Marilyn Ferguson

Image of Marilyn Ferguson
We rarely think to mark the trail for others to follow. 'Live and learn,' we say, acknowledging the value of experience. We usually forget about 'Live and teach.'
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Experience
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Achievers have an enabling attitude, realism, and a conviction that they themselves were the laboratory of innovation. Their ability to change themselves is central to their success. They have learned to conserve their energy by minimizing the time spent in regret or complaint. Every event is a lesson to them, every person a teacher.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Success
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The paradigm of the 'Aquarian Conspiracy' sees humankind embedded in nature. It promotes the autonomous individual in a decentralized society... The new perspective respects the ecology of everything: birth, death, learning, health, family, work, science, spirituality, the arts, the community, relationships, politics.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Politics
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Problems can be experienced as... a chance for renewal rather than stress.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Chance
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Future
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Yes, an individual could be electronically stimulated to fear, anger, or euphoria from a distance. However, the procedure is complicated, not always accurate, and far too tedious and expensive as a method for taking over control of the world.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Anger
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Freedom
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
A self-defined challenge is an irresistible teacher.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Teacher
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Radical common sense is the wisdom gleaned from the past that recognizes the perishable opportunities of the moment. It is the willingness to admit error and the refusal to be deterred by failure.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Failure
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by agreement or by emotional appeal.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
It's not so much that we're afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it's that place in between that we fear . . . . It's like being between trapezes. It's Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There's nothing to hold on to.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
If we continue to believe as we have always believed, we will continue to act as we have always acted. If we continue to act as we have always acted, we will continue to get what we have always gotten.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Believe
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Transformation is a journey without a final destination.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Journey
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Things fall apart, so they can fall together at a higher level of order.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Fall
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The East contemplated the forest the West counted the trees...the mind that knows that trees and the forest is a new mind.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Tree
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Our biggest failure is our failure to see patterns.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Patterns
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
We cannot leave the trap until we know we are in it.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Traps
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Making mental connections is our most crucial learning tool, the essence of human intelligence; to forge links; to go beyond the given; to see patterns, relationships, context.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Learning
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Funny
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The mind aware of itself is a pilot... vastly freer than a passenger mind.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Teaching
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Fear is a question What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Fear
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The other side of every fear is a freedom.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Fear
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The most disturbing and wasteful emotions in modern life, next to fright, are those which are associated with the idea of blame, directed against the self or against others.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Life
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Uncertainty is the necessary companion of all explorers.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Companion
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
An atmosphere of trust, love, and humor can nourish extraordinary human capacity. One key is authenticity: parents acting as people, not as roles.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Keys
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
only that which is deeply felt can change us. Rational arguments alone cannot penetrate the layers of fear and conditioning that comprise our crippling belief system.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Feelings
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The creative process requires chaos before form emerges.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Creative
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
We have two strategies for coping; the way of avoidance or the way of attention.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Teaching
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
We live what we know. If we believe the universe and ourselves to be mechanical, we will live mechanically. On the other hand, if we know that we are part of an open universe, and that our minds are a matrix of reality, we will live more creatively and powerfully.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Believe
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Risk always brings its own rewards: the exhilaration of breaking through, of getting to the other side; the relief of a conflict healed; the clarity when a paradox dissolves.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The spiritual quest begins, for most people, as a search for meaning.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Love
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Health and disease don't just happen to us. They are active processes issuing from inner harmony or disharmony, profoundly affected by our states of consciousness, our ability or inability to flow with experience. This recognition carries with it implicit responsibility and opportunity.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The difference between transformation by accident and transformation by a system is like the difference between lightning and a lamp. Both give illumination, but one is dangerous and unreliable, while the other is relatively safe, directed, available.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
War is unthinkable in a society of autonomous people who have discovered the connectedness of all humanity, who are unafraid of alien ideas and alien cultures, who know that all revolutions begin within and that you cannot impose your brand of enlightenment on anyone else.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: War
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
So long as we need to control other people, however benign our motives, we are captive to that need. In giving them freedom, we free ourselves.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Long
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Sometimes in astronomy, a heavenly body has been virtually invisible until a single observer detects its presence and points it out to his colleagues, who then see it with increasing clarity. Perhaps a myriad of unknown senses are only awaiting our consciousness.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Body
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Many artists have said that when life itself becomes fully conscious, art as we know it will vanish.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Art
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The beginning of personal transformation is absurdly easy. We have only to pay attention to the flow of attention itself.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Personal Transformation
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The popular prophets have underestimated how strange the truth can be. The human brain, that 'perfect instrument,' that 'fabulous electronic dance,' can be our open sesame to an infinitely richer life than we have believed possible. The fluent, liberating, creative, healing attributes of the altered states can be incorporated into consciousness. We are just beginning to realize that we can truly open the doors of perception and creep out of the cavern.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Healing
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Over the years your bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses of your lives.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Stress
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Cynics know the answers without having penetrated deeply enough to know the questions. When challenged by mysterious truths, they marshall 'facts.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Answers
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Real progress in understanding nature is rarely incremental. All important advances are sudden intuitions, new principles, new ways of seeing.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Real
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
The person and society are yoked, like mind and body. Arguing which is more important is like debating whether oxygen or hydrogen is the more essential property of water.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Oxygen
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
If we are to find our way across troubled waters, we are better served by the company of those who have built bridges, who have moved beyond despair and inertia.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Bridges
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Cultural transformation announces itself in sputtering fits and starts, sparked here and there by minor incidents, warmed by new ideas that may smolder for decades. In many different places, at different times, the kindling is laid for the real conflagration-the one that will consume the old landmarks and alter the landscape forever.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Change
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
If the King's English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Funny
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Mystical experiences nearly always lead one to a belief that some aspect of consciousness is imperishable. In a Buddhist metaphor the consciousness of the individual is like a flame that burns through the night. It is not the same flame over time, yet neither is it another flame.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Buddhist
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Whatever the rationale, the suppression of unorthodox cancer therapies and the sustained persecution of their proponents by government and colleagues runs counter to freedom of thought, much less freedom of choice.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Running
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Before we choose our tools and technology, we must choose our dreams and values, for some technologies serve them, while others make them more unobtainable.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Dream