David Jeremiah

Image of David Jeremiah
The Old Testament teaches us that if we humble ourselves and pray, God will hear from heaven and heal our land. And the New Testament assures us that the fervent prayers of righteous men can make a difference.
- David Jeremiah
Image of David Jeremiah
I have been asked this question over and over again: 'Dr. Jeremiah, do you think God is finished with America?' But that is the wrong question. The right question is: 'Is America finished with God?'
- David Jeremiah
Image of David Jeremiah
Spiritually, we have marginalized the Bible. We've trivialized marriage, and we've neutralized the church. America today is in great turmoil. It feels like the soul of our nation has been taken from us.
- David Jeremiah
Image of David Jeremiah
When you follow God's will for your life, you can see how yesterday's events prepared you for today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
No circumstance, person, or difficulty can stop the plans and the promises of God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Prayer is the way you defeat the devil, reach the lost, restore a backslider, strengthen the saints, send missionaries out, cure the sick, accomplish the impossible, and know the will of God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Prayer
Image of David Jeremiah
This is a time when all of God's people need to keep their eyes and their Bibles wide open. We must ask God for discernment as never before.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Eye
Image of David Jeremiah
When the problem is worry, the prescription is prayer.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
Success can come to a person who has failed, but it will never come to a person who quits
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Quitting
Image of David Jeremiah
We don't know what will happen tomorrow, but one thing is guaranteed-God's overarching care for His children. We can be sure enough of that. In a world where nothing is sure, He is sure.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Children
Image of David Jeremiah
God is no further from you on your worst day than He is on your best day. Just open your heart to receive Him and His love.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Don't wait until the moment of crisis. Plan ahead, hide God's Word in your heart, and pray in advance for victory, holiness, and a life pleasing to God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
When you're facing all the issues of life and you don't know what to do, accept the fact that you are human. We all are. We don't have the capacity to understand Almighty God. But you know what? We know Jesus Christ. He's the wisdom of God. And He put His Holy Spirit in us. So having access to the Holy Spirit and Jesus, we can face the challenges of today with the wisdom of God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
If you are a Christian, your search for approval should be over.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
Our attitude toward others reveals our genuine attitude toward God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Encouragement
Image of David Jeremiah
Faith is the solid, unshakable confidence in God which is built upon assurance that He is faithful to His promises.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Faith
Image of David Jeremiah
As you read the Word of God today, read it with expectancy and anticipation for the changes it will make in you.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Every time we deny ourselves in order to serve someone else, we grow in Christ.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Answers to prayer have to be on God's schedule, not ours. He hears us pray, and He answers according to His will in His own time.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Prayer
Image of David Jeremiah
Christian joy is letting Christ live His life out through you so that what He is, you become.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
When we feel that old spirit of complaining start to bubble up in our hearts, we need to remind ourselves to take time to thank God for His blessings.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
God loves you as though you are the only person in the world, and He loves everyone the way He loves you.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Love You
Image of David Jeremiah
First, forgive. Second, forget by choosing not to dwell on that which is forgiven and in the past. We have no right to keep in front of us what God has put behind Him.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
When we take voice lessons from the Master, we learn to speak with tenderness.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Voice
Image of David Jeremiah
We are ever surrounded by undeserved blessings. Even in His silence, He blesses us.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Blessing
Image of David Jeremiah
When the Bible uses the words salvation, Savior, and save, it's speaking of the total work of God in bringing people from a state of death - hopeless separation from God - to a state of everlasting life through the forgiveness of sin, based on the merits of Christ Jesus who died and rose again. Saving us is the greatest and most concrete demonstration of God's love, the definitive display of His grace throughout time and eternity.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
Heaven is not a figment of imagination. It is not a feeling or an emotion. It is not the "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." It is a prepared place for a prepared people.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Jeremiah
For many little girls, life with father is a dress rehearsal for love and marriage.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Girl
Image of David Jeremiah
A girl's father is the first man in her life, and probably the most influential.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Girl
Image of David Jeremiah
Our fleshly nature tempts us to put ourselves above others or seek a position or place for ourselves instead of allowing others to have it.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
When we gather for worship, whether with a handful in a storefront chapel or with thousands in St. Peter's Square, we perform a drama with different parts-speaking and singing and praying and giving money and baptizing and eating bread and drinking wine-all for the delight of God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Drama
Image of David Jeremiah
We can still turn the world upside down. We can be living torches for Christ today.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you already have the Holy Spirit living within you.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
God created the heavens and the earth to reveal His glory. Don't allow creation to eclipse and steal the worship God desires and deserves.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
You may not be able to predict the time of a tornado, earthquake or the Lord's return. But you can know for a fact that He is coming back. Work today to share the escape route of God's grace with others, before the night cometh.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Time
Image of David Jeremiah
The universe is filled with the evidence of God's greatness. In awesome wonder we can consider the worlds He has made.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
But evil has been around since the Garden of Eden, and God's plan for victory was designed before the world began. The Bible tells us to fear no evil.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
The greatest lessons to be learned about life, love, purpose, meaning, and priority are to be learned from children.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Children
Image of David Jeremiah
That’s the way it is with our Father in Heaven. When you became a son or a daughter, when you were adopted into His family, He opened up for you through His Son’s death on the cross a way of fellowship and relationship that makes it possible for you to bypass the temple and its animal sacrifices. You don’t have to talk to God through a priest. You can go right into the presence of God Almighty and He will hear you.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Jeremiah
With Jesus we have 100 percent security, and no one can ever breach the parameters of His love.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
It's also important to develop a burden for the lost.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Important
Image of David Jeremiah
Christians are not perfect, and all of us do sin along the way. But genuine Christians hear His voice and follow Him.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian
Image of David Jeremiah
Salvation is one of the Bible's great words, but many don't understand that the Bible presents salvation in three stages. Many people consider salvation a one-time, past event. They forget its ongoing nature.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Past
Image of David Jeremiah
If your world today seems confusing, be comforted by the words of the prophets of God who have told you what the future holds for you as a child of God.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Children
Image of David Jeremiah
He is able to help His children work through anything, and not a single thing is going to happen in the future that can change that fact.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Children
Image of David Jeremiah
Names can be a doorway into knowing who a person is, and that is certainly true of God. A study of His names is a study of who He is and will be for you.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
If you have accepted Christ, your sins have been washed away, and you have been born again into a new life through faith in the God-Man, Jesus Christ, who came to rescue this world.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word with boldness. Even when threatened with punishment, he said that he could not help but share the things he had seen and heard.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Punishment
Image of David Jeremiah
When we share Christ, the Truth behind our transformation, we are offering people an opportunity to be transformed.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: God
Image of David Jeremiah
Worship is an endeavor to bring to God that which costs you something.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Christian