Rich Ferguson

Image of Rich Ferguson
I'd thought I'd constructed a really wonderful book, and the teacher told me that my story basically began on page fifty, and that I should throw out everything prior, or figure out a way to weave only the most important information back into the story, and keep the action moving forward. Wow. That was a really humbling experience. A real eye-opener. Made me realize there are so many aspects involved with telling a story.
- Rich Ferguson
Collection: Teacher
Image of Rich Ferguson
I've tried to use my love of music, and spoken word performance to create companion pieces for the book.
- Rich Ferguson
Collection: Book
Image of Rich Ferguson
As for the influence on my writing,music has definitely influenced how I write. That idea of cadence, repetition, all those elements appear throughout my writing. Drumming has definitely had a huge influence on the way I write, too. Has definitely tuned my ear to rhythm. After I've written something, I'll go through it repeatedly, carefully listening to the construction of the words, seeing, hearing how they flow.
- Rich Ferguson
Collection: Writing