Top war Quotes Collection - Page 164

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 164 provides more war quotes.

Image of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The people are that part of the state that does not know what it wants.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Collection: War
Image of Sam Harris
We will continue to spill blood in what is, at bottom, a war of ideas
- Sam Harris
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
If in the past, after every lost war, the unlucky vanquished were divested forever of their honor and their equality of rights, the League of Nations would even now have to be satisfied with a whole series of non-equal and thus ultimately dishonorable and inferior nations.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
God grant that this is the work of the Communists. You are witnessing the beginning of a great new epoch in German history. This fire is the beginning.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Soldiers of the Reich! This day, you are to take part in an offensive of such importance that the whole future of the war may depend on its outcome.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Martin Schulz
Gerhard Schröder offered a clear German NEIN to an American president's war of aggression that was in violation of international law. That took courage. Ms. Merkel did not join him at the time. If Trump now begins to take the wrecking ball to our set of values, we must say clearly: That is not our approach.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: War
Image of Nhat Hanh
The war is in our souls.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: War
Image of Nhat Hanh
We who have touched war have a duty to bring the truth about war to those who have not had a direct experience of it. We are the light at the tip of the candle. It is really hot, but it has the power of shining and illuminating. If we practice mindfulness, we will know how to look deeply into the nature of war and, with our insight, wake people up so that together we can avoid repeating the same horrors again and again.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: War
Image of Nhat Hanh
With mindfulness - the practice of peace - we can begin by working to transform the wars in ourselves. Conscious breathing helps us do this.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: War
Image of Ed Harris
When Bush first got elected, the very first time there was talk of going to war with Iraq, the mainstream media gave his position total credibility. I didn't get it then, and I don't get it now
- Ed Harris
Collection: War
Image of Ed Harris
There's always a reaction based on fear. People assume if you're criticizing a decision to go to war, then you're saying something against the soldiers-which is not the case
- Ed Harris
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
A victory at Kursk would shine like a beacon to the world!
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
It is the last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe, but it is a claim from which I will not recede and which, God willing, I will make good.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Why should this war in the West be fought for the restoration of Poland? The Poland of the Versailles Treaty will never rise again.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Whenever I think of this attack, my stomach turns over.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
The assertion that it is the intention of the German Reich to coerce the Austrian State is absurd!
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Wipe out the entire defense potential remaining to the Soviets.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Homer
The god of war is impartial: he hands out death to the man who hands out death.
- Homer
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
These semi-traitors [Union generals who were not hostile to slavery] must be watched. Let us be careful who become army leaders in the reorganized army at the end of this Rebellion. The man who thinks that the perpetuity of slavery is essential to the existence of the Union, is unfit to be trusted. The deadliest enemy the Union has is slavery - in fact, its only enemy.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
No capitalists after any war were ever so well paid for money loaned to the nation that carried it on. No class of money-makers ever gained such prosperity by any other war, as our War for the Union brought to the money-getters of America. All this was due in great measure to the rank and file of the Union army. Now let no rich man haggle with a needy veteran of that war about his right to a pension!
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
If any of my men kill prisoners, I'll kill them.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of David Ben-Gurion
We must assist the British in the war as if there were no White Paper and we must resist the White Paper as if there were no war.
- David Ben-Gurion
Collection: War
Image of Bob Hope
Sure Vietnam is a dirty war. I've never heard of a clean one.
- Bob Hope
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Holmes
If the philosophy of Christianity were lived, wars would cease, unhappiness would cease, economic problems would be solved, poverty would be wiped from the face of the earth, and man's inhumanity to man would be transmuted into a spirit of mutual helpfulness.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: War
Image of Rachel Martin
When the Revolutionary War ended in 1781, not everyone was celebrating. It is estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of the population back then were loyal to the British Crown and thus were not so thrilled when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.
- Rachel Martin
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Hobbes
For it can never be that war shall preserve life, and peace destroy it.
