Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 225

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 225 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Pauline Kael
I’m frequently asked why I don’t write my memoirs. I think I have.
- Pauline Kael
Collection: Writing
Image of Miranda July
I think because I write so many short stories, it's not that hard to come up with characters that are not me.
- Miranda July
Collection: Writing
Image of Miranda July
My ideal life is just lounging around the house and every once in a while I'll kind of write something, and then I'll leave and eat something and masturbate or whatever - just this very fluid life of comforting myself.
- Miranda July
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Writing is the starting point from which all goodness (and crappiness) flows.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill James
I tried not to write about the O.J. Simpson case too much because so much has already been said about it, but there are a lot of questions left worth asking. However, the case is very useful to illustrate other points. The case is a common reference point because everybody knows the ins and outs of it, more than any other case in this generation, so it becomes useful to reference other points. In itself, there aren't that many questions about it that remain unanswered.
- Bill James
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas Adams
I find that writing is a constant battle with exactly the same problems you've always had.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Janney
I'm kind of at the mercy of writers out there. I need a writer out there who wants to write a vehicle for me. Do it and get it to me immediately. I do want to be a lead. I want to play a lead role in a movie.
- Allison Janney
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Janney
Aaron Sorkin uses a lot of the same people again and again - the people he likes. I think if there's ever a part for me, he would consider me for it. I hope so. Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt, other times it helps you. It's just amazing to work with his scripts. There's never any fat in them. It's all perfect, and there's such a rhythm to it. The musicality of his writing - it's so specific and unique to him, and such a joy to play as an actor, because there's no sentimentality.
- Allison Janney
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Green Ingersoll
There is no necessity for going to the church and hearing the same story forever. Let the minister write what he wishes to say. Let him publish it. If it is worth buying, people will read it. It is hardly fair to get them in a church in the name of duty and there inflict upon them a sermon that under no circumstances they would read...the idea of going fifty-two days in a year to hear anybody on the same subject is absurd.
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Green Ingersoll
Wait until the world is free before you write a creed. In this creed there will be but one word -- Liberty.
- Robert Green Ingersoll
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
No writer can be fully convicted of imitation except there is a concurrence of more resemblance than can be imagined to have happened by chance; as where the same ideas are conjoined without any natural series or necessary coherence, or where not only the thought but the words are copied.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
As not every instance of similitude can be considered as a proof of imitation, so not every imitation ought to be stigmatised as plagiarism. The adoption of a noble sentiment, or the insertion of a borrowed ornament, may sometimes display so much judgment as will almost compensate for invention; and an inferior genius may, without any imputation of servility, pursue the paths of the ancients, provided he declines to tread in their footsteps.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ella Baker
I suppose that the first organized effort that might be considered something of civil rights was the Young Negroes' Cooperative League. Now, this offers certain contradictions at this point, perhaps, because it was stimulated by the writings of George Schayler who, at this point, is considered an arch-conservative, I understand.
- Ella Baker
Collection: Writing
Image of Angelina Jolie
I think I was probably able to flip characters in my head as if I was playing different roles in order to write the different people because you kind of have to be one person, and inhabit him and write from his voice and be her and write her voice. So I think that helped.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Jung
The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Writing
Image of Kazuo Ishiguro
The reason I wouldn't dare to write a Western is simply because that seems to be so much a part of American culture. Maybe if I want to write a Western enough I should try to overcome that fear, but I'll certainly feel like I'm trespassing. I feel that that is so much a part of American foundation myth, it's part of the myth of America, the American vision of what America is, which people have glorified and then challenged and then vilified.
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
The liberty of the press is a blessing when we are inclined to write against others, and a calamity when we find ourselves overborne by the multitude of our assailants.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
The wickedness of a loose or profane author is more atrocious than that of a giddy libertine or drunken ravisher, not only because it extends its effects wider, as a pestilence that taints the air is more destructive than poison infused in a draught, but because it is committed with cool deliberation.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
The faults of a writer of acknowledged excellence are more dangerous, because the influence of his example is more extensive; and the interest of learning requires that they should be discovered and stigmatized, before they have the sanction of antiquity conferred upon them, and become precedents of indisputable authority.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Leigh Hunt
Write me as one who loves his fellow men.
- Leigh Hunt
Collection: Writing
Image of Nikos Kazantzakis
I say one thing, you write another, and those who read you understand still something else! I say: cross, death, kingdom of heaven, God...and what do you understand? Each of you attaches his own suffering, interests and desires to each of these sacred words, and my words disappear, my soul is lost. I can't stand it any longer!
