Top war Quotes Collection - Page 163

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 163 provides more war quotes.

Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
There are two tendencies in all our war talk.... The first is to boast, if not of ourselves and our deeds, at least of our army, our corps, our regiments. The other is to find fault with, to criticize, to censure, to condemn others. If there is a victory, we gained it and must have the credit of it. If there is a failure, it was the fault of the other fellow,--he must be blamed for it.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
While I am in favor of the Government promptly enforcing the laws for the present, defending the forts and collecting the revenue,I am not in favor of a war policy with a view to the conquest of any of the slave States; except such as are needed to give us a good boundary. If Maryland attempts to go off, suppress her in order to save the Potomac and the District of Columbia. Cut a piece off of western Virginia and keep Missouri and all the Territories.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Herbert Hoover
One of the primary necessities of the world for the maintenance of peace is the elimination of the frictions which arise from competitive armament.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
War is not won by victory.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Julian Assange
Libya, more than anyone else's war, was Hillary Clinton's war. Barak Obama initially opposed it. Who was the person championing it? Hillary Clinton.
- Julian Assange
Collection: War
Image of John Howard
Nonviolent action on behalf of justice is no automatic forumla with promise of success: but neither is war. After all, at least half of the people who go to war for some cause deemed worthy of it are defeated.
- John Howard
Collection: War
Image of John Howard
Nobody should claim that the war [in Iraq] is over. But certainly it can be said that the regime is finished.
- John Howard
Collection: War
Image of Christopher Hitchens
Will an Iraq war make our Al Qaeda problem worse? Not likely.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: War
Image of Christopher Hitchens
The politicized sponsors of this pseudoscientific nonsense should be ashamed to live, let alone die. If you want to take part in the “war” against cancer, and other terrible maladies, too, then join the battle against their lethal stupidity.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: War
Image of Stephen Hawking
Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers. I think the human race has no future if it doesn't go into space. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: War
Image of Victor Davis Hanson
Nor did Americans believe that Republicans had been waging war on minorities, women, or gays - especially given that Republicans have held the House only since 2011 and have been out of power in the Senate and presidency since 2009.
- Victor Davis Hanson
Collection: War
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
It may take endless wars and unbearable population pressure to force-feed a technology to the point where it can cope with space. In the universe, space travel may be the normal birth pangs of an otherwise dying race. A test. Some races pass, some fail.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: War
Image of Homer
It is not right to exult over slain men.
- Homer
Collection: War
Image of Frank Herbert
Does a population have informed consent when a ruling minority acts in secret to ignite a war, doing this to justify the existence of the minority's forces? ... Failure to provide full information for informed consent on such an issue represents an ultimate crime.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today. It's been that way all this year. It's been that way so many times. All of war is that way.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
True power comes when others offer it to you and you merely accept it as a gift, not as the spoils of some personal war.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Atwood
In the First World War, people would be receiving letters from loved ones who had been dead for weeks, and they would not know until that black-bordered telegram arrived. I remember, of course, when it was letters only, or the telephone, and you did not make expensive long-distance calls unless it was, "Come home to the funeral," or the like.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Atwood
My parents were gardeners themselves, and perforce they used environmental techniques because it was during the war, and you didn't have the new sorts of chemicals.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: War
Image of Andre Vltchek
Russia and China have become two great allies. They'd never be divided as they were during the Cold War Days. Russia and China together cannot be defeated: militarily, economically or morally.
- Andre Vltchek
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
I am insulted by the persistent asertion that I want war. Am I a fool? War! It would settle nothing.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland. We shall adhere to it unconditionally. We recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of G. I. Gurdjieff
Let us take some event in the life of humanity. For instance, war. There is a war going on at the present moment. What does it signify? It signifies that several millions of sleeping people are trying to destroy several millions of other sleeping people. They would not do this, of course, if they were to wake up. Everything that takes place is owing to this sleep.
- G. I. Gurdjieff
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
The only place where you could see life and death, i. e., violent death now that the wars were over, was in the bull ring and I wanted very much to go to Spain where I could study it. I was trying to learn to write, commencing with the simplest things, and one of the simplest things of all and the most fundamental is violent death.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
Wars are Spinach. Life in general is the tough part. In war all you have to do is not worry and know how to read a map and co-ordinates.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
One of the many reasons that Padma will always be a secondary power on the Council is his belief that all power must be taken, that all power must come through fear. True power comes when others offer it to you and you merely accept it as a gift, not as the spoils of some personal war.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Heller
Fortunately, just when things were blackest, the war broke out.
