Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 193

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 193 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Kate DiCamillo
As Elmore Leonard says, I write to find out what happens.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I didn't know at the time I was writing Because of Winn-Dixie where the story came from, but in retrospect I can see that it was a response to a terribly harsh winter here in Minnesota.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I think I spent more time on the mellotron than on any other instrument in the studio, and it got to the point where I was like, "Well, you can't write an entire album on this instrument." But maybe I would!
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Dalio
I do think people need to recognize that a lot of journalists want to write a story a certain way because the story will be better or the portrayal will be better, or at least recognize that whenever you're looking at something, you're seeing it through somebody's eyes who may actually not be the person who is the most insightful.
- Ray Dalio
Collection: Writing
Image of George Crabbe
Who often reads, will sometimes wish to write.
- George Crabbe
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
Sometimes what I'm writing is more important to me than the rest of my life. It's more important to me that I'm writing well than anything else.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
I think in most cases, unless you're writing about a character who is garrulous, you say what you've got to say and then get out. Those little conjunctions, those little turnaround words help you do it. That's the way I like to write: I get rid of things rather than add them.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Newman
I like to write my lyrics on clay tablets.
- Randy Newman
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
Writing a novel is like childbirth: once you realize how awful it really is, you never want to do it again.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Conrad
That's one of the great thing about writing is that you get to be in someone's head.
- Lauren Conrad
Collection: Writing
Image of David Copperfield
I got to watch Frank Capra, in his eighties, in action. You read all the stories about Frank Capra fighting with the head of Columbia, Harry Cohn, "It's my way or the highway." I got to watch that. He lambasted me, "You cannot do this. You will fail." Finally, after another hour of conversation, I convinced him to help me write the speech.
- David Copperfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Isak Dinesen
I start with a tingle, a kind of feeling of the story I will write. Then come the characters, and they take over, they make the story.
- Isak Dinesen
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex Gaskarth
I think my biggest revelation was to write entirely from the heart, and to convey emotion, even when it meant forcing myself to feel uncomfortable in doing so.
- Alex Gaskarth
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Dennett
... there could be talking bunny rabbits, spiders who write English messages in their webs, and for that matter, melancholy choo-choo trains. There could be, I suppose, but there aren't-so my theory doesn't have to explain them.
- Daniel Dennett
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Didion
It occurs to me as I write that this "white light," usually presented dippily (evidence of afterlife, higher power), is in fact precisely consistent with the oxygen deficit that occurs as blood flow to the brain decreases. "Everything went white," those whose blood pressure has dropped say of the instant before they faint.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Darwin
People complain of the unequal distribution of wealth [but it is a far greater] injustice that any one man should have the power to write so many brilliant essays... There is no one who writes like [Thomas Huxley].
- Charles Darwin
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell T Davies
Harriet Jones: Did you notice when they fart, if you'll pardon the word, it doesn't just smell like a fart, if you'll pardon the word, it's something else. What is it? It's more like, um... Rose Tyler: Bad breath. Harriet Jones: That's it! The Doctor: Calcium decay. Now that Narrows it down!.. Calcium phosphate. Organic calcium. Living calcium. Creatures made out of living calcium. What else - what else? Hyphenated surnames. Yes! That narrows it down to one planet! Raxacoricofallapatorius! Mickey Smith: [sarcastically] Oh yeah, great! We can write 'em a letter.
- Russell T Davies
Collection: Writing
Image of Austin O'Malley
It is a mean thief or a successful author that plunders the dead.
- Austin O'Malley
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Walsh
A burro is an ass. A burrow is a hole in the ground. As a journalist you are expected to know the difference.
- Bill Walsh
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Wouldn't that be wonderful if I could do that? And that way, I could walk with the muse, rather than walk without her. The novel would write itself.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
After Fifty Shades of Grey, I think my writing is pretty tame, isn't it?
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Just because suddenly you have a sabbatical doesn't mean that the writing occasion comes to you.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Writing
Image of Annie Dillard
Whenever an encounter between a writer of good will and a regular person of good will happens to touch on the subject of writing, each person discovers, dismayed, that good will is of no earthly use. The conversation cannot proceed.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Writing
Image of Ani DiFranco
What I like about being independent [in the music industry] is that anybody who does play the album on the radio and anybody who does choose to write in the media does so because they want to, because they like it or because they find something interesting there, not because they have to.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Writing
Image of Seungri
I'd like to become better at writing music by continuing to study it.
- Seungri
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Daniels
I also write plays, so I understand the writers mind, and how obsessed you can get writing.
