Top war Quotes Collection - Page 101

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 101 provides more war quotes.

Image of Mitch Albom
War could bond men like a magnet, but like a magnet it could repel them, too. The things they saw, the things they did. Sometimes they just wanted to forget.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: War
Image of Douglas Coupland
I am aware that there is a world out there that functions without regard to me. There are wars and budgets and bombings and vast dimensions of wealth and greed and ambition and corruption. And yet I don't feel a part of that world, and I wouldn't know how to join if I tried.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: War
Image of Richard M. Nixon
But also out here in this dreary, difficult war, I think history will record that this may have been one of Americas finest hours, because we took a difficult task and we succeeded.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: War
Image of Richard M. Nixon
[Peter] Drucker says that modern government can do only two things well: wage war and inflate the currency. Its the aim of my administration to prove Mr Drucker wrong.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: War
Image of Richard M. Nixon
Yes, I wish I'd done it sooner.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: War
Image of Richard M. Nixon
I want to be sure...that nothing is done on these veterans. Is that understood?...Is the word out? That they are not to touch em, they are not to do a thing?...Get a hold of the district police; they're not to touch them, they're to do nothing: Just let em raise Hell.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: War
Image of Gene Simmons
In time of war, if you go through a bad neighborhood, I don't want a little French poodle, I want a Rottweiler on my hands.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: War
Image of Robert Greene
The dreamers, those who misread the actual state of affairs and act upon their emotions, are often the source of the greatest mistakes in history-the wars that are not thought out, the disasters that are not foreseen
- Robert Greene
Collection: War
Image of Theodore Parker
Did not Jesus say, resist not evil — with evil? Is not war the worst form of that evil.
- Theodore Parker
Collection: War
Image of Phil Ochs
If you ever get a war without blood and gore, well, I'll be the first to go.
- Phil Ochs
Collection: War
Image of Dennis Miller
Listen, the weather is just like Hillary's explanation for her war vote: we just don't know, do we?
- Dennis Miller
Collection: War
Image of George Washington
For the sake of humanity it is devoutly to be wished that the manly employment of agriculture and the humanizing benefits of commerce would supersede the waste of war and the rage of conquest; and the swords might be turned into ploughshares, the spears into pruning-hooks, and as the Scripture expresses it, "the nations learn war no more.
- George Washington
Collection: War
Image of William Shakespeare
The undeserver may sleep when the man of action is called on.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: War
Image of Woodrow Wilson
The presidential office is not a rosewater affair. This is an office in which a man must put on his war paint.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: War
Image of Woodrow Wilson
It has become a people's war, and peoples of all sorts and races, of every degree of power and variety of fortune, are involved inits sweeping processes of change and settlement.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: War
Image of Woodrow Wilson
The great war that broke so suddenly upon the world two years ago, and which has swept up within its flame so great a part of thecivilized world, has affected us very profoundly.... With its causes and its objects we are not concerned. The obscure fountains from which its stupendous flood has burst we are not interested to search for or explore.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: War
Image of Woodrow Wilson
The Government of the United States would be constrained to hold the Imperial German government to a strict accountability for such acts of their naval authorities.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: War
Image of Bertolt Brecht
Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came? Why then, the war would come to you!
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: War
Image of Steven Pinker
Dominance in an adaptation to anarchy and it serves no purpose in a society that has undergone a civilising process or in an international system regulated by agreements and norms. Anything that deflates the concept of dominance is likely to drive down the frequency of fights between individuals and wars.
- Steven Pinker
Collection: War
Image of Neal Shusterman
How much do you know about the Heartland War?' Connor shrugs. 'It was the last chapter in our history textbook, but we had state testing, so we never got to it.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: War
Image of Neal Shusterman
We can lie to ourselves, saying we believe one thing, and sometimes we convince other's it's true, with the hope that by convincing others, we can convince ourselves. Wars are often waged not because of what we believe, but because of the things we want others to believe.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: War
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
If humans fight the last war, nature fights the next one.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: War
Image of Gary D. Schmidt
I think he became a man who brought peace and wisdom to hi world, because he knew about war and folly. I think that he loved greatly, because he had seen what lost love is. And I think he came to know, too, that he was loved greatly." She looked at the strawberry in her hands. "But I thought you didn't want me to tell you your future.
