Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 45

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 45 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Ayelet Zurer
There are so many directors that I want to work with, but I can't tell you that there's one role. If I knew it, I would write it for myself.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Writing
Image of Jorie Graham
I think I am probably in love with silence, that other world. And that I write, in some way, to negotiate seriously with it . Because there is, of course, always the desire, the hope, that they are not two separate worlds, sound and silence, but that they become each other, that only our hearing fails.
- Jorie Graham
Collection: Writing
Image of Jorie Graham
I think I am probably in love with silence, that other world. And that I write, in some way, to negotiate seriously with it.
- Jorie Graham
Collection: Writing
Image of Bat for Lashes
I think what I wanted to do was meet someone who knew more than me about songwriting structure and progressions and middle eights and things that more traditional writers write and I don't usually employ.
- Bat for Lashes
Collection: Writing
Image of Robin Thicke
I've been influenced heavily by great soul artists. I see myself as a soul singer. I sing from my soul - I write from my soul.
- Robin Thicke
Collection: Writing
Image of Wes Bentley
You want to have the experience. As far as the creative side, the more I do this, the more I know that it's all about the writing. You got on a film sometimes and it's sort of half-written, and they expect and think that the actor's job is to bring the extra part and the good part. It's not. We're good at saying what other people have written, but for the majority of it, that's about it, comedians aside. It's all in the writing. Whether that's dialogue or character, or whatever, it doesn't matter. As long as they've done something special, than you can do something special.
- Wes Bentley
Collection: Writing
Image of Kool Keith
I write the most sexiest records out.
- Kool Keith
Collection: Writing
Image of Emmet Gowin
I need to say to you. There are things in your life that only you will see, stories that only you will hear. If you don’t tell them or write them down, if you don’t make the picture, these things will not be seen, these things will not be heard.
- Emmet Gowin
Collection: Writing
Image of Nasim Pedrad
At the time, I was in L.A., just auditioning and hoping to land a part, dramatic or comedic. I started to feel really stagnant, waiting for a part. I was also taking classes at UCB and Groundlings, and at the higher levels, they focus on writing. It was such a relief to be able to write. During those programs, I wrote a one-woman show called Me, Myself, and Iran, and it ended up getting to Tina Fey. She recommended me to audition for SNL, so I got my first of two auditions through her.
- Nasim Pedrad
Collection: Writing
Image of Pamela Frankau
I like to use as few commas as possible so that sentences will go down in one swallow without touching the sides.
- Pamela Frankau
Collection: Writing
Image of Ngugi wa Thiong'o
What's good about writing is that when you write novels or fiction, people can see that the problems in one region are similar to problems in another region.
- Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Collection: Writing
Image of Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Writing in African languages became a topic of discussion in conferences, in schools, in classrooms; the issue is always being raised - so it's no longer "in the closet," as it were. It's part of the discussion going on about the future of African literature. The same questions are there in Native American languages, they're there in native Canadian languages, they're there is some marginalized European languages, like say, Irish. So what I thought was just an African problem or issue is actually a global phenomenon about relationships of power between languages and cultures.
- Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Collection: Writing
Image of Ngugi wa Thiong'o
For me, being in prison writing in an African language was a way of saying: "Even if you put me in prison, I will keep on writing in the language which made you put me in prison."
- Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Collection: Writing
Image of Nic Pizzolatto
The Atlantic really gave me my writing career - even just the conviction to be a writer.
- Nic Pizzolatto
Collection: Writing
Image of Celine Kiernan
So many writers come to class with one question dominant in their mind, 'How do I make a living from this?' It's a fair enough question and one I always try to answer well- but it saddens me that it so often overshadows the more relevant questions of 'why am I writing' and 'what am I saying' and 'how do I keep it honest.
- Celine Kiernan
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert Morris
Your success as a writer will probably not depend on how well you write so much as in how you handle rejections.
- Gilbert Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Omar Sharif
For some men, nothing is Written unless they Write it.
- Omar Sharif
Collection: Writing
Image of Francois Ozon
Awards are like hemorrhoids. Sooner or later every asshole gets one.
- Francois Ozon
Collection: Writing
Image of Gabriel Fielding
Writing to me is a voyage, an odyssey, a discovery, because I'm never certain of precisely what I will find.
- Gabriel Fielding
Collection: Writing
Image of Gabriel Fielding
My advice would be to write -never to stop writing, to keep it up all the time, to be painstaking about it, to write until you begin to write.
- Gabriel Fielding
Collection: Writing
Image of George Meyer
Experience as much as you can and absorb a lot of reality. Otherwise, your writing will have the force of a Wiffle ball.
- George Meyer
Collection: Writing
Image of George Meyer
When people have no interest in a subject, it's very hard to get them to laugh about it. If I had to write ten jokes about potholders, I don't think I could do it. But I could write ten jokes about Catholicism in the next twenty minutes.
- George Meyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Miranda Cosgrove
I do have a journal, that I write all my thoughts in every day. So that's kind of something. I also have a burn box where I write secrets down and put it in a box.
- Miranda Cosgrove
Collection: Writing
Image of Fan Bingbing
If I am unhappy, I can write "damn it" in my personal diary, but I can't do that on a microblog so I might as well not start one.
- Fan Bingbing
Collection: Writing
Image of Edmund Campion
Provide me with ink and paper and I will write.
