was really happy about writing "Bad News" and a bunch of other stuff on the record that came out so well.
- Orianthi
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Franco
I'm always trying to find that role that will allow me to stretch and play a lot of different sides, but it's hard. To be frank, as an actor, I read maybe a hundred scripts a year and I really strongly respond to probably two, but every other actor in town responds to those two scripts, as well. It's hard to land those roles that are really good because they're coveted. That's why I try to create for myself, and that's why I've been doing things outside of acting, like writing and producing. I try to not have to depend on other people so much.
- Dave Franco
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Franco
With these Funny or Die videos, I do everything for them. I write them, act in them, and co-direct them with my buddy Brian McGinn, who I grew up with. We also edit them together. We're working on a small scale of Internet videos, but we're slowly trying to make them become a bigger thing.
- Dave Franco
Collection: Writing
Image of Hugh B. Brown
Every man is a diary in which he writes one story while intending to write another. His humblest moment is when he compares the two
- Hugh B. Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Lanegan
I've always been a fan of album covers with no writing on them and have used them a lot in my own groups.
- Mark Lanegan
Collection: Writing
Image of Jill Barnett
The biggest downside to being a novelist is writing the novel.
- Jill Barnett
Collection: Writing
Image of Katie Roiphe
Facebook is the novel we are all writing
- Katie Roiphe
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Writing a poem is unwriting a knot, like untying a shoelace that is clubbing your foot.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
If I could write a novel while I'm walking, I probably would.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
[My muse] she's impatient with me, because I don't do what I should do: sit down and write.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Seidel Canby
Flatulency today consists in saying simply in several different ways the same thing over and over again.
- Henry Seidel Canby
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Dekker
The four rules of writing... 1. Write to discover. 2. There is no greater discovery than love. 3. All love comes from the Creator. 4. Write what you will.
- Ted Dekker
Collection: Writing
Image of Ace Antonio Hall
When you get some free time, write. When you get some lazy time, plan. When you get down time, world build. When your time comes, shine!
- Ace Antonio Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Burroway
Most writing is done between the mind and the hand, not between the hand and the page.
- Janet Burroway
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Burroway
The mystique and the false glamour of the writing profession grow partly out of a mistaken belief that people who can express profound ideas and emotions have ideas and emotions more profound than the rest of us. It isn't so. The ability to express is a special gift with a special craft to support it and is spread fairly equally among the profound, the shallow, and the mediocre.
- Janet Burroway
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Burroway
The only justification for writing a novel is that it should be wonderful. Adequate is inadequate.
- Janet Burroway
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Burroway
Right now-whether you're in writing courses getting "paid" in credit for writing, or burdened and distracted by earning a living and changing diapers-figure out how to make writing an integral part of your life. Publication is good, and gives you the courage to go on, but publication is not as important as the act of writing.
- Janet Burroway
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
As far as I can tell, writing the essays didn't change the way I wrote poetry. Although the essays contain scattered passages that might be called lyrical, they often contain closed statements of what is only suggested in the poetry.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
Often when I write poetry I don't quite know what I'm saying myself. I mean, I can't restate the poem. The meaning of the poem is the poem.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
My object when writing prose is to write as clearly as possible. I think I know what I'm saying in prose, and I want others to understand it and to be able to restate it.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
I approach writing a poem in a much different state than when I am writing prose. It's almost as if I were working in a different language when I'm writing poetry. The words - what they are and what they can become - the possibilities of the words are vastly expanded for me when I'm writing a poem.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
I think parts of my soul have been saved by my writing, not in the sense of escaping death, but escaping the death of the moment, perhaps.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
A poetic list is a talent in itself. You can write a list of things, and it can be boring.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing