Top war Quotes Collection - Page 161

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 161 provides more war quotes.

Image of Adolf Hitler
In a war the last thing the English know is how to practice fair play.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
There is only one way to win a war which has begun: To stop it immediately; that is the way!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Patrick Henry
Oh, how wretched should I be at this moment, if I had not made my peace with God.
- Patrick Henry
Collection: War
Image of Chuck Hagel
Iraq was a war of choice, like Vietnam.
- Chuck Hagel
Collection: War
Image of Julian Assange
Libya, more than anyone else's war, was Hillary Clinton's war.
- Julian Assange
Collection: War
Image of Ernest Hemingway
There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: War
Image of Jimi Hendrix
Of course war is horrible, but at present it's still the only guarantee of peace.
- Jimi Hendrix
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation [Russia]. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have been killed.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer. Germany is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Whoever lights the torch of war in Europe can wish for nothing but chaos. We, however, live in the firm conviction our times will see not the decline but the renaissance of the West. It is our proud hope and our unshakable belief Germany can make an imperishable contribution to this great work.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Paul Auster
I was born just after the end of World War II, and with my friends in our little suburban backyards in New Jersey, we used to play war a lot. I don't know if boys still play war, they probably do, but we were thrusting ourselves into recent history and we were always fighting either the Nazis or the Japanese.
- Paul Auster
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
In times of war, don't touch the guns; stay as a human! Always refuse to be a killer!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Bell Hooks
Let's face it, war in its essence is another form of capitalism.
- Bell Hooks
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Atwood
Disease has always been a much bigger killer of human beings than wars.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: War
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
In the gates of Heaven, the war medals are nothing but the evidences of murder!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: War
Image of Khaled Hosseini
For many people in the west, Afghanistan is synonymous with the Soviet war and the Taliban. I wanted to remind people that Afghans had managed to live in peaceful anonymity for decades, that the history of the Afghans in the twentieth century has been largely pacific and harmonious.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: War
Image of Khaled Hosseini
I wanted to write about Afghanistan before the Soviet war because that is largely a forgotten period in modern Afghan history.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: War
Image of Jean M. Auel
Illness and accidents were mysterious manifestations of the war of the spirits, fought on the battleground of the body.
- Jean M. Auel
Collection: War
Image of Randal Marlin
If war is glorified, it tends to eclipse the policies it is meant to serve.
- Randal Marlin
Collection: War
Image of Mark Helprin
World War II is the war that made our world. There's no question about that. The history of all the years in which I will spend my life, every single one, that is the seminal event of the history that we will experience.
- Mark Helprin
Collection: War
Image of Mike Huckabee
The president can't tell you what we got. I'll tell you what the world got. The world has a burgeoning nuclear power that didn't, as the Soviets, say "we might defend ourselves in a war."
- Mike Huckabee
Collection: War
Image of Sydney J. Harris
Man's unique agony as a species consists in his perpetual conflict between the desire to stand out and the need to blend in.
- Sydney J. Harris
Collection: War
Image of Manly Hall
To avoid a future of war, crime, and bankruptcy, the individual must begin to plan his own destiny, and the best source for the necessary information comes down to us through the writings of the ancients. The greatest knowledge of all time should be available ... in a book that would be a monument, not merely a coffin.
- Manly Hall
Collection: War
Image of Robert Hass
It's clear that there has to be some play between the vitality of invention in economic life and some regulation of it, and in some ways the great ideological wars of the 20th century that cost so many lives had to do with whether to have managed economies directed by government or economies directed by the free movement of capital, which is only partially subject to government regulation.
- Robert Hass
Collection: War
Image of Robert Hass
[Cesar] Vallejo was at least metaphorically killed by fascist forces, in the sense that he wore himself out raising funds for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and got sick and died.
- Robert Hass
Collection: War
Image of Nikki Haley
Assad is always a priority. That is not an issue. He is a war crime. He has done terrible things to his own people. He has used chemical weapons on his own people. He continues to be a hindrance to peace in Syria. And that is something the Trump administration strongly believes.
- Nikki Haley
Collection: War
Image of William Dean Howells
Christ and the life of Christ is at this moment inspiring the literature of the world as never before, and raising it up a witness against waste and want and war. It may confess Him, as in Tolstoi's work it does, or it may deny Him, but it cannot exclude Him; and in the degree that it ignores His spirit, modern literature is artistically inferior. In other words, all good literature is now Christmas literature.
