Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 49

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 49 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Phyllis A. Whitney
Short of throwing away all television sets, I really don't know what we can do about writing.
- Phyllis A. Whitney
Collection: Writing
Image of Phyllis A. Whitney
I talk to myself on paper about my characters - sometimes writing in first person... I keep lists of unanswered questions that I can always turn to in order to get myself going.
- Phyllis A. Whitney
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Collins
If you want to be a writer-stop talking about it and sit down and write!
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Collins
I'm a storyteller, I'm not a literary writer, and I don't want to be a literary writer. People say to me, "Oh, when are you going to write something different?" What? I don't want to write anything different. I'm writing relationships between people, all different colors, all different sizes, all different sexual orientations, and that's what I want to do.
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Collins
A lot of people talk about writing. The secret is to write, not talk.
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Collins
There's always things that you know about that nobody else, because everybody's life is different. So you write about what you know. That's number one.
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Vance
As an actor, I never really had a strategy. I just take projects, as they come. It all comes down to the writing, at the end of the day, for me. I don't care if it's a two-line cameo or the lead of the thing, as long as the project has some weight behind the writing and it's interesting and I think people will enjoy it.
- Chris Vance
Collection: Writing
Image of Wendy Cope
Write to amuse? What an appalling suggestion! I write to make people anxious and miserable and to worsen their indigestion.
- Wendy Cope
Collection: Writing
Image of George Dzundza
The writers are writing human beings, and they're writing about the human condition and how difficult it is to function in that condition. I think it's one of the charms of the show, the idea of redemption and working towards becoming better people, for everybody involved.
- George Dzundza
Collection: Writing
Image of Park Chan-wook
When I'm writing something, if it gets too serious, I just can't bear it, so I take a step back and take the overall scene in and vent the air a little bit.
- Park Chan-wook
Collection: Writing
Image of William Kraft
You never write down to the people - you write the best you can with the hope that someone else will feel the same way.
- William Kraft
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynn Freed
What I am saying, I suppose, is that you write as if everyone is dead. Then you face the music. I don't know any other way to keep the teeth sharp and the spirit alive.
- Lynn Freed
Collection: Writing
Image of Gregory Mcdonald
Writing mysteries lets me get away with murder. I think 'the mystery' may be the greatest form for social criticism, simply because it is pedestrian.
- Gregory Mcdonald
Collection: Writing
Image of Habib Umar bin Hafiz
A photographer is like a writer... you're writing with your lens so make sure you tell a good story.
- Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Collection: Writing
Image of Constance Hale
Some of the worst writing around suffers from inert verbs and the unintended use of the passive voice. Yet the passive voice remains an important arrow in the rhetorical quiver. After all, it exists for a reason.
- Constance Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Constance Hale
Voice is the je ne sais quoi of spirited writing. It separates brochures and brilliance, memo and memoir, a ship's log and The Old Man and the Sea. The best writers stamp prose with their own distinctive personality; their timbre and tone are as recognizable as their voices on the phone. To cultivate voice, you must listen for the music of language-the vernacular, the syntactic tics, the cadences.
- Constance Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Constance Hale
Writers today must navigate the shifting verbal currents of the post-Gutenberg era. When does jargon end and a new vernacular begin? Where's the line between neologism and hype? What's the language of the global village? How can we keep pace with technology without getting bogged down in buzzwords? Is it possible to write about machines without losing a sense of humanity and poetry?
- Constance Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Constance Hale
Ultimately, whether we are writing posts, paragraphs, essays, arguments, memoirs, monographs or even just the Great American Tweet, writing is and should be a grand adventure.
- Constance Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Constance Hale
In writing, the connection between storyteller and audience is just as important. By using some subtle devices, a narrator can reach out to the reader and say, 'We’re in this together.'
- Constance Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Janice Erlbaum
Those of us who obsess over every word and action are constantly recalling past events, but that doesn't make them any less painful, nor does it help us transcend them. To write memoir, you have to not only recollect past events, you have to revisit them. You have to get back to the mental and emotional state you were in during those events.
- Janice Erlbaum
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Carrera
Now write this: 'The greatest rapture of my life was afforded me on a boat in Nassau by Fatima Blush,' and sign it 'James Bond, 007.'
- Barbara Carrera
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurence Shames
All of us ambitious young writers hoped to have a cover story in Esquire, of course. The idea was to write the best, most entertaining article that you can.
- Laurence Shames
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurence Shames
To write an article about someone and then to have that person murdered is disturbing.