- Jeff Daniels
Collection: Writing
Image of Renee O'Connor
Because I've always been more afraid of writing than I have of doing anything visually such as directing or acting.
- Renee O'Connor
Collection: Writing
Image of Katrina Kaif
Actors, who invest a lot of time and energy, will never put down each other. Every one of us has their own space in the industry. These stories are either publicity mechanisms or someone just writes them to create a controversy.
- Katrina Kaif
Collection: Writing
Image of Roald Dahl
Good writing is essentially rewriting.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Writing
Image of Roald Dahl
When writing about oneself, one must strive to be truthful. Truth is more important than modesty.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Writing
Image of Don DeLillo
I don't know what I think about certain subjects, even today, until I sit down and try to write about them.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
He that knows himself, knows others; and he that is ignorant of himself, could not write a very profound lecture on other men's heads.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Writing
Image of Zooey Deschanel
Most of my music theory knowledge is based on piano. But I write on guitar a lot, too. I'm not a great guitar player by any means. I'm not a great instrumentalist. I play piano on stage. I don't play guitar on stage, but I use it to write quite a lot.
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Writing
Image of Teju Cole
tried to focus on a particular aspect of this historical moment: the failure of mourning. This is something I haven't seen a great deal of in the writing around this disaster. And my view is that you write about disaster by writing around it, by writing allusively.
- Teju Cole
Collection: Writing
Image of Teju Cole
I suddenly feel a vague pity for all those writers who have to ply their trade from sleepy American suburbs, writing divorce scenes symbolized by the very slow washing of dishes.
- Teju Cole
Collection: Writing
Image of Teju Cole
You know that this vignette and that vignette belong side by side, you know that a certain turn of phrase you've been saving will probably work best within a given section of the narrative. As in a jazz performance, writing lives or dies by what's produced in that moment. But that moment is attended by long preparation.
- Teju Cole
Collection: Writing
Image of Ally Condie
It's not knowing how to write that makes you interesting, it's what you write.
- Ally Condie
Collection: Writing
Image of Elvis Costello
Sometimes I write notes that I have difficulty singing. And you start talking yourself out of the bold melody and start wanting to arrange it in another key or something. Maybe I just never learned my harmony part, because what everybody says sounds odd to them sounds perfectly natural to me.
- Elvis Costello
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Ford
I didn't feel up to writing about 9/11. If I were to write about it, it would take me years.
- Richard Ford
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Ford
I went to college to study hospitality. I quickly got out of that and realized that what I liked to do was write.
- Richard Ford
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Ford
You can't write ... on the strength of influence. You can only write a good story or a good novel by yourself.
- Richard Ford
Collection: Writing
Image of Sally Field
There were the days when women were under contract, and they were thought of as a commodity, so they hired the best writers and a lot of them were women at the time. This was in the thirties and forties, to make product for the people who were under contract, who were their assets to the studios. But that doesn't exist anymore - and as a result, the people who are in the industry write products that interest them.
- Sally Field
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Greenaway
This is where I begin to do the writing. I am now going to be the pen and not the paper.
- Peter Greenaway
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Greenaway
A hand cannot write on itself.
- Peter Greenaway
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Greenaway
Film is such an extraordinary rich medium which can handle so many different modes of operation, combining together in the same place all these extraordinary disciplines which may be executed in their own right - music, writing, picture making of all kinds, and I often feel that some filmmakers make films with one eye closed and two hands tied behind their backs.
- Peter Greenaway
Collection: Writing
Image of Helen Fielding
That's when the idea for Mad About the Boy arrived. It wasn't even a Bridget [Jones] story initially - then I realized I was writing in Bridget's voice and it grew from there into a Bridget novel.
- Helen Fielding
Collection: Writing
Image of Bradford Cox
Everybody just needs to realize that when you write something you're just in one mood. I was told I needed to write it and it was overdue; I don't even remember what day it was.
- Bradford Cox
Collection: Writing
Image of Bradford Cox
I've always been interested in writing from other people's perspectives and other gender perspectives.
- Bradford Cox
Collection: Writing
Image of Gregory A. Boyd
I'm sensitive about the criticism [for not producing new playwrights], yes. But I'm hip to it as well. I read 500 new plays a year, and 99.99 percent of them are not good. I see no reason to do a new play just because it's new. It's like kissing your sister, a virtue, but so what? It seems to me more worthwhile to take a proven playwright and say, Write something for us.
- Gregory A. Boyd
Collection: Writing