Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 227

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 227 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Samuel Johnson
[The poet] must write as the interpreter of nature and the legislator of mankind, and consider himself as presiding over the thoughts and manners of future generations, as a being superior to time and place.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
A Poet, Naturalist, and Historian, Who left scarcely any style of writing untouched, And touched nothing that he did not adorn.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
Nay, Sir, those who write in them, write well, in order to be paid well.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
I advised Chambers, and would advise every young man beginning to compose, to do it as fast as he can, to get a habit of having his mind to start promptly; it is so much more difficult to improve in speed than in accuracy.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Michio Kaku
...the laws of physics, carefully constructed after thousands of years of experimentation, are nothing but the laws of harmony one can write down for strings and membranes. The laws of chemistry are the melodies that one can play on these strings. the universe is a symphony of strings. And the "Mind of God," which Einstein wrote eloquently about, is cosmic music resonating throughout hyperspace.
- Michio Kaku
Collection: Writing
Image of St. Jerome
To read without writing is to sleep.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Jackson
I'll never forget that little apple box I stood on because I couldn't reach the microphone. My name was written on it and it's sitting at Diana Ross's house now. She has all my little doodling papers I would draw and write.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Writing
Image of Pico Iyer
Writing should ... be as spontaneous and urgent as a letter to a lover, or a message to a friend who has just lost a parent ... and writing is, in the end, that oddest of anomalies: an intimate letter to a stranger
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Masiela Lusha
I'm thinking like the character in order to be as authentic as I can. But after a while, how would I be able to cleanse myself from this unless I do something that's a different medium but also creative. That's what I do. It's my little ritual. After every filming, I just write a poem about it and my character specifically and I can let her go.
- Masiela Lusha
Collection: Writing
Image of Masiela Lusha
I need to be able to write a poem after every film and to kind of cleanse myself from the character because for about three months or so, I'm constantly living through the character's eyes.
- Masiela Lusha
Collection: Writing
Image of Masiela Lusha
If I'm not writing a poem to decompress from my experiences on a movie set, I usually just cook and it's like meditative. Especially since I'm at the stage now where I don't really use measuring cups. Kind of instinctual, I just kind of prepare my own dishes as I go along.
- Masiela Lusha
Collection: Writing
Image of Masiela Lusha
I'm an actress, primarily. I love to write poetry. I've been writing poetry since I was 12 years old.
- Masiela Lusha
Collection: Writing
Image of Scarlett Johansson
I don't know necessarily that I would produce under my own company right now. Producing is not something that I'm thinking about. Directing is something that I will be doing very shortly, trying to figure out what to get my hands on. And I can't imagine writing a script and wanting to direct it and not having a producing credit, because I would want to have a big chunk of power on that end, if I wrote something.
- Scarlett Johansson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
Sure, retarded jokes write themselves. But the spelling is always way off.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
Todd Glass has amazing energy on stage. Dave Attell is one of my favorites because he's a one liner comic who is always incredibly in the moment with the audience. As for newer people, I think Adrienne Iapalucci writes some great, dark jokes and Sean Patton has a hilarious voice on stage.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas Adams
I love to keep poking and prodding at it. I’ve thought about it so much over the years that that fascination is bound to spill over into my writing.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Writing
Image of Randall Jarrell
whether they write poems or don't write poems, poets are best.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Randall Jarrell
A successful poem says what a poet wants to say, and more, with particular finality. The remarks he makes about his poems are incidental when the poem is good, or embarrassing or absurd when it is bad and he is not permitted to say how the good poem is good, and may never know how the bad poem is bad. It is better to write about other people's poetry.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
I know not, Madam, that you have a right, upon moral principles, to make your readers suffer so much.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Juvenal
Writing in the incurable itch that possesses many.
- Juvenal
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert M. Hutchins
A student can win twelve letters at a university without learning how to write one.
- Robert M. Hutchins
Collection: Writing
Image of Langston Hughes
For my best poems were all written when I felt the worst. When I was happy, I didn't write anything.
- Langston Hughes
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Joel
I'm writing for the sake of writing music. Whether it gets heard or not isn't an issue for me. It keeps my own juices going and my mind active.
- Billy Joel
Collection: Writing
Image of Tahar Ben Jelloun
I am glad to have found a readership, but one can’t write only what is likely to sell. A writer is not a shopkeeper. A writer creates an imaginary world that he transmits to others.