- Laurence Shames
Collection: Writing
Image of Carrie Jones
The ending has to fit. The ending has to matter, and make sense. I could care less about whether it's happy or sad or atomic. The ending is the place where you go, “Aha. Of course. That's right.”
- Carrie Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Waldman
Poets have to keep pushing, pushing, against the darkness, and write their way out of it as well.
- Anne Waldman
Collection: Writing
Image of Adriana Trigiani
A handwritten letter carries a lot of risk. It's a one-sided conversation that reveals the truth of the writer. Furthermore, the writer is not there to see the reaction of the person he writes to, so there's a great unknown to the process that requires a leap of faith. The writer has to choose the right words to express his sentences, and then, once he has sealed the envelope, he has to place those thoughts in the hands of someone else, trusting that the feelings will be delivered, and that the recipient will understand the writer's intent. How childish to think that could be easy.
- Adriana Trigiani
Collection: Writing
Image of Alicia Ostriker
The work of Jana Harris is unique in American writing. She has always had a voice of true grit—sometimes harsh, sometimes funny, always close to the bone, tart, and indomitable.
- Alicia Ostriker
Collection: Writing
Image of Todd Gitlin
I first came to think about media and politics in the late 1960s, having observed some distortions up close, but since then I wouldn't say that my personal experience has remained an important motive for my writing about media.
- Todd Gitlin
Collection: Writing
Image of Damon Knight
Science fiction is what I point at when I say science fiction.
- Damon Knight
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac Hanson
Everybody expresses themselves in different ways. Some people write it down, some people paint it. Some people express it in the way they speak. We just express our feelings through music.
- Isaac Hanson
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex O'Loughlin
I write music just for me. I'm certainly not good enough to do it on any kind of a level but I enjoy that time because it's quiet.
- Alex O'Loughlin
Collection: Writing
Image of Amelia Gray
Writing is an outlet, but it’s not an outlet of escape. People keep a journal when they want to escape. I write to rub my face in it.
- Amelia Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Tabitha King
Writing is only the frosting on my cake. Im whole without it.
- Tabitha King
Collection: Writing
Image of Carolyn Chute
I feel like a lot of time my writing is like having about twenty boxes of Christmas decorations. But no tree. You're going, Where do I put this? Then they go, Okay, you can have a tree, but we'll blindfold you and you gotta cut it down with a spoon.
- Carolyn Chute
Collection: Writing
Image of Carolyn Chute
The writing process is sort of like when you've got no electricity and you've gotten up in the middle of the night to find the bathroom, feeling your way along in the dark. I can't hardly tell you what I do because I really don't know.
- Carolyn Chute
Collection: Writing
Image of Carolyn Chute
If I can be writing, I can take a certain amount of control when so much around me is upsetting.
- Carolyn Chute
Collection: Writing
Image of Burton Rascoe
What no wife of a writer can ever that a writer is working when he's staring out the window.
- Burton Rascoe
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Chesky
[On culture] It's living the core values when you hire; when you write an email; when you are working on a project; when you are walking in the hall.
- Brian Chesky
Collection: Writing
Image of James Norman Hall
Loafing is the most productive part of a writer's life.
- James Norman Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Caleb Followill
At the end of the day, we have to write music that makes us happy and the day that we stop loving what we do…we’ll quit.
- Caleb Followill
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Provenza
As a comedian, I'm like one of those on-the-scene reporters. I will actually go and try to find disasters so I can write jokes as the disasters unfold.
- Paul Provenza
Collection: Writing
Image of Karina Longworth
I was trying to see if I could produce an episode - completely write it and research it and record it and edit it - all by myself in a week.
- Karina Longworth
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Reber
Once the initial excitement wears off and it's time to sit down to write, the authors are usually still very eager, but the reality of doing the work can be a little daunting.
- Deborah Reber
Collection: Writing
Image of Neko Case
I don't think it's important for everyone necessarily, and I totally respect that because everyone writes differently.
- Neko Case
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I'm very flash and burn - the first thing that comes to mind is obviously the best idea, and that's because it should come out of a natural place, and if you don't do that then you're writing someone else's music, not your own.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I think, if I had my choice, I would spend all my time in the studio writing, and creating music.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Megan McDonald
If you want to write, find your splinter. Find the thing that pierces you and won't let you go.
- Megan McDonald
Collection: Writing
Image of Teresa Nielsen Hayden
If you ask 20 different readers why they read, they will all be right.
- Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Collection: Writing
Image of Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Don't use metaphors in fantasy; your readers will take them literally. Or they may take them figuratively - but if so, they'll also take your magics and transformations figuratively. Either way, you're in trouble.
- Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Collection: Writing