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: War
Image of Woody Harrelson
The war against terrorism is terrorism. The whole thing is just bullshit.
- Woody Harrelson
Collection: War
Image of Frank Herbert
War is behavior with roots in the single cell of the primeval seas. Eat whatever you touch or it will eat you.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
War is no longer made by simply analyzed economic forces if it ever was. War is made or planned now by individual men, demagogues and dictators who play on the patriotism of their people to mislead them into a belief in the great fallacy of war when all their vaunted reforms have failed to satisfy the people they misrule.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Industry of war is the industry of shame
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Tom Hiddleston
I’d like to fight everybody who wants to make war on people. I’d like to fight bullies, actually. I’d like to stand up to the bullies in this world. I was actually mugged once in London, and I was completely defenseless. They came at me with a… I was held at knifepoint. And I felt so angry that I let them do it and I think I’d like to go back and say ‘Look, it’s okay’, and if they tried to stab me, I could just say ‘You can stop that now’.
- Tom Hiddleston
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
The United States' credibility is at an all-time low. So, this war is against the interest of the Untied States.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
Syria is in a state of war since its land was occupied for more than four decades, and the nature of the frontier in Syria implies that most of the army is in inhabited areas, most of the centers are in inhabited areas.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
I don't believe in war, I believe in the principle of deterrence.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Sean Hannity
I know the GOP is called the stupid party, but the idea that Republicans can have the Confederate flag hung around their neck is ridiculous! It's a Democrat flag! The flags - states that seceded during the Civil War were all Democrat states. That's their flag. The slave states were Democrat states! The racist states until the 1960s were Democrat states!
- Sean Hannity
Collection: War
Image of Abraham Joshua Heschel
The time for the kingdom may be far off, but the task is plain: to retain our share in God in spite of peril and contempt. There is a war to wage against the vulgar, the glorification of the absurd, a war that is incessant, universal. Loyal to the presence of the ultimate in the common, we may be able to make it clear that man is more than man, that in doing the finite he may perceive the infinite .
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
Collection: War
Image of Herbert Hoover
In the large sense the primary cause of the Great Depression was the war of 1914-1918. Without the war there would have been no depression of such dimensions. There might have been a normal cyclical recession; but, with the usual timing, even that readjustment probably would not have taken place at that particular period, nor would it have been a "Great Depression.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: War
Image of Bill Hicks
What kind of people are these with such low self-esteem that they need a war to feel better about themselves?
- Bill Hicks
Collection: War
Image of Bill Hicks
I can't believe a war against drugs when they have anti-drug commercials on TV all day long followed by This Bud is for you.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: War
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
The most noble fate a man can endure is to place his own mortal body between his loved home and the war's desolation.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
That's where we all kind of were in the mid-1960s. Students for a Democratic Society grew from a small group of socialists at the university of Michigan into a national organization, and in many ways, its growth was driven by the Vietnam War.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
The [Vietnam] war's gone on for three years. And we'd thought we'd ended it because we'd done exactly what we were told and what we told ourselves we'd had to do. We had a majority. We were against the war and this created a crisis for democracy and a crisis for the antiwar movement.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
I came back to Ann Harbor, got caught up with people who were much more sophisticated than I, and it was an exciting time because my eyes were opening and that's always exciting and Michigan is the place where we had the first teach-in against the war.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Hood
Ben Battle was a soldier bold, and used to war's alarms, But a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms.
- Thomas Hood
Collection: War
Image of Christopher Hitchens
The (Catholic) church, as far as I know, has not endorsed any war as just since it supported General Franco's invasion of Spain to destroy the Spanish republic with a Muslim mercenary army in the thirties, on the side of Hitler.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: War
Image of Nick Hornby
contemporary poetry is a kind of Reykjavik, a place where accessibility and intelligence have been fighting a Cold War by proxy for the last half-century.
- Nick Hornby
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Heller
It doesn't make a damned bit of difference who wins the war to someone who's dead.
- Joseph Heller
Collection: War