Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 101

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Image of Eric Heisserer
What I need more in my culture and in my life right now is hope, and so I tend to write to that. I'll always end up bending more toward optimism.
- Eric Heisserer
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucas Mann
For better or worse, I seem to gravitate toward writing about something or someone else, then have my own self shove its way into that story. It seems insanely narcissistic. But I also think there's a particular effect that comes from using my autobiography in service to another story, as opposed to being the subject. I'm much more comfortable working in that mode. And I do think I have a persona or mood that I keep coming back to: self-conscious, self-critical, unsure. I write a lot about bodies, particularly male ones, usually as a point of emphasis for my insecurities about my own.
- Lucas Mann
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucas Mann
After writing anything, there's always that postpartum feeling of, "What do I do now?" - I think particularly for nonfiction writers. I feel myself pulled back to the same themes, sometimes even the same moments, and I'm not sure that I want that.
- Lucas Mann
Collection: Writing
Image of Brent Weinbach
I do make a concscious effort to be genuine among other comedians. If I write something or try something that doesn't feel like me, I stop doing it.
- Brent Weinbach
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
I tend to work most often from the method of ignoring any ritualistic writing for long periods of time, and then I'll spend three straight weeks writing for 12 hours a day and just going through the motions with my worldly business because the compulsion to write descends upon me like a kind of madness. I don't mean to be dramatic, but it feels that way when it strikes.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
I view my stories as sexual or personal. Curiously, I don't. When I was writing those stories I thought of them as comedy pieces in the vein of performance monologue, such as you might get with Richard Pryor, or Lenny Bruce, or George Carlin. So I don't feel vulnerable because I know the line of demarcation between "Writer Kevin" and "Narrative Kevin."
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
What I need to write is a complicated equation. Maybe if I knew I'd be one of those writers, one of the steady ones. I rest upon my assertion that there has to be some balance of energy, or, failing a balance, a focused intensity of ALL energy. I've experienced both, I suppose.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
I didn't write poems for a number of years after graduate school because the criticisms of other students in the workshops wouldn't quiet down in my mind when I tried to work.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
It all depends on what I'm working on and if there is a deadline involved. Anything that's headed toward a magazine or newspaper is hacked out on the computer; that's a matter of efficiency. I write longer pieces of prose on a typewriter because the act of retyping it for the computer is a useful tactic for revision. Poems tend to be written longhand.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
You know, there are those writers who work at writing every day. I'm not one of those guys. I tend to work at varying levels of intensity, based on the amount of time and energy I have available.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
Energy seems to be the more critical of those two variables, because if I'm really feeling the push/pull to write, then I'll make the time.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Keck
As I've picked up more responsibilities in life, I've found nearly every one of those extra burdens drains me in a way that makes writing more difficult. That may not be the case for everyone - I know plenty of writers and artists who seem to have energy in abundance for all the facets of life; but are they producing anything worthwhile?
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Gerard
Writing helps us heal in certain way, but it doesn't make the experience of thinking about writing that occasion any less painful. When you revisit trauma, you don't know what's going to be triggering for you because you don't know how it's connected in your mind. So in the same way when we write something, it doesn't completely resolve the experience for us. It can feel therapeutic, but that's not the reason why I do it. I do it to ask a question, or just to find meaning.
- Sarah Gerard
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Gerard
I feel like I always learn when I'm writing, even when I'm not writing about myself. I'm careful not to judge; I try to internalize and empathize with the characters. Stepping into that person's shoes is transformative. It changes you. Looking at my own life, it's also humbling to write.
- Sarah Gerard
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Gerard
I was interested in the ways we can write biography. When you're first starting to write about your own life it feels so shapeless because you don't know how to make your own story cohesive. How do I pluck a story out of the entirety of what it means to be alive. It occurred to me recently that when you're telling a story about your own life, rather than taking a chunk, you're kinda like lifting a thread from a loom.
- Sarah Gerard
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Gerard
When you write about people three dimensionally, it inspires a sense of empathy. That would be something that I want people to take away from all my writing, a feeling of emotionality, connection, and empathy.
- Sarah Gerard
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackson Harris
I have loved music since I was a little kid. I was always wanted to write the music I hear in my head and have it be shared with the world.
- Jackson Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Jez Williams
We know how to work certain toys, and if you've got something in your head you know how to get in on tape, even if it's got an abstract sound to it. We are kind of producers as well as a band, so we're a self-contained unit. We can produce our own record as well as write it.
- Jez Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
It is true that I didn't write any poetry between 1995 and 2011. The reason for this was probably because I had stayed away from fiction for so long and couldn't tear myself away from it.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
Except for the usual house chores, doing income tax, etc., I am free to write whenever I want.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
That is one more reason why I write in English only right now. I prefer writing in the language I hear around me for the people by whom I am surrounded.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
I am uneasy about the practice of other people telling you how to write. This is especially true for beginners who haven't yet developed their style and their writer's persona and are easily pushed off the course.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
I always lived in a multilingual society (Polish-Ukrainian, German-Ukrainian, English-Ukrainian), and was open to outside linguistic influences. I think it was within three years of coming to the US that I started writing in English, although purely for myself, not trying to get it published. Living in America, I was constantly in touch with English, and Ukrainian was for me a private language.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Carla Azar
We, Autolux band, write in very different ways; sometimes we play with the band and write music first and then form vocal parts and lyrics. Or I'll find some music, or a guitar part or something, and I'll just write an entire sketch of an idea from that. So I think things have always been that way, it's just that this time around we had some more obstacles off and on all the time.
- Carla Azar
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Freedman
I try to find clues in the documented record - from the subject's own testimony, from the testimony of other people. When you're writing a biography, you're trying to understand your subject in the same way that you try to understand one of your friends, and that effort at understanding is always very imperfect.
