Top war Quotes Collection - Page 87

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 87 provides more war quotes.

Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
In war, as in prostitution, amateurs are often better than professionals.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
God is on the side with the best artillery
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Robert Southey
War, even in the best state of an army, with all the alleviations of courtesy and honor, with all the correctives of morality and religion, is nevertheless so great an evil, that to engage in it without a clear necessity is a crime of the blackest dye. When the necessity is clear, it then becomes a crime to shrink from it.
- Robert Southey
Collection: War
Image of Jawaharlal Nehru
Wars are fought to gain a certain objective. War itself is not the objective; victory is not the objective; you fight to remove the obstruction that comes in the way of your objective. If you let victory become the end in itself then you've gone astray and forgotten what you were originally fighting about.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Collection: War
Image of Jawaharlal Nehru
If in the modern world wars have unfortunately to be fought (and they do, it seems) then they must be stopped at the first possible moment, otherwise they corrupt us, they create new problems and make our future even more uncertain. That is more than morality; it's sense.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Paine
War is the gambling table of governments, and citizens the dupes of the game.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Paine
Taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: War
Image of Rick Warren
War is and always has been a brutal exercise that destroys lives, families and communities. It is never something for which we hope.
- Rick Warren
Collection: War
Image of Aberjhani
Before the thunderous clamor of political debate or war set loose in the world, love insisted on its promise for the possibility of human unity: between men and women, between blacks and whites, northerners and southerners, haves and have-have-nots, self and self.
- Aberjhani
Collection: War
Image of Bertrand Russell
One must expect a war between U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. which will begin with the total destruction of London. I think the war will last 30 years, and leave a world without civilised people, from which everything will have to build afresh - a process taking (say) 500 years.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: War
Image of Edward Said
The United States that has been involved first in the Gulf War and then in the tremendously damaging sanctions against Iraqi civilians. The United States that is the supporter of Israel against the Palestinians.
- Edward Said
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
War is a lottery in which nations ought to risk nothing but small amounts.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
In war, three-quarters turns on personal character and relations; the balance of manpower and materials counts only for the remaining quarter.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
In war, the moral element and public opinion are half the battle.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
Never lose sight of this maxim, that you should establish your cantonments at the most distant and best protected point from the enemy, especially where a surprise is possible. By this means you will have time to unite all your forces before he can attack you.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: War
Image of Steven Spielberg
There's no other way to learn about it, except through documentaries. I encourage documentarians to continue telling stories about World War II. I think documentaries are the greatest way to educate an entire generation that doesn't often look back to learn anything about the history that provided a safe haven for so many of us today. Documentaries are the first line of education, and the second line of education is dramatization, such as The Pacific.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: War
Image of George Monbiot
War and pestilence might kill large numbers of people, but in most cases the population recovers. But lose the soil and everything goes with it.
- George Monbiot
Collection: War
Image of George Monbiot
The institutions founded 'to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war' have failed. Since the end of WW2, some thirty million people have been killed in armed conflict. Most of them were civilians.
- George Monbiot
Collection: War
Image of R.J. Rushdoony
The end of an age is always a time of turmoil, war, economic catastrophe, cynicism, lawlessness and distress. But it is also an era of heightened challenge and creativity, of issues, and their world-wide scope, never has an era faced a more demanding and exciting crisis. This then, above all else, is the great and glorious era to live in, a time of of opportunity, one requiring fresh and vigorous thinking, indeed, a glorious time to be alive.
- R.J. Rushdoony
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
We in America have learned bitter lessons from two world wars: It is better to be here [in Europe] ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Mark Twain
Every one knew he could foretell wars and famines, though that was not so hard, for there was always a war, and generally a famine somewhere.
- Mark Twain
Collection: War
Image of Robin Williams
Directing requires great discipline, that ability to be in and out at the same time. The great ones I've worked with are like generals. It's a bit like a small war on that level. The great ones have that combination of freedom and control. I'm nowhere near that. There's still so much to do as an actor. I have enough to explore with that.
- Robin Williams
Collection: War
Image of Tom Stoppard
To be an artist at all is like living in Switzerland during a world war. To be an artist in Zurich, in 1917, implies a degree of self-absorption that would have glazed over the eyes of Narcissus.
