Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 24

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 24 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Donald Trump
If I`m president, I guarantee you they [Mexicans] will pay [for the wall], and they will be very, very happy about it.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of David Deida
In an effort to create safety and self-reliance in your life and relationships, you may have built walls around your heart and accumulated tension in your body. Although sometimes these walls of protection are useful, they can, over time, act like shells of fear that block your true love. These shells can keep in the love you want to offer fully and keep out the love that your heart yearns to receive.
- David Deida
Collection: Wall
Image of Assata Shakur
I was sentenced to life plus 30 years by an all-White jury. What I saw in prison was wall-to-wall Black flesh in chains. Women caged in cells. But we're the terrorists. It just doesn't make sense.
- Assata Shakur
Collection: Wall
Image of Karl Pilkington
Stop looking at the walls, look out the window.
- Karl Pilkington
Collection: Wall
Image of Dennis Miller
At some point you cannot be the kid in the glass bubble in this world. You might've heard throughout your grade school and high school years that it was a safe, nice, warm, fair, feeling place... but it can get brutal when it gets competitive. Especially when you succeed. Watch the detractors come out of the walls at that point.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Wall
Image of Margaret Thatcher
There are forces more powerful and pervasive than the apparatus of war. You may chain a man, but you cannot chain his mind. You may enslave him, but you will not conquer his spirit. In every decade since the war Soviet leaders have been reminded that their pitiless ideology only survives because it is maintained by force. But the day will come when the anger and frustration of the people is so great that force cannot contain it. Then the edifice cracks; the mortar crumbles; one day, liberty will dawn on the other side of the wall.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Wall
Image of Veronica Roth
Yesterday he told me he thought I would have to pretend to be weak, but he was wrong. I am weak already. I brace myself against the wall and press my forehead to my hands. It’s difficult to take deep breaths, so I take short, shallow ones. I can’t let this happen. They attacked me to make me feel weak. I can pretend they succeeded to protect myself, but I can’t let it become true.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Wall
Image of Steven Pressfield
The problem I've always discovered in my own work when this kind of thing happens when you hit the wall is there's almost always a reason. You've almost always made a mistake in the initial conception of the project. You misapprehended something or you thought something would work and now you're three quarters on the way through and you see that it doesn't work.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Wall
Image of Simon R. Green
The cream-tiled walls were spattered here and there with old dried bloodstains, deep gouges that might have been clawmarks, and all kinds of graffiti. As usual, someone had spelt Cthulhu wrongly.
- Simon R. Green
Collection: Wall
Image of J. K. Rowling
You'd think I walk around with my eyes shut, banging off the walls.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wall
Image of James Howard Kunstler
The American house has been TV-centered for three generations. It is the focus of family life, and the life of the house correspondingly turns inward, away from whatever corresponds beyond its four walls.At the same time, the television is the families chief connection to the world. The physical envelope of the house itself no longer connects their lives to the outside in any active way; rather it seals them from it.The outside world has become an abstraction filtered through television, just as the weather is an abstraction filtered through air conditioning.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Wall
Image of Randy Pausch
Walls aren't put in our life to stop us, they are there to test how much we really want somthing.
- Randy Pausch
Collection: Wall
Image of Lauren DeStefano
It's quiet for a while, and then Rowan says; "We could talk now. We're alone out here. No walls." "There are always walls." I say.
- Lauren DeStefano
Collection: Wall
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
Human pride and egoism always create divisions, build walls of indifference, hate and violence. The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, makes hearts capable of understanding the languages of all, as he re-establishes the bridge of authentic communication between earth and Heaven.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
I am going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities!
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Martha Stewart
I live in the same house I’ve lived in for 25 years. I haven’t gone off and bought mansions, you know, even though my subject is living… living in a mansion wouldn’t do for my readers. I have to keep my credibility alive with my readers, so we’re in the same place. I just make that place nicer and nicer. And… and that’s a secret. And people don’t know that. People think, oh, she lives in this fabulous place, it’s the same old place. It started out like a farm, it got to be a farmette, then it got to be an estatelet. I built a wall, it helped a lot. But it’s the same place, the same grounded nature.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Wall
Image of Veronica Roth
THE SERUM WEARS off five hours later, when the sun is just beginning to set. Tobias shut me in my room for the rest of the day, checking on me every hour. This time when he comes in, I am sitting on the bed, glaring at the wall. “Thank God,” he says, pressing his forehead to the door. “I was beginning to think it would never wear off and I would have to leave you here to … smell flowers, or whatever you wanted to do while you were on that stuff.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Wall
Image of Ethel Waters
I have always been psychic. The walls of any room I walk into talk to me.
- Ethel Waters
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
[I'm planning]for starters, build a permanent border wall between the US and Mexico that Mexico "must pay for". The plan proposes various sticks to force Mexico to cooperate, such as impounding all remittance payments to Mexico from illegal wages earned in the US.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Greene
The information walls are completely crumbling.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Wall
Image of Leo Tolstoy
I'll get angry in the same way with the coachman Ivan, argue in the same way, speak my mind inappropriately, there will be the same wall between my soul's holy of holies and other people, even my wife, I'll accuse her in the same way of my own fear and then regret it, I'll fail in the same way to understand with my reason why I pray, and yet I will pray--but my life now, my whole life, regardless of all that may happen to me, every minute of it, is not only not meaningless, as it was before, but has the unquestionable meaning of the good which it is in my power to put into it!
