Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 23

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Image of Michelle Williams
I had always been kind of obsessed with making a home of my own and was always drawing rooms that I wanted to live in, down to pictures on the wall and the faces that would be in the photographs.
- Michelle Williams
Collection: Wall
Image of Lauren Oliver
I will make a pact with you: I will do it if you will do it, always and forever. Take down the walls.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Wall
Image of Holly Black
It's starting to sink in," Corny said. "I can almost look at you without wanting to bang my head against the wall.
- Holly Black
Collection: Wall
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
I guess I make things that need energy stronger. I'm like a walking battery.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Wall
Image of Andre Breton
I myself shall continue living in my glass house where you can always see who comes to call, where everything hanging from the the ceiling and on the walls stays where it is as if by magic, where I sleep nights in a glass bed, under glass sheets, where who I am will sooner or later appear etched by a diamond.
- Andre Breton
Collection: Wall
Image of W. E. B. Du Bois
Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger in mine own house? The shades of the prison-house closed round about us all: walls strait and stubborn to the whitest, but relentlessly narrow, tall, and unscalable to sons of night who must plod darkly on in resignation, or beat unavailing palms against the stone, or steadily, half hopelessly, watch the streak of blue above.
- W. E. B. Du Bois
Collection: Wall
Image of Sarah Rees Brennan
Jared had his back to the wall, which Kami thought was a reflex when he was uncomfortable. She wanted to shield him. “He was doing some—Zen jogging,” she claimed. Jared flicked her an incredulous glance. “Yes,” he said slowly. “Zen jogging. I wasn’t wearing that many clothes because—that’s part of the process. You’re meant to commune with the elements. Normally, I wouldn’t have worn my jeans, but I put them on because I know the English are a modest people.
- Sarah Rees Brennan
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
I think we know this much about Donald Trump so far: He believes he's a deal-maker. He likes to bargain. Part of bargaining is that you talk really tough. You ask for the moon, you settle for the topsoil. He says - he beats up on the Mexicans, he beats up on the Canadians, but the point is not to abrogate the treaty and have the two of us basically putting up walls and blocking trucks at the border.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of William Wordsworth
I'm not talking about a "show me other walls of this thing" button, I mean a "stumble" button for wallbase.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Wall
Image of John Ruskin
Men say their pinnacles point to heaven. Why, so does every tree that buds, and every bird that rises as it sings. Men say their aisles are good for worship. Why, so is every mountain glen and rough sea-shore. But this they have of distinct and indisputable glory,--that their mighty walls were never raised, and never shall be, but by men who love and aid each other in their weakness.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve Pavlina
Treat your business relationships like friendships (or potential friendships). Formality puts up walls, and walls don't foster good business relationships. No one is loyal to a wall... except the one in China.
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Wall
Image of Ann Voskamp
The cynics, they can only speak of the dark, of the obvious, and this is not hard. For all it’s supposed sophistication, it’s cynicism that’s simplistic. In a fallen world, how profound is to see the cracks? The sages and prophets, the disciples and revolutionaries, they are the ones up on the ramparts, up on the wall pointing to the dawn of the new Kingdom coming, pointing to the light that breaks through all things broken, pointing to redemption always rising and to the Blazing God who never sleeps.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Wall
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Do not paint a picture either of God or the devil on your walls: this will ruin both your walls and the atmosphere.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Wall
Image of Oliver Stone
After World War II the Republicans - the Wall Street crowd - were very worried about a depression coming back. They hated Franklin Roosevelt in that crowd, my father among them. And there was a great fear in '46 that we'd fall back into the pits. And they always wanted to break up the Roosevelt legislation.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Wall
Image of Oliver Stone
I don't agree with Bernie Sanders that the banks should be broken up at this point. But Hillary Clinton's acceptance of huge contributions from Goldman Sachs and others... And we don't debate what Clinton has done. She has a public record. She's been Secretary of State. She's basically a candidate of Wall Street, for Wall Street.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Wall
Image of Oliver Stone
Wall Street is a huge issue. And it's controlling our lives today with this so-called election - we really have no choice. We're really just onlookers. The national surveillance state has not been debated by any candidates, Democratic or Republican. Our wars, our repeated wars - our new war in Syria has not been brought up because everyone agrees essentially that we have to continue doing what we're doing. And maybe even now go back to Libya.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Wall
Image of Haruki Murakami
I'm not trying to imply I can keep up this silent, isolated facade all the time. Sometimes the wall I've erected around me comes crumbling down. It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes, before I even realize what's going on, there I am--naked and defenseless and totally confused. At times like that I always feel an omen calling out to me, like a dark, omnipresent pool of water. ~page 10
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Wall
Image of Jodi Picoult
Hope and reality lie in inverse proportions, inside the walls of a hospital... Doubt is like dye. Once is spreads into the fabric of excuses you've woven, you'll never get rid of the stain.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Wall
Image of Andy Serkis
I remember kind of doing early acting and thinking, "God, they don't paint behind the sets." It's a bit of a shame, really - "Oh, what's on the other side of this wall? Oh, you can see the plywood." I was really disappointed. I just thought that these things were real, from watching things as a kid.
- Andy Serkis
Collection: Wall
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Also, it's good to have more than one profession, in case your own profession goes out of style. A Wall Street trader who's also a belly dancer will do a lot better than a trader who winds up driving a taxi.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Wall
Image of Chetan Bhagat
Certificates from top US universities adorned the walls like tiger head in a hunter’s home.