- Russell Freedman
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Freedman
Let's say that history is what happened. The record of what happened is how each individual happens to see those events. They've already been filtered. When the historian or biographer takes over, history is no longer exactly what happened, because there has been a process of selection going on; it's impossible to write about anyone, any event, in any period of time, without in some way imposing, even unconsciously, your own standards, your own values.
- Russell Freedman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cariani
I started writing just to have a creative outlet during the down time.
- John Cariani
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Kelly
I have ALWAYS wanted to write - I was the seven-year old entering local library poetry contests, and I recently found my eighth-grade yearbook when we moved, and I had listed "WRITER" as my future occupation. It's always been something I've been hungry to do, but I think the more practical side of me (encouraged by the more practical sides of my parents of course) shied away from pursuing a career in creative writing, in favor of something a little "safer" like law.
- Lee Kelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Kelly
I think if you have the compulsion to write, you're not going to feel whole until you start putting words on paper.
- Lee Kelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Kaci Brown
I play all my own instruments. I write my own material. And I do not lip-synch. I sing live.
- Kaci Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul S. Kemp
I always work from outline and almost always write out of sequence. It just works for me.
- Paul S. Kemp
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul S. Kemp
[Writing] is harder than you think. You'll be rejected often. If you do it for money, you'll quit. Love it or don't do it.
- Paul S. Kemp
Collection: Writing
Image of Terrence McNally
Write plays that matter. Raise the stakes. Shout, yell, holler, but make yourself heard. It's time for playwrights to reclaim the theatre. We do that by speaking from the heart about the things that matter most to us. If a play isn't worth dying for, maybe it isn't worth writing.
- Terrence McNally
Collection: Writing
Image of Terrence McNally
There are so many rules about play writing. I'd have a nervous breakdown if I followed them.
- Terrence McNally
Collection: Writing
Image of Terrence McNally
Whenever you think you're writing what other people want to hear from you, and that it'll be commercial, you're doomed to disaster. Writing has to be as truthful and specific as we can make it. The minute we think that we're reaching more people and pleasing them, we get general. And audiences sense that and turn away, shun us.
- Terrence McNally
Collection: Writing
Image of Terrence McNally
Work with good directors. Without them your play is doomed. At the time of my first play, I thought a good director was someone who liked my play. I was rudely awakened from that fantasy when he directed it as if he loathed it. . . . Work with good actors. A good actor hears the way you (and no one else) write. A good actor makes rewrites easy. A good actor tells you things about your play you didn't know.
- Terrence McNally
Collection: Writing
Image of Elliott Colla
Academic writing you have to get right. Fiction you have to get plausible. And there's a world of difference. In a way, if someone says this didn't feel exactly right, I don't care. But that is not okay to do in academia - it's not about feeling. You want to establish a pretty solid case. So did this allow me to express things differently? Absolutely. Another thing I've been thinking about as an academic: our writing style is expository, and in fiction, withholding information matters quite a bit. Withholding things in academia - there's no place for that!
- Elliott Colla
Collection: Writing
Image of Elliott Colla
Academic writing you have to get right. Fiction you have to get plausible. And there's a world of difference.
- Elliott Colla
Collection: Writing
Image of Hope Larson
I know how to write stories that are accessible to younger readers, and sophisticated enough for older ones. I'm not a big fan of the all ages label, but I keep a wider audience in mind.
- Hope Larson
Collection: Writing
Image of Sy Montgomery
It’s an important time to be writing about the connections we share with our fellow creatures. It’s a great time to be alive.
- Sy Montgomery
Collection: Writing
Image of John Dieterich
I think I know what my bandmates like or are interested in or would be interested in doing. I take ideas and I develop them, get rid of some ideas, keep writing, and then new things come up.
- John Dieterich
Collection: Writing
Image of W. S. Di Piero
When you're writing - when I'm writing anyway - I'm writing out of different kinds of preoccupations and obsessions, different forms of drivenness, and so you're really hostage those while writing. I am, anyway. And it's only when you finally take the finished thing out of the furnace that you see what it was that went into the making of the thing.
- W. S. Di Piero
Collection: Writing
Image of W. S. Di Piero
When I came into consciousness as a writer when I was in my early 20s, I just assumed that a writer did - a poet writer did everything all at once. I would write poetry, and while writing poetry I would also write work in the world - if I could get into the world.
- W. S. Di Piero
Collection: Writing
Image of Danielle Dutton
I had all these sparkles I'd collected and wanted to work in, but when I originally started writing it and it was originally this novel about all these people set in 1666, what I was so interested in was the New Science.
- Danielle Dutton
Collection: Writing
Image of Danielle Dutton
It's all just so fraught when you're writing and then going through the editorial process. It feels like this shape-shifting thing. When it's done, and you can't change a single word, it's a totally different thing. I was surprised by what that thing was.
- Danielle Dutton
Collection: Writing
Image of Danielle Dutton
Back then, when I had that original idea to write about the seventeenth century, the whole thing was set in 1666. I was thinking of Margaret near the end of her life, and that was the voice I heard for her.
- Danielle Dutton
Collection: Writing
Image of Danielle Dutton
Finding the form was really a very dynamic process. I went through a lot of shifting, trying to get it right. Because the writing took place over such a long time, it's hard for me to pinpoint when specific things happened, but basically the final version only materialized in the last two or so years. It was there, but it took me a while to see it and then to refine it after I'd seen it.
- Danielle Dutton
Collection: Writing
Image of Micah Perks
There are so many people who write really interesting work and try super hard and still don't get published.
- Micah Perks
Collection: Writing
Image of Micah Perks
I laugh when I'm writing. I feel like all my work is funny to me.
- Micah Perks
Collection: Writing