Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 43

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 43 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Michel Leiris
I am imbued with the notion that a Muse is necessarily a dead woman, inaccessible or absent; that a poetic structure - like the canon, which is only a hole surrounded by steel - can be based only on what one does not have; and that ultimately one can write only to fill a void or at the least to situate, in relation to the most lucid part of ourselves, the place where this incommensurable abyss yawns within us.
- Michel Leiris
Collection: Writing
Image of Gregory Orr
I am committed now to one thing: lyric sequences. I want the intensity of lyric, but the scope and arc of narrative. so, I think I'll just write sequences for the foreseeable (the Beloved sequence doesn't have a 'plot' so I can just keep adding poems to it, it's like a giant bag I can just put beloved lyrics into - I think there are about 300 of them i've published by now).
- Gregory Orr
Collection: Writing
Image of John Larroquette
Write more. That's the advice I would give myself.
- John Larroquette
Collection: Writing
Image of John Larroquette
I guess we all have some sort of Rubicon that we haven't crossed in our lives and we've thought about for who knows how long. And for me, it's writing.
- John Larroquette
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Durang
I write intuitively, and with most of my plays, I don't know what is always going to happen. This means I can sometimes go off on a wrong tangent, and with luck then rewrite it in a better direction. But it means I sometimes surprise myself as I'm going along.
- Christopher Durang
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Durang
So many American plays are about family. When you're in the first part of your life, you write about family a lot. I find with my absurdist plays that I was actually writing about my family, but so disguised I didn't realize it myself.
- Christopher Durang
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Theroux
The world is a stage we walk upon. We are all in a way fictional characters who write ourselves with our beliefs.
- Louis Theroux
Collection: Writing
Image of Santino Marella
I'll write you a check. I'll write you a check. How do you spell Sheamus?
- Santino Marella
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Ames
I enjoy both TV writing and novel writing, and they are very similar. The goal is to entertain and amuse the audience, and I subscribe to this P.G. Wodehouse piece of advice: "Try to give pleasure with every sentence."
- Jonathan Ames
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Ames
Whether I'm writing scripts or prose, the goal is identical. To give pleasure. Now whether I succeed or not is up for debate, and, mostly, I fail. But I try. I like to make things. It's a way to stay busy during one's ephemeral and confusing life.
- Jonathan Ames
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Ames
Whenever I wrote fiction, people always seemed to think that what I wrote was true, that it was entirely autobiographical. And when I would write non-fiction, they often accused me of exaggeration and fictionalization.
- Jonathan Ames
Collection: Writing
Image of Alessandro Nivola
It's very hard to write music for a film because you're writing about somebody else's experience.
- Alessandro Nivola
Collection: Writing
Image of Clive Cussler
Sometimes my plot lines are so convoluted, I get calls from friends at 3 am saying; you SOB, you'll never pull this one off.
- Clive Cussler
Collection: Writing
Image of Ann Reed
This is also an execellent time to ask this question: Did I get lazy and go for a quick rhyme?
- Ann Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Mohammed Arkoun
Nasr combines in his writing audacious intellectual criticism, deep understanding of Islam... and a commitment to the Western-European contributions to the emancipation of the human condition.
- Mohammed Arkoun
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Earls
Don't be too concerned about the wingnut ears. Anxiety produces the wrong pheromones. Roll with the punches. Make time for life around your deep abiding need to write. Say Yes more, but not always. Say No enough that you have a life.
- Nick Earls
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Earls
I'm a plotter. A thinker, a note-maker, a mapper and a flow-charter. I'm up for using any device that will teach me more about the people I'm writing about and their story.
- Nick Earls
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Earls
The writing can be its own reward, as you discover more things that you can do. It counts a lot, though, when a story connects with a reader and they take the time to tell me about it.
- Nick Earls
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Amsterdam
I'm never going to write a whole paragraph describing what a living room looks like.
- Steven Amsterdam
Collection: Writing
Image of Zooey Deschanel
Writing music is really personal, and it's a really exciting thing to participate in because represents the full creative process: It feels like something is coming from nothing.
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Lacy
Brilliant, inspiring . . . if you are on a pursuit of self-mastery, make time to read this!
- Jennifer Lacy
Collection: Writing
Image of Niyi Osundare
One hasn't become a writer until one has distilled writing into a habit, and that habit has been forced into an obsession. Writing has to be an obsession. It has to be something as organic, physiological and psychological as speaking or sleeping or eating.
- Niyi Osundare
Collection: Writing
Image of Neal Gabler
Writing is not a profession, it's an addiction.
- Neal Gabler
Collection: Writing
Image of Neal Gabler
I didn't really care about money. I really wanted to follow my bliss. I really wanted to do the things that would make my life satisfying, in the fullest sense, and I was never thinking about money when I made those decisions. And I certainly didn't want my life to be driven by money. I'd seen my father's' life driven that way, and, although again, in retrospect, I understand fully why he did that, I didn't wanna live looking for that kind of financial reward. I wanted to live with the emotional, psychological, and even moral reward of doing the kind of work I do, which is, y'know, writing.