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Wall
Image of Mike Pence
After we secure the border, not only build a wall, but beneath the ground and in the air, we do internal enforcement.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Wall
Image of Assata Shakur
And if I know anything at all, it's that a wall is just a wall and nothing more at all. It can be broken down.
- Assata Shakur
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Redford
I have faith in the pendulum swinging. Right now it's so far against the wall that it can't go any farther; it's gonna start to swing back. That's my optimism. One of the cures is gonna be getting the American people to fully wake up. All the American people, particularly young people, because they're gonna inherit this earth; they're gonna inherit what we're doing.
- Robert Redford
Collection: Wall
Image of Marco Rubio
If Donald Trump builds the wall the way he builds Trump Towers, he'll be using illegal immigrant labor to do it.
- Marco Rubio
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernard Baruch
The longer I operated on Wall Street the more distrustful I became of tips and inside information of every kind. Given time, I believe that inside information can break the Bank of England
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Wall
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
It should not be hard for you to stop sometimes and look into the stains of walls, or ashes of a fire, or clouds, or mud or like places, in may find really marvellous ideas.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Wall
Image of Glenn Beck
But at some point, you know that - you know what poem keeps going through my mind is, "first they came for the Jews." People, all of us, are like, "Well, this news doesn't really affect me." "Well, I'm not a bondholder." "Well, I'm not in the banking industry." "Well, I'm not a big CEO." "Well, I'm not on Wall Street." "Well, I'm not a car dealer." "I'm not an auto worker." Gang, at some point, they're going to come for you!
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
I read on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that NATO is opening up a major terror division. And I think that's great. And I think we should get - because we pay approximately 73 percent of the cost of NATO. It's a lot of money to protect other people.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Larry Wall
What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against?
- Larry Wall
Collection: Wall
Image of Mary Roach
It is the mind that speaks a woman's heart, not the vaginal walls.
- Mary Roach
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
If you take donations from Wall Street, you can't be independent.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Garth Stein
In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall; the driver who looks down the track as he feels his tires break free will regain control of his vehicle.
- Garth Stein
Collection: Wall
Image of James Thurber
My grandmother lived the latter years of her life in the horrible suspicion that electricity was dripping invisibly all over the house. It leaked, she contended, out of empty sockets if the wall switch had been left on. She would go around screwing in bulbs, and if they lighted up, she would fearfully turn off the wall switch and go back to her Pearson's or Everybody's, happy in the satisfaction that she had stopped not only a costly but dangerous leakage. nothing could ever clear this up for her.
- James Thurber
Collection: Wall
Image of Tom Robbins
A person's looking for a simple truth to live by, there it is. CHOICE. To refuse to passively accept what we've been handed by nature or society, but to choose for ourselves. CHOICE. That's the difference between emptiness and substance, between a life actually lived and a wimpy shadow cast on an office wall.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Wall
Image of Dan Millman
Your fears are not walls, but hurdles.
- Dan Millman
Collection: Wall
Image of Richard Whately
All frauds, like the wall daubed with untempered mortar ... always tend to the decay of what they are devised to support.
- Richard Whately
Collection: Wall
Image of Corrie Ten Boom
Love is larger than the walls which shut it in.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Collection: Wall
Image of Corrie Ten Boom
Mama's love had always been the kind that acted itself out with soup pot and sewing basket. But now that these things were taken away, the love seemed as whole as before. She sat in her chair at the window and loved us. She loved the people she saw in the street-- and beyond: her love took in the city, the land of Holland, the world. And so I learned that love is larger than the walls which shut it in.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Collection: Wall
Image of Ludwig Wittgenstein
A color which would be 'dirty' if it were the color of a wall, needn't be so in a painting.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Collection: Wall
Image of Adrienne Rich
Love, our subject: we've trained it like ivy to our walls.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Wall
Image of Bruce Springsteen
To her Cheshire smile, I'll stand on file, she's all I ever wanted. But you let your blue walls get in the way of these facts.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Wall
Image of Lauren Oliver
All of you, wherever you are: in your spiny cities, or your one-bump towns. Find it, the hard stuff, the links of metal and chink, the fragments of stone filling your stomach. And pull, and pull, and pull. I will make a pact with you: I will do it if you will do it, always and forever. Take down the walls.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Wall
Image of Rumi
Oh you, straying heart, just come! Oh you, aching liver, just come! If the path to the gate is closed, Take the way by the wall, but come!
- Rumi
Collection: Wall
Image of Pablo Neruda
Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Wall
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
She's like a prisoner inside stone walls, and every day the walls get a little thicker, the doorways a little narrower.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Wall
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
Phresine showed him where he could sleep, in an interior room with no windows, a narrow bed, and a washstand. There were chests stacked along one wall, and Costis guessed the dismal spot was probably a closet cleaned out to make room for him. Hard to believe the royal apartments, so lavish elsewhere, would otherwise have such a plain corner. Expecting better of royal closets, Costis went to bed disappointed.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Wall