- Tom Stoppard
Collection: War
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
If the world were a paradise of luxury and ease, a land flowing with milk and honey, where every Jack obtained his Jill at once and without any difficulty, men would either die of boredom or hang themselves; or there would be wars, massacres, and murders; so that in the end mankind would inflict more suffering on itself than it has now to accept at the hands of Nature.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: War
Image of William Howard Taft
The underlying principle of Masonry is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. In this war we are engaging in upholding these principles and our enemies are attacking them.
- William Howard Taft
Collection: War
Image of William Howard Taft
The truth is, the whole administration under Roosevelt was demoralized by the system of dealing directly with subordinates. It wasobviated in the State Department and the War Department under [Secretary of State Elihu] Root and me [Taft was the Secretary of War], because we simply ignored the interference and went on as we chose.... The subordinates gained nothing by his assumption of authority, but it was not so in the other departments.
- William Howard Taft
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
Too frequent rewards indicate that the general is at the end of his resources; too frequent punishments that he is in acute distress.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
The end and aim of spying in all its five varieties is knowledge of the enemy; and this knowledge can only be derived, in the first instance, from the converted spy. Hence it is essential that the converted spy be treated with the utmost liberality.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
Those skilled at making the enemy move do so by creating a situation to which he must conform; they entice him with something he is certain to take, and with lures of ostensible profit they await him in strength.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable. The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The strongest and most evil spirits have to date advanced mankind the most: they always rekindled the sleeping passions - all orderly arranged society lulls the passions to sleep; they always reawakened the sense of comparison, of contradiction, of delight in the new, the adventurous, the untried; they compelled men to set opinion against opinion, ideal plan against ideal plan.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
I couldn't help but say to [Mr. Gorbachev], just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another planet. [We'd] find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Gore Vidal
The U.S. Bill of Rights is being steadily eroded, with two million telephone calls tapped, 30 million workers under electronic surveillance, and, says the author, countless Americans harassed by a government that wages spurious wars against drugs and terrorism.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Sowell
We cannot allow the defense of American lives to be held hostage by the United Nations -- which has already given Saddam Hussein a final warning, and now wants to give him another final warning. And, if he doesn't heed that, they will threaten him with yet another warning.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: War
Image of Tony Benn
The First World War created the Second World War because that was a war between three grandsons of Queen Victoria: The King of England, the Kaiser and the Tsar married Queen Victoria's granddaughter. And that triggered Communism in Russia and Fascism in Germany and led to the Second World War.
- Tony Benn
Collection: War
Image of Tony Benn
I think if journalists were responsible for international policy we'd have a nuclear war every week.
- Tony Benn
Collection: War
Image of Michael Moore
Post-war filmmakers gave us the documentary, Rob Reiner gave us the mockumentary and Moore initiated a third genre, the crockumentary.
- Michael Moore
Collection: War
Image of Bernie Sanders
Rich get richer. Everyone else gets poorer. And all these guys can talk about is war and defunding Planned Parenthood.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: War
Image of Bernie Sanders
I think it is now widely understood that the so-called "War on Drugs" has largely been a failure. Too many people have developed criminal records for smoking marijuana. Too many people have gone to jail for nonviolent crimes. So I think it's important for us to rethink the war on drugs.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: War
Image of John Ruskin
The history of humanity is not the history of its wars, but the history of its households.
- John Ruskin
Collection: War
Image of Pope Paul VI
No more war, war never again! Peace, it is peace which must guide the destinies of people and of all mankind.
- Pope Paul VI
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
I know what the counterterrorism feels like because I was there. But I also operated within limits. And within the United States government, we've decided long ago that there are limits on what we're going to do in the war against terrorism.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
The young bloods of the South: sons of planters, lawyers about towns, good billiard-players and sportsmen, men who never did any work and never will... They are splendid riders, first-rate shots and utterly reckless. These men must all be killed or employed by us before we can hope for peace.
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side.
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
The whole army is burning with an insatiable desire to wreak violence upon South Carolina. I almost tremble for her fate.
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
I'm a damned sight smarter than Grant; I know more about organization, supply and administration and about everything else than he does; but I'll tell you where he beats me and where he beats the world. He don't care a damn for what the enemy does out of his sight but it scares me like hell.
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about.
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War
Image of William Tecumseh Sherman
Hold the fort! I am coming!
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Collection: War