Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 236

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 236 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Barbara Kingsolver
This manuscript of yours that has just come back from another editor is a precious package. Don't consider it rejected. Consider that you've addressed it 'to the editor who can appreciate my work' and it has simply come back stamped 'Not at this address'. Just keep looking for the right address.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Writing
Image of Dean Koontz
A plot without action is like pasta without garlic, like Dolly Parton without cleavage, and like a writer without his similes.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Writing
Image of Chuck Klosterman
If I basically view criticism as sort of an interesting form of writing about oneself, an interesting form of autobiography, then I don't feel any pressure to have any kind of authoritative, universal voice. That kind of thing has never interested me.
- Chuck Klosterman
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
Writing is not life, but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of C. S. Lewis
The story itself should force its moral upon you. You find out what the moral is by writing the story.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Writing
Image of C. S. Lewis
We can never know that a piece of writing is bad unless we have begun by trying to read it as if it was very good and ended by discovering that we were paying the author an undeserved compliment.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Writing
Image of Aldo Leopold
A conservationist is one who is humbly aware that with each stroke [of the axe] he is writing his signature on the face of his land.
- Aldo Leopold
Collection: Writing
Image of Dov Davidoff
Writing a new film about cereal killers. Not serial killers, cereal killers. The main character can eat two, three boxes at a time.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Felipe Esparza
Every week for me was the same audience, and every week they heckled me. The better I got at comedy, the better the audience was at heckling me. But it helped me with my joke writing.
- Felipe Esparza
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Writing pornography is deadly, nothing duller. I mean a toll-taker has a more exciting life than a pornographer.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Writing is so hard. Why would you be a writer if you weren't really good at it? If you could be anything else, why would you be a writer?
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Most writers write too much. I have the exact opposite problem. I feel I could write almost anything in a paragraph. I have a natural ability to condense, and so I often think, "Are you kidding me? Five thousand words? How am I gonna make 5,000 words out of that?"
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
There are some great writers who are great talkers, but there are more great writers who are not great talkers. People seem to think there is some connection between talking and writing, but I love to talk and if there were some connection between the two of them I would be the most prolific writer in the history of the world.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
I have a hard time writing. Most writers have a hard time writing. I have a harder time than most because I'm lazier than most. I don't want to brag, but I'm the laziest person I have ever known.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Fran Lebowitz
I have the exact opposite problem of every writer I've ever met: Every writer I've ever met writes things that are too long, and they have to edit them down.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis L'Amour
I really learned how to write from Robert Louis Stevenson, Anthony Trollope, and de Maupassant.
- Louis L'Amour
Collection: Writing
Image of Val Kilmer
If you play Mark Twain and he's not funny, you are definitely not playing Mark Twain. That was the biggest challenge, in some ways. Writing and performing jokes that can come out of that brilliant delivery system he constructed: the friendly, avuncular truth-teller.
- Val Kilmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Talib Kweli
They ask me what I'm writing for - I'm writing to show you what we're fighting for.
- Talib Kweli
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicholas D. Kristof
Write letters to your editors, write to your members of Congress, and write to your news stations.
- Nicholas D. Kristof
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicholas D. Kristof
You could perhaps better tell the story of a place by writing of a tiny village as a sort of prism into the bigger issues the culture was facing. It struck me as a better way to learn about a place, or at least a different way, than just going to interview the president. So I have often tried to tell the story of a place through people there. But I'm just amazed.
- Nicholas D. Kristof
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Kunitz
Poetry today is easier to write but harder to remember.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Mila Kunis
I think that you have to restrain yourself from googling your name and have other hobbies and desires and wants. You do a million things. You go to school, you write, you read, you blog.
- Mila Kunis
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Morrow Lindbergh
What release to write so that one forgets oneself, forgets one's companion, forgets where one is or what one is going to do next to be drenched in sleep or in the sea. Pencils and pads and curling blue sheets alive with letters heap up on the desk.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonah Lehrer
Harlow would later write, "If monkeys have taught us anything, it's that you've got to learn how to love before you learn how to live.