- Neal Gabler
Collection: Writing
Image of Allegra Goodman
Know your literary tradition, savor it, steal from it, but when you sit down to write, forget about worshiping greatness and fetishizing masterpieces.
- Allegra Goodman
Collection: Writing
Image of Martha Albrand
All writing is a process of elimination.
- Martha Albrand
Collection: Writing
Image of Corbin Bernsen
In comedy you sometimes have to look at the funny bone a little bit. So, that was the hardest part - was not offending. I'm not laughing at anybody. We're laughing together about who we are - and the funnier part of who we are. I'm (sure) not writing this and calling you a stereotype. I'm not doing that.
- Corbin Bernsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Betty Sue Flowers
So you're stuck. Every time your madman starts to write, your judge pounces on him... So start by promising your judge that you'll get around to asking his opinion, but not now. And then let the madman energy flow... Save details for the judge.
- Betty Sue Flowers
Collection: Writing
Image of Iron & Wine
I like writing in an illustrative, descriptive way. I prefer describing to rather than explaining.
- Iron & Wine
Collection: Writing
Image of Iron & Wine
Do I start with the lyrics? No. Quite honestly, it's the opposite. I generally get the melody first - I kinda fiddle around on the guitar and work out a melody. The lyrics are there to flesh out the tone of the music. I've tried before to do things the other way around, but it never seems to work. Obviously, I spend a lot of time on my lyrics, I take them very seriously, but they're kinda secondary. Well, equal, maybe. I think sometimes that if you write a poem, it should remain as just a poem, just... words.
- Iron & Wine
Collection: Writing
Image of Cameron Crowe
Many people don't have an outlet for their feelings or how they can express life and not everybody in a relationship is the kind of person who wants to. But if you can write, you can find a good way to do it.
- Cameron Crowe
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Ellin
No one put a gun to your head and ordered you to become a writer. One writes out of his own choice and must be prepared to take the rough spots along the road with a certain equanimity, though allowed some grinding of the teeth.
- Stanley Ellin
Collection: Writing
Image of Arlene Goldbard
Our lives with all their miracles and wonders are merely a discontinuous string of incidents - until we create the narrative that gives them meaning
- Arlene Goldbard
Collection: Writing
Image of Gary Louris
I can't write from the subconscious actually, because a lot of the time when I co-write with other people, I'm writing for them as opposed to for myself. When it comes to lyrics, I tend to want to give them their voice, since it's most likely going to be on their record, or somebody else's record. And I find for more commerial-style music, people want simplicity, less vagueness, and less space to fill between the lines, so to speak. So I can't be quite as ethereal and mystical.
- Gary Louris
Collection: Writing
Image of Rebecca Wells
I never claimed to be a low-maintenance gal, but when I'm writing, it's particularly challenging. I lose things constantly: my watch, my glasses, my papers, my mind.
- Rebecca Wells
Collection: Writing
Image of Jami Attenberg
Most of my writer friends are women, and they're all extremely talented, so of course I think the state of contemporary fiction for women is pretty great. Which is to say there is a ton of amazing work out there. These women are writing hard. There's much to be said. We're on it, chief.
- Jami Attenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Jami Attenberg
I've been told by people who write historical novels that you just sort of write the emotional truth first, the story at the core, and then you go back and research it at the end.
- Jami Attenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Byron White
We're the only branch of government that explains itself in writing every time itmakes a decision.
- Byron White
Collection: Writing
Image of Romany Malco
Writing a funny story is one thing. But writing a funny story that inspires others to venture beyond their level of comfort in pursuit of their greater good is what makes me come alive.
- Romany Malco
Collection: Writing
Image of Brett Dennen
As an artist I write about the world I want to live in. And as a musician and someone who is in the public eye, I think you have this responsibility to influence people. So I try influence people to live from their heart and make conscious decisions , and I try just inspire people to make positive change. That's purely the reason I do it. I want to see the world get better, you know?
- Brett Dennen
Collection: Writing
Image of Ethel Wilson
The business of writing is one of the four or five most private things in the world.
- Ethel Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Craig
To be creative, you have to be wrong most of the time.
- Joe Craig
Collection: Writing
Image of Ally Condie
Why are some things easier to write than say?
- Ally Condie
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Moreau Gottschalk
History is life; he who has not lived, or has lived only enough to write a doctoral dissertation, is too inexperienced with life to write good history.
- Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Harvey
Those who tell you it's tough at the top have never been at the bottom.
- Joe Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Josip Novakovich
"Foreboding" and "ominous" is what you're striving to achieve-not mention.
- Josip Novakovich
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Kleinman
We are storied folk. Stories are what we are; telling and listening to stories is what we do.
- Arthur Kleinman
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Kleinman
Stories open up new paths, sometimes send us back to old ones, and close off still others. Telling and listening to stories we too imaginatively walk down those paths - paths of longing, paths of hope, paths of desperation.
- Arthur Kleinman
Collection: Writing
Image of Dustin Diamond
We don't know what we're writing until it just comes out. We don't sit around crunching numbers
- Dustin Diamond
Collection: Writing