- Nikos Kazantzakis
Collection: Writing
Image of Julianna Baggott
You want the greatest trick for writing a novel? Here it is: imagine urgently whispering your story into one person's ear - and only one. This one visualization will clarify every word choice you make.
- Julianna Baggott
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Writing is one way to achieve enchantment.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Kawasaki
For me writing is as close to being an engineer as possible.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
It is indeed certain, that whoever attempts any common topick, will find unexpected coincidences of his thoughts with those of other writers; nor can the nicest judgment always distinguish accidental similitude from artful imitation.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jane Jacobs
Writing, printing, and the Internet give a false sense of security about the permanence of culture.
- Jane Jacobs
Collection: Writing
Image of Heidi Julavits
As such, anything is always possible, even if your protagonist is a plumber. But it's the possibility, the limitless possibilities, of any fake life, that make writing about it so challenging.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Writing
Image of Heidi Julavits
Whether I'm writing about plumbers or psychics or psychic plumbers, I want to find a creative space that imprisons me usefully, so I can deviate with purpose.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Knight
A commission and an original are two different things, and both have their virtues and vices. A commission is a bit more collaborative, in that you outline the story that you think should be told, and then you write it.
- Steven Knight
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Joubert
The voice is a human sound which nothing inanimate can perfectly imitate. It has an authority and an insinuating property which writing lacks. It is not merely so much air, but air modulated and impregnated with life.
- Joseph Joubert
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Jefferson
On the subject of the history of the American Revolution, you ask who shall write it? Who can write it? And who will ever be able to write it? Nobody, except merely its external facts... all its councils, designs and discussions having been conducted by Congress [behind] closed doors - and no members, as far as I know, having even made notes of them. These, which are the life and soul of history, must forever be unknown.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Writing
Image of David Icke
I have been saying and writing for so many years that one sentence can encapsulate the totality of life, of existence, of being: Infinite love is the only truth-everything else is Illusion.
- David Icke
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Kerouac
Details are the Life of Prose.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Writing
Image of Tracy Kidder
People say you cant teach writing, but I think thats nonsense.
- Tracy Kidder
Collection: Writing
Image of Tracy Kidder
The hardest thing was learning to write. I was 13, and the only writing I had done was for Social Studies. It consisted of copying passages right out of the encyclopedia
- Tracy Kidder
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Bach
It took time to learn that the hard thing about writing is to let the story write itself, while one sits at the typewriter and does as little thinking as possible. It happened over and over again, and the beginner learned - when you start puzzling over an idea, and slowing down on the keys, the writing gets worse and worse.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Writing
Image of Erica Jong
the only people worth writing about are those about whom the last word cannot be said.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Writing
Image of Garrison Keillor
For me, the monologue was the favorite thing I had done in radio. It was based on writing, but in the end it was radio, it was standing up and leaning forward into the dark and talking, letting words come out of you.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Kafka
Writing is a deeper sleep than death. Just as one wouldn't pull a corpse from its grave, I can't be dragged from my desk at night.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Kafka
I need solitude for my writing; not 'like a hermit' - that wouldn't be enough - but like a dead man.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Writing
Image of Hugh Jackman
You have to find your own shtick. A Picasso always looks like Picasso painted it. Hemingway always sounds like Hemingway. A Beethoven symphony always sounds like a Beethoven symphony. Part of being a master is learning how to sing in nobody else's voice but your own.
- Hugh Jackman
Collection: Writing
Image of Hugh Jackman
Write down five things you love to do. Next, write down five things that you're really good at. Then just try to match them up! Revisit your list once a year to make sure you're on the right track.
- Hugh Jackman
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry James
If I should certainly say to a novice, 'Write from experience and experience only,' I should feel that this was rather a tantalizing monition if I were not careful immediately to add, 'Try to be one of the people on whom nothing is lost.'
- Henry James
Collection: Writing
Image of David Jeremiah
If you were to write your life motto, what would it say? Look out for number one? Or look out for the needs of others?
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Kerouac
If you dont [sic] say what you want, what's the sense of writing?
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Writing
Image of Rich Fulcher
I thought you'd be arguing [in the law school], and then I realized you have to read all these cases, and it's mostly writing, and then I just thought, "Well, I might as well stay and get the degree."
- Rich Fulcher
Collection: Writing
Image of James Joyce
For myself, I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world. In the particular is contained the universal.
- James Joyce
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Jonson
Who casts to write a living line, must sweat.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Jonson
Ready writing makes not good writing, but good writing brings on ready writing.
- Ben Jonson
Collection: Writing