- Edmund Campion
Collection: Writing
Image of Vu Tran
Sometimes you don’t know what you're writing until you've finished it.
- Vu Tran
Collection: Writing
Image of Michelle Rhee
I have an absolutely unshakable faith in kids, grounded in the fact that I worked for three years in one of the worst public schools in Baltimore, with kids most people would write off because of their backgrounds. But, when I set high expectations, at the end of the day, these kids went from scoring at the bottom on standardized tests, to scoring at the top, despite their unfortunate circumstances.
- Michelle Rhee
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony
My best experience as a writer was working with Michael Ondaatje. He let me dismantle his novel, reimagine it, and still had dinner with me and gave me good notes. But the best thing about writing has been the writer's life, the sense of being expressed, the ownership of the day, the entirely specious sense of freedom we have, however slave we are to some boss or other. I wouldn't trade it for any other life.
- Anthony
Collection: Writing
Image of Waldo Salt
I ended up at fifty, over-the-hill, thinking I had no future. Finally, I realized that I had allowed myself to write less than I could. ... As writers true to ourselves, it will always be hard, and if we're good, we'll always be in trouble. Let's be sure we deserve it.
- Waldo Salt
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Eyre
We need to give out portrayal of ourselves. Every non-Indian writer writes about 1860 to 1890 pretty much, and there is no non-Indian writer that can write movies about contemporary Indians. Only Indians can. Indians are usually romanticized. Non-Indians are totally irrepsonsible with the appropriation of Indians, because any time tou have an Indian in a movie, it's political. They're not used as people, they're used as points.
- Chris Eyre
Collection: Writing
Image of Wong Kar-wai
Normally, filmmakers would just write a script and cast people to act as certain characters in the story. But in my way of doing things, I have the actors in my mind already, so I'm trying to borrow something that's unique to them. The characters have a very natural connection to the actors themselves.
- Wong Kar-wai
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Dorn
Ron Moore. He was the guy that on our show and Deep Space Nine wrote the best Klingon episodes. He wrote great episodes in general but he wrote the best Klingon episodes. I always could tell when he was going to write a Klingon episode because he was able to grow a beard really quick and I’d see him with the beard, like a Worf-beard, and I go "Ah, Klingon episode coming up!" and he goes "Oh yeah."
- Michael Dorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Carver
Write from the soul, not from some notion what you think the marketplace wants. The market is fickle; the soul is eternal.
- Jeffrey Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Chrissy Teigen
The thing about Donald [Trump] is the jokes write themselves. I don't even think of it to be trolling. What he says is the joke.
- Chrissy Teigen
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Thubron
The attributes you need to be a travel writer are somewhat contradictory. For travel you need to be tough and resilient and to write you must be sensitive and sympathetic.
- Colin Thubron
Collection: Writing
Image of Timothy Hutton
A film has a sort of life over time, whereas a TV show comes up in your living room, and its immediate, and people write about it.
- Timothy Hutton
Collection: Writing
Image of Esa Saarinen
There are lots of people who give their all and have that inner glow on. It's a shame that majority of them are under seven years old.
- Esa Saarinen
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry More
Perfect Scepticismeis a disease incurable, and a thing rather to be pitied or laughed at, then seriously opposed. For when aman is so fugitive and unsettled that he will not stand to the verdict of his own Faculties, one can no more fasten any thing upon him, than he can write in the water, or tye knots in the wind.
- Henry More
Collection: Writing
Image of Kathryn Harrison
For me, writing is inseparable from thinking. I could say the entire undertaking is a vast cerebral construct against my demons. It's the thing that I love. It's my identity.
- Kathryn Harrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Arda Collins
Maybe poetry's not so important, but ... it makes life worth living.
- Arda Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Stevenson
I write, or used to write, to explain to myself situations I couldn't otherwise solve or understand. Meditation comes very naturally to me.
- Anne Stevenson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Stevenson
Yes, I do often write poems from the mind, but I hope I don't ignore feelings and emotions.
- Anne Stevenson
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Cunningham
A writer should always feel like he's in over his head
- Michael Cunningham
Collection: Writing
Image of Ramsey Campbell
Now I rewrite more and more severely, and I take great pleasure in cutting thousands of words out of first drafts; I think that's a pleasure worth learning as early as possible in one's career, not least because realizing that one can do it helps one relax into writing the first draft in which it's better to have too much material for later shaping than not enough.
- Ramsey Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Maureen Howard
I like density, not volume. I like to leave something to the imagination. The reader must fit the pieces together, with the author's discreet help.
- Maureen Howard
Collection: Writing
Image of Maureen Howard
It was unavoidable, my writing. I feel I had no choice in the matter, no more than I had about an unfortunate bone structure and a healthy head of hair.
- Maureen Howard
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Shearn
You have to live your story before being able to write your story.
- Amy Shearn
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Schiff
I had been used to improvising and even in the audition I was feeling free to rearrange Aaron Sorkin words a little bit, as lovely as they were. I didn't find out until after I got the part how furious Aaron was at me for doing that. They said, "He was livid. He did everything in his power not to jump down your throat!" But I came to realise that Aaron was writing in metre and the rhythm of the language is very important.
- Richard Schiff
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Crabtree
Whatever machine you use, however sophisticated your technology , it's ideas that count. In the beginning was the idea. No machine will give you the ability to spot an opening, take a new idea, and see it through to profitable fruition.
- Tom Crabtree
Collection: Writing