- Jonah Lehrer
Collection: Writing
Image of George Henry Lewes
To write much, and to write rapidly, are empty boasts. The world desires to know what you have done, and not how you did it.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Kronenberger
One must never judge the writer by the man; but one may fairly judge the man by the writer.
- Louis Kronenberger
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Zambreno
It is only through having a stable loving partnership that I began to feel in control enough to attempt a strict writing discipline, to realize something I always knew was simmering underneath.
- Kate Zambreno
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Koch
Also, I liked John Cage's music. I liked it for its craziness, the use of silence, the boldness-anything to get me away from writing about.. I don't know what academic poets write about.
- Kenneth Koch
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles de Lint
The thing to remember when you're writing," he said, " is, it's not whether or not what you put on paper is true. It's whether it wakes a truth in your reader. I don't care what literary device you might use, or belief systems you tap into--if you can make a story true for the reader, if you can give them a glimpse into another way of seeing the world, or another way that they can cope with their problems, then that story is a succes.
- Charles de Lint
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
I'd like to learn French well enough to write in that language.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
I started writing seriously when I was about 12. I am always in the mood.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
I like to write short stories more because I never met a writer who wasn't lazy. And a short story is, by its very definition, short. It is something that generally you can turn out in a week to two weeks depending on how well it goes for you. But, at the same time, it gives the same satisfaction of creating a complete world.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
I want to write about spiders. To me, this is the one theme that cuts right across and scares just about everybody. Spiders, to me, are just about the most horrible, awful things that I can think about. I think everyone is afraid of spiders.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Lethem
The world's large enough and interesting enough to take a different approach each time you sit down to write about it.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Lethem
So much of the effort that goes into writing prose for me is about making sentences that capture the music that I'm hearing in my head. It takes a lot of work, writing, writing, and rewriting to get the music exactly the way you want it to be.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Lethem
Writing is physical for me. I always have the sense that the words are coming out of my body, not just my mind.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Writing
Image of David Livingstone
It is far easier to travel than to write about it.
- David Livingstone
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
Don't wait for the muse. She has a lousy work ethic. Writers just write.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen King
Poe was the first writer to write about main characters who were bad guys or who were mad guys, and those are some of my favorite stories.
- Stephen King
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis L'Amour
You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.
- Louis L'Amour
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Kushner
The fear of a work becoming dated is one of the most effective tools for keeping people from writing political work.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Kushner
I write plays and movies, I live and work at the borderline between word and image just as any cartoonist or illustrator does. I’m not a pure writer. I use words as the score for kinetic imagistic representations.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Kushner
There are certainly people for whom politics is not a category that helps you understand human existence. In fact, it's kind of a detour into superficiality, and although I disagree with those people, I don't think it's the case that everyone who writes has to write politically or has to write in opposition to the really horrendous things that are going on on a political level in the world today. There are some writers who simply aren't any good at that and really should stay away from it.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Kushner
If you're a playwright, unless you're really lacking in get-up-and-go, you can always get your play up somewhere. You can't necessarily make a living doing it, but theater is about meeting an audience. Plays are not easier to write necessarily, they take less time to write. If you get them up, it's a much more rough-and-tumble kind of existence. I think it's, from my perspective, easier than novel writing.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Writing
Image of Brie Larson
I would go into periods of depression in my life, and I would feel so alone. I felt that there was no one who understood how I felt, either on TV or in music, and writing really helped me change what I thought and how I felt about myself.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Writing
Image of Kris Kristofferson
I'll probably be writing as long as I'm breathing.
- Kris Kristofferson
Collection: Writing
Image of C. S. Lewis
Even when I feared and detested Christianity, I was struck by its essential unity, which, in spite of its divisions, it has never lost. I trembled on recognizing the same unmistakable aroma coming from the writings of Dante and Bunyan, Thomas Aquinas and William Law.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Writing
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
We want to be famous as a writer, as a poet, as a painter, as a politician, as a singer, or what you will. Why? Because we really don't love what we are doing. If you loved to sing, or to paint, or to write poems, if you really loved it you would not be concerned with whether you are famous or not.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Writing