- William Dean Howells
Collection: War
Image of Julian Assange
Libya faces along to the Mediterranean and had been effectively the cork in the bottle of Africa. So all problems, economic problems and civil war in Africa - previously people fleeing those problems didn't end up in Europe because Libya policed the Mediterranean. That was said explicitly at the time, back in early 2011 by Gaddafi: 'What do these Europeans think they're doing, trying to bomb and destroy the Libyan State? There's going to be floods of migrants out of Africa and jihadists into Europe', and this is exactly what happened.
- Julian Assange
Collection: War
Image of Christopher Hitchens
So here we have found a means of a) alienating even the most flexible and patient Palestinians; while b) frustrating the efforts of the more principled and compromising Israelis; while c) empowering and financing some of the creepiest forces in American and Israeli society; and d) heaping ordure on our own secular founding documents. When will the Justice Department and the Congress and the Supreme Court become aware of this huge and rank offense, which is designed to bring us ever nearer to holy war?
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: War
Image of Herbert Hoover
We cannot change ideas in the minds of men and races with machine guns or battle ships.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: War
Image of Vaclav Havel
The previous regime ... reduced man to a means of production and nature to a tool of production. Thus it attacked both their very essence and their mutual relationship. It reduced gifted and autonomous people to nuts and bolts in some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine.
- Vaclav Havel
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
I speak in the name of the entire German people when I assure the world that we all share the honest wish to eliminate the enmity that brings far more costs than any possible benefits. It would be a wonderful thing for all of humanity if both peoples would renounce force against each other forever. The German people are ready to make such a pledge.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Dunkirk has fallen... with it has ended the greatest battle of world history. Soldiers! My confidence in you knew no bounds. You have not disappointed me.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
I ought to have seized the initiative in 1938 instead of allowing myself to be forced into war in 1939; for war was, in any case, unavoidable. However, you can hardly blame me if the British and the French accepted at Munich every demand I made of them! (14th February 1945)
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Paris must either not fall into the hands of the enemy or the enemy must find it only a wasteland.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Nationalist Socialist Germany wants peace because of its fundamental convictions. And it wants peace also owing to the realization of the simple primitive fact that no war would be likely essentially to alter the distress in Europe. The principal effect of every war is to destroy the flower of the nation. Germany needs peace and desires peace!
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
General [John] Pope is impulsive and hasty, but energetic, and, what is of most importance, patriotic and sound--perfectly sound.I look for good results.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
I am asked if I would not be gratified if my friends would procure me promotion to a brigadier-generalship. My feeling is that I would rather be one of the good colonels than one of the poor generals. The colonel of a regiment has one of the most agreeable positions in the service, and one of the most useful. "A good colonel makes a good regiment," is an axiom.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
Disunion and civil war are at hand; and yet I fear disunion and war less than compromise. We can recover from them. The free States alone, if we must go on alone, will make a glorious nation.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
Strikes and boycotting are akin to war, and can be justified only on grounds analogous to those which justify war, viz., intolerable injustice and oppression.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: War
Image of Martin Schulz
I would have oriented myself in case of Donald Trump according to what former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said to then - U.S. President George W. Bush when the Americans launched a war that was in violation of international law. Schröder showed that a German chancellor can act in a clear and self-confident manner toward a U.S. president.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: War
Image of David Hockney
How can Blair fight a war on terror? Terror is not an ideology or an army; terror is a technique.
- David Hockney
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Atwood
As human beings, we are always torn between individual freedom and the ability of choose our actions, and the need for at least enough social structure so that anarchy, chaos, and warlordery - or the war of all against all - can be avoided.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: War
Image of Khaled Hosseini
At least, it is encouraging to me that President [Barack] Obama has put Afghanistan front and center in this broader so-called War on terror, and that he is taking a different approach to Afghanistan.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
We are facing an external attack against us, which is more dangerous than any other previous wars... We are dealing with those who are extremists, who only know the language of killing and criminality.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Bashar al-Assad
We've been living in difficult circumstances and we prepare ourselves for every possibility. But that doesn't mean if you're prepared things will be better ; it's going to get worse with any foolish strike or stupid war.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Hamilton
The praise of a civilized world is justly due to Christianity;—war, by the influence of the humane principles of that religion, has been stripped of half its horrors. The French renounce Christianity, and they relapse into barbarism;—war resumes the same hideous and savage form which it wore in the ages of Gothic and Roman violence.
- Alexander Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Alexander Hamilton
The laws of certain states . . . give an ownership in the service of Negroes as personal property . . . . But being men, by the laws of God and nature, they were capable of acquiring liberty - and when the captor in war . . . thought fit to give them liberty, the gift was not only valid, but irrevocable.
- Alexander Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Adolf Hitler
Defend Paris to the last, destroy all bridges over the Seine and devastate the city.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: War