Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 103

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 103 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Laura Sydell
Apple doesn't have to write code, which equals speech, when it doesn't agree with what the government wants to do. And it's not that the government can't make you do anything you don't want to do.
- Laura Sydell
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Helm
I just write what I want to read, and sometimes keeping it interesting means adding one more element that ends up adding another year to the work.
- Michael Helm
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Helm
I love poetry, read it a lot, but make no claim to being able to write it.
- Michael Helm
Collection: Writing
Image of David Mandel
I think that's part of being a comedy writer. You have to be confident. If you're sitting around worrying about, like, oh my God, what are people going to think, then you're not writing comedy. You have to write what makes you laugh, and then the world hopefully laughs as well.
- David Mandel
Collection: Writing
Image of Roland Barthes
The author enters into his own death, writing begins.
- Roland Barthes
Collection: Writing
Image of Roland Barthes
Who speaks is not who writes, and who writes is not who is.
- Roland Barthes
Collection: Writing
Image of Alberto Manguel
In the light, we read the inventions of others; in the darkness we invent our own stories.
- Alberto Manguel
Collection: Writing
Image of Said Sayrafiezadeh
I sometimes have to write for a while before I figure it out, pretend that I know what I'm doing, sort of like ad-libbing on stage until you remember your line - you hope you sound convincing to the audience. The key is to have enough material, enough threads, so that there's something that can be satisfyingly drawn to a conclusion.
- Said Sayrafiezadeh
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Blasko
The music I was writing for 'Hamlet' needed to be very simple because there was so much going on with the dialogue in that play, so I felt like the music had to complement that - so that carried on through; I was working on the soundtrack and the album simultaneously.
- Sarah Blasko
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Matheson
If you go too far in fantasy and break the string of logic, and become nonsensical, someone will surely remind you of your dereliction....Pound for pound, fantasy makes a tougher opponent for the creative person.
- Richard Matheson
Collection: Writing
Image of Gustav Mahler
To write a symphony is, for me, to construct a world.
- Gustav Mahler
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexander Weinstein
One of my central approaches to writing speculative fiction is to take an absurd situation, which we presently feel is normal, and then push it to an even further absurdity. It's only in this light that we can see the reflection of the disturbing state of our present-day affairs.
- Alexander Weinstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Jimenez Lai
It's important to write a mystery novel where the takeaway is not a giveaway - where something could be read over and over.
- Jimenez Lai
Collection: Writing
Image of Jimenez Lai
I recently wrote a piece on comics in architecture - I was talking about the three kinds of comics I pay attention to: the Franco-Belgian, the Japanese manga, and the American comics. I started thinking about the relationship between Japanese manga and Japanese architecture, or Franco-Belgian bande dessinée versus Franco-Belgian architecture, it began to make sense; there are parallels to the modes of operations and the cultures they belong to. If I didn't force myself to write, I would have no forum to clarify these thoughts. Writing is really helpful.
- Jimenez Lai
Collection: Writing
Image of Sara Watkins
I had been working my first record really hard and toured the heck out of it. I didn't have anything to write about so touring with The Decemberists was what I needed. I could work and take in the world again. You're just the side man and don't need all the info. You're also less busy than when your name is on the ticket, so I had days free to read, watch movies, and just look up.
- Sara Watkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Loretta Lynn
Write about the truth. If you write about the truth, somebody's living that. Not just somebody, there's a lot of people.
- Loretta Lynn
Collection: Writing
Image of Leslie Pietrzyk
Think about the stories you have inside that scare you. That's what you should be writing. I and others call that writing from the dark place. Our humiliations and secret fears and deepest anxieties, those times where we were at our worst: that's the best material.
- Leslie Pietrzyk
Collection: Writing
Image of Allan Loeb
I wrote [Collateral Beauty] on my own. I didn't get paid to write it. I didn't sell it as a pitch. It was an idea I had that I really, really felt needed to be in script form before showing it to anyone in the industry because of the uniqueness of the idea, and the weirdness of the idea, to be frank.
- Allan Loeb
Collection: Writing
Image of Allan Loeb
I decided to write [Collateral Beauty] on my own which made it the first spec script I wrote in 11 years.
- Allan Loeb
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay McInerney
I think it's dangerous to think you know what you're writing. I usually don't know, and usually I just discover it in the course of writing. I envy those writers who can outline a beginning, a middle, and end. Fitzgerald supposedly did it. John Irving does. Bret Easton Ellis does. But for me, the writing itself is the process of discovery. I can't see all that far ahead.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay McInerney
The only sensible approach is not to take it too seriously. What counts is the writing.
- Jay McInerney
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Gunn
I think a lot about writing and I try to read a lot. Being a musician, I don't take the words lightly; they are very, very important to me. At the same time, the words have to be musical and have to fit.
- Steve Gunn
Collection: Writing
Image of Thighpaulsandra
I've also got a kind of rule where if I don't write it down and I can still remember it it's worth remembering!
- Thighpaulsandra
Collection: Writing
Image of Thighpaulsandra
I'm not the fastest reader or writer but occasionally I'll write things down just so I don't forget them.
- Thighpaulsandra
Collection: Writing
Image of Thighpaulsandra
I don't really worry about whether things fit into a genre or not, it's whether I like it and whether the two things sit well together, that's my main criteria when I write.