- Tahar Ben Jelloun
Collection: Writing
Image of Daisaku Ikeda
Life is filled with potential that is truly unfathomable. At last we are coming to see the enormous power it possesses. That is why we must never write anyone off. In particular, we mustn’t put boundaries on our own potential. In most cases, our so-called limitations are nothing more than our own decision to limit ourselves.
- Daisaku Ikeda
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
If you want to be a writer, then write. Write every day!
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of James Joyce
I have the words already. What I am seeking is the perfect order of words in the sentence. You can see for yourself how many different ways they might be arranged.
- James Joyce
Collection: Writing
Image of Ansel Adams
All I can do in my writing is to stimulate a certain amount of thought, clarify some technical facts and date my work. But when I preach sharpness, brilliancy, scale, etc., I am just mouthing words, because no words can really describe those terms and qualities it takes the actual print to say, “here it is.
- Ansel Adams
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Jung
All my writings may be considered tasks imposed from within, their source was a fateful compulsion. What I wrote were things that assailed me from within myself. I permitted the spirit that moved me to speak out.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Writing
Image of Mindy Kaling
When I was a kid, I would always write down lists of my favorite things and keep them in my wallet, just in case someone ever needed to know what my 10 favorite foods were, or my 10 favorite actors.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Writing
Image of John Irving
You bet I write disaster fiction. We have compiled a disastrous record on this planet, a record of stupidity and absurdity and self-abuse and self-aggrandizement and self-deception and pompousness and self-righteousness and cruelty and indifference beyond what any other species has demonstrated the capacity for, which is the capacity for all the above.
- John Irving
Collection: Writing
Image of John Irving
The concept of writing a novel and not knowing where it's going - I don't know how to do that. Novels are plot- and character-driven, so if I don't know what becomes of people, how can I know where it should begin?
- John Irving
Collection: Writing
Image of John F. Kennedy
To exclude from positions of trust and command all those below the age of 44 would have kept Jefferson from writing the Declaration of Independence, Washington from commanding the Continental Army, Madison from fathering the Constitution, Hamilton from serving as secretary of the treasury, Clay from being elected speaker of the House and Christopher Columbus from discovering America.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Johnson
To fix the thoughts by writing, and subject them to frequent examinations and reviews, is the best method of enabling the mind to detect its own sophisms, and keep it on guard against the fallacies which it practices on others
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of June Jordan
The music of language became extremely important to me, and obvious to me. By the time I was seven I was writing myself. I was a poet
- June Jordan
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Joel
If you said good-bye to me tonight, There would still be music left to write.
- Billy Joel
Collection: Writing
Image of Randall Jarrell
Many poets write as if they had been decerebrated, and not simply lobotomized, as a cure for their melancholia.
- Randall Jarrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Alicia Keys
Writing in my journal keeps me focused on my spirit and what I need or feel.
- Alicia Keys
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas Adams
Many words and expressions which only a matter of decades ago were considered so distastefully explicit that, were they merely to be breathed in public, the perpetrator would be shunned, barred from polite society, and in extreme cases shot through the lungs, are now thought to be very healthy and proper, and their use in everyday speech and writing is evidence of a well-adjusted, relaxed and totally un****ed-up personality.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Writing
Image of Pico Iyer
Writing is, in the end, that oddest of anomalies: an intimate letter to a stranger.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Jackson
I could compose and write music and get to share it with the masses and the people around the world and to have them to receive it so beautifully - I love that.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Jackson
I am always writing a potpourri of music. I want to give the world escapism through the wonder of great music and to reach the masses.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Writing
Image of Melanie Martinez
If I don't see a music video to it while writing it, I just scrap it immediately. It's very visual.
- Melanie Martinez
Collection: Writing
Image of Storm Jameson
The older I grow the more sharply I mistrust words. So few of them have any meaning left. It is impossible to write one sentence in which every word has the bareness and hardness of bones, the reality of the skeleton.
- Storm Jameson
Collection: Writing
Image of Francis Bacon
Who then to frail mortality shall trust But limns the water, or but writes in dust.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Writing
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Of course, I may go into a strange bedroom every now and then that I don't want you to write about, but otherwise you can write everything.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Charlie Kaufman
I don't have a style. I wouldn't say I have a style as a writer, either. I know people have said "This is what he does," but when I'm writing, I don't think about that. I don't think about a style.
- Charlie Kaufman
Collection: Writing
Image of Charlie Kaufman
Seriously, I don't consider myself a writer. I don't think I have writing talent. But I will continue to do it.
- Charlie Kaufman
Collection: Writing