- Joseph Heller
Collection: War
Image of Nhat Hanh
Preventing war is much better than protesting against the war. Protesting the war is too late.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Hobbes
If men are naturally in a state of war, why do they always carry arms and why do they have keys to lock their doors?
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: War
Image of James Hillman
My war - and I have yet to win a decisive battle - is with the modes of thought that and conditioned feelings that prevail in psychology and therefore also in the way we think and feel about our being. Of these conditions none are more tyrannical than the convictions that clamp the mind and heart into positivistic science (geneticism and computerism), economics (bottom-line capitalism), and single-minded faith (fundamentalism).
- James Hillman
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Declare not war against your emotions, or prepare for the inevitable defeat!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Bill Ayers
I see [Lyndon] Johnson as the war in Vietnam, and the invasion of the Dominican Republic and so on. So I'm not a liberal in that sense, because i think of liberals as part of that establishment.
- Bill Ayers
Collection: War
Image of Homer
All the survivors of the war had reached their homes and so put the perils of battle and the sea behind them.
- Homer
Collection: War
Image of Bill Hicks
....All drugs should be legal. War is wrong. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. Thank you. I'll be here all week.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: War
Image of Bill Hicks
Our next Cold War ought to be with ourselves...After all, who poses the biggest danger to the American environment? We do.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: War
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
But does Man have any 'right' to spread through the universe? Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics, you name it, is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is, not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be. The Universe will let us know - later - whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
In any war, people will pay the price.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
You have to look at the reality in Syria. Whenever we liberate any city or village from the terrorists, the civilians will go back to the city, while they flee that city when the terrorists attack that area, the opposite. So, they flee, first of all, the war itself; they flee the area under the control of the terrorists, they flee the difficult situation because of the embargo by the West on Syria.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Bell Hooks
If we are ever to construct a feminist movement that is not based on the premise that men and women are always at war with one another, then we must be willing to acknowledge the appropriateness of complex critical responses to writing by men even if it is sexist. Clearly women can learn from writers whose work is sexist, even be inspired by it, because sexism may be simply one dimension of that work. Concurrently fiercely critiquing the sexism does not mean that one does not value the work.
- Bell Hooks
Collection: War
Image of Homer
Yea, and if some god shall wreck me in the wine-dark deep, even so I will endure… For already have I suffered full much, and much have I toiled in perils of waves and war. Let this be added to the tale of those.
- Homer
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
And the ones who would not make war? Can they stop it?
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
In the fall the war was always there but we did not go to it any more.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
War? War is an organized bore.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Hamilton
In this distribution of powers the wisdom of our constitution is manifested. It is the province and duty of the Executive to preserve to the Nation the blessings of peace. The Legislature alone can interrupt those blessings, by placing the Nation in a state of War.
- Alexander Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Robert Hass
When I began writing poems, it was in the late 60s and early 70s when the literary and cultural atmosphere was very much affected by what was going on in the world, which was, in succession, the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, and the women's movement in the 60s, 70s, and into the early 80s. And all of those things affected me and affected my thinking, particularly the Vietnam War.
- Robert Hass
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Wars are the strongest evidence for the claim that man is still a wild animal.
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Eric Hoffer
A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: War
Image of Victor Davis Hanson
In Iraq #1 we stayed within U.N. mandates, limited our response, went home after Kuwait was freed - and were censured for allowing Shiites and Kurds to be butchered and not going to Baghdad when the road was open and the dictator tottering. In Iraq #2 we removed the tyrant at less cost than the liberation of Kuwait during the earlier war, stayed on to ensure freedom and fair representation for various groups - and are being castigated for either using too little force to ensure needed order or too much power that stifles indigenous aspirations and turns popular opinion against us.
- Victor Davis Hanson
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Hobbes
For WAR, consisteth not in Battle only, or the act of fighting; but in a tract of time, wherein the Will to content by Battle is sufficiently known.... So the nature of War, consisteth not in actual fighting; but in the known disposition thereto, during all the time there is no assurance to the contrary. All other time is PEACE.
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: War