- Thighpaulsandra
Collection: Writing
Image of Conor O'Brien
I just think I'm a narcissist, really! I guess when I write albums, they take a huge amount of time out of my life and I'm aware of not using the same processes as I did with the last one, or else I'd get really bored and wouldn't feel inspired.
- Conor O'Brien
Collection: Writing
Image of Lady Sovereign
When I first started writing lyrics and stuff, I was writing it to garage, and obviously garage kind of progressed to grime.
- Lady Sovereign
Collection: Writing
Image of Chelsea Martin
I hide my documents in many different places on my computer, because I often write things that I would never want anybody to read, at least unedited, and I'm paranoid that someone might figure out what the password to my computer is and maliciously read my Word documents. So a lot of the time I lose things I've written and/or completely forget about them.
- Chelsea Martin
Collection: Writing
Image of Chelsea Martin
I basically have two ways I start writing. Either I'll start with something about myself, or something that happened to me that seemed important, or I'll start with some idea I have that doesn't have much to do with me. But one will always lead to the other.
- Chelsea Martin
Collection: Writing
Image of Chelsea Martin
There is a lot of stuff I write that makes it seem like my intention is to make people think I'm speaking about myself entirely, and it is my intention to make people think that, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's what it is.
- Chelsea Martin
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Palomo
I think it's more about trying to just focus exclusively on writing music and making that a viable, sustainable lifestyle. It's difficult because it forces you to really get creative.
- Alan Palomo
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Palomo
I never willfully want to write the same record twice, which is probably why I jump from project to project. But I can't ignore that there are things that inspire me, and I love celebrating those.
- Alan Palomo
Collection: Writing
Image of Simone Muench
I began just writing poems and then fell in love with the form.
- Simone Muench
Collection: Writing
Image of Simone Muench
I mainly wanted non-english writing poets, because I loved the idea that I was translating translations.
- Simone Muench
Collection: Writing
Image of Benjamin Clementine
When I started writing again, especially when I listened to French music and Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, I realized that these lots talked about themselves. The greatest artists, they didn't sing; they only spoke.
- Benjamin Clementine
Collection: Writing
Image of Benjamin Clementine
That's how I always try to start my thoughts. I write them down first, eventually it turns into a poem, and if I feel like composing something to it, then I do that.
- Benjamin Clementine
Collection: Writing
Image of Gemma Files
I've always wanted to write about a "haunted" film, something imbued with a malign, potentially fatal attraction, an image which poisons everyone who's unfortunate enough to view it.
- Gemma Files
Collection: Writing
Image of Alistair MacLeod
Writers write about what worries them.
- Alistair MacLeod
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Kinsella
I always go through different phases of how I write and record. It takes me a long time to kind of conceptualize what feels right.
- Tim Kinsella
Collection: Writing
Image of Mahan Esfahani
Gorecki, you know, there's a kind of personal thing there for me. I had, you know, kind of become obsessed with that sort of Soviet Bloc period. And actually, a lot of composers in the Soviet Bloc - Gorecki's not the only one - are writing for the harpsichord as a sort of reaction against enforced Soviet realism, expressionism, sort of enforced modernism.
- Mahan Esfahani
Collection: Writing
Image of Michelle Stuart
I have lots of objects. Every object has a story, which makes me think I should write a story about every object.
- Michelle Stuart
Collection: Writing
Image of David Mccandless
I remember researching a really complicated article and having trouble keeping track of all the different perspectives. I ended up drawing a diagram to help myself follow how the ideas were interrelated. I looked at the diagram when I had finished and thought, "Oh, maybe I don't need to write the article now - maybe I've done my job as a journalist. I can convey my understanding through the diagram."
- David Mccandless
Collection: Writing
Image of David Mccandless
I have a computational quality to my mind, I suppose. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with video games. I reprogrammed games, and this eventually landed me a column in a magazine. That's how I got into print journalism: writing about video games.
- David Mccandless
Collection: Writing
Image of Garth Greenwell
Writing the novel felt so private to me! I think publishing a novel is quite public and exposing, and what's a little frightening to me right now is the fact that it feels so entirely opposed to the privacy that is writing.
- Garth Greenwell
Collection: Writing
Image of Garth Greenwell
I do think that the sense of being opposed to the present moment, that sense of the rub of history, invigorates the writing I find most exciting, and maybe precisely in being equally allegiant to an inward fineness of sensibility and an outward-facing rigor of protest or critique.
- Garth Greenwell
Collection: Writing
Image of Kareem Mortimer
The best part of writing is thinking about the story. And then everything else takes a lot of discipline.
- Kareem Mortimer
Collection: Writing
Image of Kareem Mortimer
When I write, I actually hear the characters speak. Almost like an actor - even though I'm not an actor at all - getting into their truth and to justify what they do.
- Kareem Mortimer
Collection: Writing
Image of Rich Ferguson
As for the influence on my writing,music has definitely influenced how I write. That idea of cadence, repetition, all those elements appear throughout my writing. Drumming has definitely had a huge influence on the way I write, too. Has definitely tuned my ear to rhythm. After I've written something, I'll go through it repeatedly, carefully listening to the construction of the words, seeing, hearing how they flow.
- Rich Ferguson
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosa Montero
For me, fiction belongs to my inner being, is something essential which defines me - I am a fiction writer in the same way I am a woman, the same way I am dark-haired - it is something essential and structural. It's like an exogenous skeleton that keeps me going. And I don't know how I would manage to live without writing, working with words.
- Rosa Montero
Collection: Writing