- Gary D. Schmidt
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
The war in vietnam threatened to tear our society apart, and the political and philosophical disagreements that separated each side continue, to some extent. It's been said that these memorials reflect a hunger for healing.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
Cannot swords be turned to plowshares? Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
Our goals are the same as those of the U.N.'s founders, who sought to replace a world at war with one where the rule of law would prevail, where human rights were honored, where development would blossom, where conflict would give way to freedom from violence.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Mark Twain
There is not a single celebrated Southern name in any of the departments of human industry except those of war, assassination, lynching, murder, the duel, repudiation, & massacre.
- Mark Twain
Collection: War
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
War is unthinkable in a society of autonomous people who have discovered the connectedness of all humanity, who are unafraid of alien ideas and alien cultures, who know that all revolutions begin within and that you cannot impose your brand of enlightenment on anyone else.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: War
Image of Arlen Specter
If we had pursued the war on cancer which President Nixon declared in 1970, Jack Kemp might be alive today.
- Arlen Specter
Collection: War
Image of Arlen Specter
No senator's vote, except for the declaration of war or the authorization for the use of force, is more important than the confirmation of a nominee for the Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment.
- Arlen Specter
Collection: War
Image of Sinead O'Connor
We can love religion as we need rituals, but The Holy Spirit is a bird, free to fly and land where it likes. We don't actually need 'religion' in order to have a relationship with The Holy Spirit. Too many wars an violence over religion.We need to see it's all the same spirit and we are part of that spirit so we shouldn't be fighting over what name we call it. It's a free bird.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: War
Image of Haruki Murakami
Listen - God only exists in people's minds. Especially in Japan, God's always been kind of a flexible concept. Look at what happened after the war. Douglas MacArthur ordered the divine emperor to quit being God, and he did, making a speech saying he was just an ordinary person. So after 1946 he wasn't God anymore. That's what Japanese gods are like--they can be tweaked and adjusted. Some American comping on a cheap pipe gives the order and presto change-o--God's no longer God. A very postmodern kind of thing. If you think God's there, He is. If you don't, He isn't.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
This war is not as in the past; whoever occupies a territory also imposes on it his own social system. Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach. It cannot be otherwise. If now there is not a communist government in Paris, this is only because Russia has no an army which can reach Paris in 1945.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
There is no doubt that the absence of a second front in Europe considerably relieves the position of the German Army, nor can there be any doubt that the appearance of a second front on the Continent of Europe - and undoubtedly this will appear in the near future - will essentially relieve the position of our armies to the detriment of the German Army.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
Capitalism in its imperialistic stage is a system which regards war as a legitimate method for solution of international disputes - a method which is legitimate in fact if not legally so.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Joseph Stalin
There is no nation in the whole world desiring war.
- Joseph Stalin
Collection: War
Image of Peace Pilgrim
Ultimate peace begins within; when we find peace within there will be no more conflict, nor more occasion for war.
- Peace Pilgrim
Collection: War
Image of Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The nature of the new world system was not so different from the old. It was for the moment more stable, but a reasonable forecast would be that Africa in particular had a century of border wars ahead of it.
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Collection: War
Image of Will Rogers
Women are not the weak, frail little flowers that they are advertised. There has never been anything invented yet, including war, that a man would enter into, that a woman wouldn't, too.
- Will Rogers
Collection: War
Image of John Ruskin
In health of mind and body, men should see with their own eyes, hear and speak without trumpets, walk on their feet, not on wheels, and work and war with their arms, not with engine-beams, nor rifles warranted to kill twenty men at a shot before you can see them.
- John Ruskin
Collection: War
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
The hand that held the dagger has struck it into the back of its neighbor.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
How many people in the United States do you think will be willing to go to war to free Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania?
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Wendell Berry
How would you describe the difference between modern war and modern industry-between say, bombing and strip mining, or between chemical warfare and chemical manufacturing? The difference seems to be only that in war the victimization of humans is directly intentional and in industry it is "accepted" as a "trade-off." Were the catastrophes of Love Canal, Bhopal, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez episodes of war or of peace? They were in fact, peacetime acts of aggression, intentional to the extent that the risks were known and ignored.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: War
Image of Robin Hobb
But change proves that you are still alive. Change often measures our tolerance for folk different from ourselves. Can we accept their languages, their customs, their garments, and their foods into our own lives? If we can, then we form bonds, bonds that make wars less likely. If we cannot, if we believe that we must do things as we have always done them, then we must either fight to remain as we are, or die
- Robin Hobb
Collection: War
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a (flag) pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War