Gene Simmons

Image of Gene Simmons
Sugar-free ice pops are an invention of God. They hardly have any calories since they're mostly water. I eat about 15 pops every two days.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Food
Image of Gene Simmons
The only jobs kids have are to do well in school, to be charming and polite, and be thankful. That's it. I'll house you, protect you, I'll even give my life for you, and in return, you will behave.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Thankful
Image of Gene Simmons
Marriage is an institution, and you must be fully committed to it.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Marriage
Image of Gene Simmons
The biggest financial pitfall in life is divorce. And the biggest reason for divorce is marriage.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Marriage
Image of Gene Simmons
I'm fascinated with myself and love hearing the sound of my own voice. I'd like to hear what I have to say. A lot of people don't like being alone because they truly don't like themselves, but I love me.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Alone
Image of Gene Simmons
I have to have an emotional connection to what I am ultimately selling because it is emotion, whether you are selling religion, politics, even a breath mint.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Religion
Image of Gene Simmons
The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We're all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Sad
Image of Gene Simmons
I fly economy. I do often fly first class, but I don't travel with a posse, or bodyguard, or an assistant.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Travel
Image of Gene Simmons
I do often fly first class, but I don't travel with a posse, or bodyguard, or an assistant.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Travel
Image of Gene Simmons
Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I don't wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I fail all of the time. It means nothing.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
You can't go through life and leave things the way they are. We can all make a difference, and if I die today, I know I made a difference.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I like to approach every day like it's the only day I will ever have.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I want to do everything. I want to be the president, I want to learn Tae Kwan Do, I want to climb mountains. I'm always bugged by the notion that I can't do everything.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I think it's pathetic that women and men treat each other worse than we treat our pets. It's love or hate.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Never negotiate with kids. They don't have life experience, and they don't have repercussions for bad decisions; they still get fed and housed.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Fiscally, I'm very conservative. I don't believe in welfare states. I believe in giving people jobs.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
James Bond has a license to kill, rockstars have a license to be outrageous. Rock is about grabbing people's attention.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
If you're building a house, or doing anything, time is what you've got. Well, there's effort, but you need time. The more time you put into something, the better stuff you can make.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Everybody hates critics.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Personally I support 14,000 kids in Zambia - I feed and clothe them - but I don't hold press conferences about it. I don't do it so you'll think what a nice person I am; it's private.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I know that you like to see a man in the kitchen, but I'm skeptical of men who cook. A man should be focusing his attention on the woman, and not what's on the stove.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I worship scones and danishes. If I never had another meal, I wouldn't care as long as I could eat pastries and jelly doughnuts.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Music is feeling. You can try to verbalize it. It really just hits you or it doesn't.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
If you're the greatest, it's okay to say you're the greatest. My suggestion to everybody is to be their own greatest fan. Weaker personas and personalities define that as egotistical or arrogant, but what it means is their self-esteem isn't that strong.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
When you walk through a bad neighborhood, you don't want a poodle by your side. You want a Rottweiler.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Television and comic books are, and continue to be, probably the biggest influence in my life. It's the biggest influence on everybody's life.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Nobody does just one thing. But the real difference between being an entrepreneur and everyone else in the world is the ability to monetize. I am an entrepreneur in the classic mold.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
If you win a race, you don't ask how you did it, as long as you do it.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
If someone likes you, they'll buy what you're selling, whether or not they need it.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Never underestimate the power of being popular in pop culture. You have to be able to do something. You can have a good seat at the restaurant, but you still have to pay for the meal. Fame is important, but to be rich is more important.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I was never interested in being a rock star. I always wanted to be Boris Karloff.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I've always been anti-marriage for men until they become mature. As a species we don't mature until we're in our 60s.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I'd like to think that the boring lady who's talking to me now is a lot sexier and more interesting than the one who's doing NPR. You know, studious and reserved, and - I bet you're a lot of fun at a party.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
The root of all evil isn't money; rather, it's not having enough money.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
When you really think about it, I'm not delusional enough to think that what I do is important to life as we know it on this planet. No. But neither is what you do.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I refuse to stand up in front of a rabbi and my friends and the woman I love - who I will tell you I can love with all my heart - and promise she will be the only one I will ever have until the day I die. That's a lie.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I would urge all bands that say they only care about credibility and don't care about money to send Gene Simmons every dollar that they don't want. I'd be happy to take it off them.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
My mother had a horrific life. At fourteen, she was in the Nazi concentration camps. Her sense about life now is, every day above ground is a good day.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
When you are a rock star in front of 20,000 people, you receive instant gratification. A rock star on tour is a king in his domain.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I'm from Israel, so America has no limits. I started a record label, and then I started managing other artists, like Liza Minelli.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I voted for President Bush, I voted for President Clinton, and, although I do want my vote back, I voted for President Obama.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
It's in the history books, the Holocaust. It's just a phrase. And the truth is it happened yesterday. It happened to my mother. I never met my grandmothers or my grandfathers. They were all wiped up in the gas chambers of Nazi Germany.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
In theater, you're playing characters. You believe you're somebody else, and you're acting.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
My skin is more beautiful than yours. I would be quite more popular in jail if I so chose.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Live and think like a poor man and you'll always be OK.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
Kiss is not a charity. Never, ever mix commerce and charity.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
The makeup is simply an extension of the personality and colors, clothing, makeup all express something.
- Gene Simmons
Image of Gene Simmons
I work for everything I've got. I started off as a very poor kid. I want to get paid.
- Gene Simmons