Top war Quotes Collection - Page 91

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 91 provides more war quotes.

Image of Charles Stross
I like lassic British spy thrillers. Seriously. If the cold war was still on, that's something I'd be writing.
- Charles Stross
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Tuchman
The conduct of war was so much more interesting than its prevention.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: War
Image of Barbara Tuchman
in the midst of war and crisis nothing is as clear or as certain as it appears in hindsight
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: War
Image of Howard Zinn
In war, good guys always become bad guys.
- Howard Zinn
Collection: War
Image of Howard Zinn
I suggest that if you know history, then you might not be so easily fooled by the government when it tells you you must go to war for this or that reason -that history is a protective armor against being misled.
- Howard Zinn
Collection: War
Image of Howard Zinn
The term 'just war' is an internal contradiction. War is inherently unjust, and the great challenge of our time is how to deal with evil, tyranny and oppression without killing huge numbers of people.
- Howard Zinn
Collection: War
Image of Sarah Palin
Barack Obama can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign.
- Sarah Palin
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
That, what we're really seeing in Iraq is not a terrible war, but in fact, just the media's portrayal of it.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
Bill Russell, a famous philosopher from Boston Celtics once "When things go bad, things go bad." The [Iraq] war was terribly mismanaged-it was terribly mismanaged.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of John Steinbeck
All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: War
Image of Horace
In love there are two evils: war and peace.
- Horace
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The task is not to overcome opponents in general but only those opponents against whom one has to summon all one's strength, one's skill and one's swordsmanship-in fact to master opponents who are one's equals.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
The budgetary cost to the UK of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through 2010 will total more than £18 billion. If we include the social costs the total impact will exceed £20 billion.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
The only people benefiting in Iraq war are George Bush's Jr. friends in the oil industry. He has done the American economy and the global economy an enormous disfavor, but his Texan friends couldn't be happier.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
I find it scandalous not only that there was so little discussion of the costs of the Iraq war before we went to war - this was, after all, a war of choice - but even five years into the war, the Administration has not provided a comprehensive accounting of the war.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
The war in Iraq has been very, very expensive - partly because the Administration tried to keep the apparent costs down. But the benefits have been elusive at best - partly because the ostensible reasons for going war were unconnected with reality - no weapons of mass destruction, no connections with 9/11.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
In fact, for just about 1/6 of the cost of an Iraq War, we could have put the social security system on sound financial footings for the next 50 to 75 years. The problems can be managed - but not if we continue to fight this war for another 80 years.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental , nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of Sarah Rees Brennan
You're weird," Nick grumbled, but he turned his face back to critically examine the new hand. "You're weird," Jamie returned. "As soon as this whole magical war is over, I'm going to make us some friendship bracelets, and we will wear them everywhere because we are best friends." "Drop dead," said Nick, and Jamie looked serenely pleased.
- Sarah Rees Brennan
Collection: War
Image of Branch Rickey
The only thing Abner Doubleday ever started was the Civil War.
- Branch Rickey
Collection: War
Image of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: "Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Collection: War
Image of Will Rogers
Well, the disarmament conference is off to a flying start. There is nothing to prevent their succeeding now but human nature.
- Will Rogers
Collection: War
Image of Peace Pilgrim
People of the world, the time for decision is short. It is measured in a few years. The choice is ours as to whether or not we will pay the price of peace. If we are not willing to pay it, all that we hold dear will be consumed in the flame of war. The darkness in our world today is due to the disintegration of things which are contrary to God's laws. Let us never say hopelessly this is the darkness before a storm; rather let us say with faith this is the darkness before the dawn of the golden age of peace, which we cannot now even imagine. For this, let us hope and work and pray.
- Peace Pilgrim
Collection: War
Image of Manmohan Singh
Democracies don't go to war.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: War
Image of Manmohan Singh
There was a research I think team, which conducted a survey about what Indians think of Americans, and 71 percent I believe said, well, I think all the nice things about our working together with the United States. But there are people I think that are old mind-sets, who still I think remain mired in the Cold War ideology.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: War
Image of Kathryn Bigelow
War's dirty little secret is that some men love it. I'm trying to unpack why, to look at what it means to be a hero in the context of 21st-century combat.
- Kathryn Bigelow
Collection: War
Image of Marco Rubio
I would say we must win the information war against ISIS. Every war we have ever been involved in has had a propaganda informational aspect to it.
- Marco Rubio
Collection: War
Image of Melina Marchetta
This is war," he say quietly. "Well thank God you're dressed for it, Griggs.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
I welcome all the signs indicating that a more manly and warlike age is commencing, which will, above all, bring heroism again into honour!
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
One has renounced the great life when one renounces war.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War
Image of Joe Biden
Vote for war allowed war only after all else failed.
- Joe Biden
Collection: War
Image of Theodor Adorno
The idea that after this war life will continue 'normally' or even that culture might be 'rebuilt' - as if the rebuilding of culture were not already its negation - is idiotic.
- Theodor Adorno
Collection: War
Image of Frans de Waal
We, who think like animals living in small groups, must structure a global world. We believe in universal human rights and believe racism and war are wrong. On the other hand, it is our nature to be cooperative and loving almost exclusively with the members of the group to which we feel we belong.
- Frans de Waal
Collection: War
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
One cannot toss ambassadors back like bad fish," said Eugenides. "You treat them with care, or you'll find you've committed an act of war.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: War
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
Irene-" "Don't call me that." "You were the princess Irene the first time we met." "It means 'peace'," Attolia said. "What name could be more inappropriate?" "That I be named Helen?" Eddis suggested. The hard lines in Attolia's face eased, and she smiled. Eddis was a far cry from the woman whose beauty had started a war.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: War
Image of Oliver Stone
Franklin Roosevelt saw the world as a possible alliance, with the UN involved, of course, where we would never have these kinds of wars again. And he was equally opposed to the British Empire as he was against the Communist Russians.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: War
Image of Oliver Stone
You look at the Russian side: They're defending their territory from the beginning. They move west to destroy the Nazis. And they take out the guts of the German war machine per Winston Churchill, who said that they won the war. From the beginning, we were hostile to the guys who had saved how many American lives by their repulsion of the Nazis? I think the Americans lost 400,000 in the whole war. And the Americans knew it at the time. They gave Joseph Stalin credit. He was the man of the year, cover of Life magazine in 1943; he was a hero.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: War
Image of George Bernard Shaw
There was only one virtue, pugnacity; only one vice, pacifism. That is an essential condition of war.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: War
Image of Bruce Springsteen
I believe the war on poverty is a more American idea than the war on the war on poverty. I believe that most people feel like that. And I believe that it ain't over till it's over.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: War
Image of Tom Peters
Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.
- Tom Peters
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
We are ready to try our fortunes to the last man.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of Tony Benn
The peace movement didn't stop the Iraq but I think that Blair would not be able to go along and support an Iranian war.
- Tony Benn
Collection: War
Image of Lucretius
Pleasant it to behold great encounters of warfare arrayed over the plains, with no part of yours in peril.
- Lucretius
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
Appraise war in terms of the fundamental factors. The first of these factors is moral influence.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will come off in safety.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Cover a war in a place where you can't drink beer or talk to a woman? Hell no!
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
How poisonous, how crafty, how bad, does every long war make one, which cannot be waged openly by means of force!
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War