- Chetan Bhagat
Collection: Wall
Image of Lucretius
All things around, convulsed with violent thunder, seem to tremble, and the mighty walls of the capacious world appear at once to have started and burst asunder.
- Lucretius
Collection: Wall
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Pardon me, my friends, I have ventured to paint my happiness on the wall.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Wall
Image of Ronald Reagan
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. And get a massage - you look really stressed
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Wall
Image of Pharrell Williams
In and out of dimensions I walk through walls, just saying you can't put me in a box that's all.
- Pharrell Williams
Collection: Wall
Image of Elie Wiesel
When you see the abyss, and we have looked into it, then what? There isn't much room at the edge -- one person, another, not many. If you are there, others cannot be there. If you are there, you become a protective wall. What happens? You become part of t
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Wall
Image of William Shakespeare
No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison: We two alone will sing like birds i' the cage: When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down, And ask of thee forgiveness: so we'll live, And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too, Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out; And take upon's the mystery of things, As if we were God's spies: and we'll wear out, In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones, That ebb and flow by the moon.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
Wall Street has enormous power over the Republican Party, enormous power over the Democratic Party.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
When I was in the gulag I would sometimes even write on stone walls. I used to write on scraps of paper, then I memorised the contents and destroyed the scraps.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Wall
Image of Evgeny Morozov
Calling China's online censorship system a 'Great Firewall' is increasingly trendy, but misleading. All walls, being the creation of engineers, can be breached with the right tools.
- Evgeny Morozov
Collection: Wall
Image of Jeff Sessions
He [Donald Trump] is been bold. He's been bold on building a wall.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: Wall
Image of Rajneesh
If one can surrender, if one can trust the Master, one has surrendered to God, one has trusted God. And sooner or later one is bound to come out under the sky. One will remain grateful to the Master forever because without the window there was no sky, there were only walls. But one has to go through the Master and go beyond. One should not cling to the window; the window frame should not become a hindrance.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Wall
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
And even if you were in some prison, the walls of which let none of the sounds of the world come to your senses - would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories?
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Wall
Image of Sara Teasdale
The window-lights, myriads and myriads,Bloom from the walls like climbing flowers.
- Sara Teasdale
Collection: Wall
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
A good rule of thumb is as follows: If the numbers come from somebody wearing a tie (Wall Street economist or analyst, industry public relations department, captive think tank academic and so on), you ought to be very skeptical. By design messages from these people are intended to move markets, move merchandise and/or move public policy and are not a comment on the state of the physical universe.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Wall
Image of Twyla Tharp
I've always had to keep the walls in place, and the only way to do that is to keep yourself constantly occupied... From the time I was 8 years old, until I went to college, I worked... There was no social life.
- Twyla Tharp
Collection: Wall
Image of Beryl Markham
I look at my yesterdays for months past, and find them as good a lot of yesterdays as anybody might want. I sit there in the firelight and see them all. The hours that made them were good, and so were the moments that made the hours. I have had responsibilities and work, dangers and pleasure, good friends, and a world without walls to live in.
- Beryl Markham
Collection: Wall
Image of Ralph Nader
End perverse incentives that reward Wall Street speculators.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Wall
Image of James Salter
God is the God of the people who are at their wits end, who are right up against it with their backs to the wall, and He delights to come to our help when we need Him most.
- James Salter
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Snowden
All those people who went out [to Occupy Wall Street] missed work, didn't get paid. Those were individuals who were already feeling the effects of inequality, so they didn't have a lot to lose. And then the individuals who were louder, more disruptive and, in many ways, more effective at drawing attention to their concerns were immediately castigated by authorities. They were cordoned off, pepper-sprayed, thrown in jail.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Wall
Image of Patricia Briggs
Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he asked. ”Enough to accept my apologies?” I suggested in a small voice. ”Heck no,” he said, and pushed off from the wall, stalking forward. When he reached me, he put his hands up and touched the sides of my neck with the tips of his fingers – as if I were something fragile. ”No apologies from you,” he told me, his voice soft enough to melt my knees and most of my other parts.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Wall
Image of Tabitha Suzuma
The words fire from my mouth like bullets, ricocheting off the walls before I can even register what I'm saying.
- Tabitha Suzuma
Collection: Wall
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
One might as well try to charge through a wall.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Wall
Image of Parker J. Palmer
No scientist knows the world merely by holding it at arm's length: if we ever managed to build the objectivist wall between the knower and the known, we could know nothing except the wall itself. Science requires an engagement with the world, a live encounter between the knower and the known. That encounter has moments of distance, but it would not be an encounter without moments of intimacy as well. Knowing of any sort is relational, animated by a desire to come into deeper community with what we know.
- Parker J. Palmer
Collection: Wall
Image of George Will
The Berlin Wall is the defining achievement of socialism.
- George Will
Collection: Wall
Image of Rumi
A man or a woman is said to be absorbed when the water has total control of him, and he no control of the water. A swimmer moves around willfully. An absorbed being has no will but the water's going. Any word or act is not really personal, but the way the water has of speaking or doing. As when you hear a voice coming out of a wall, and you know that it's not the wall talking, but someone inside, or perhaps someone outside echoing off the wall. Saints are like that. They've achieved the condition of a wall, or a door.
- Rumi
Collection: Wall
Image of Allen Tate
Now remember courage, go to the door,Open it and see whether coiled on the bedOr cringing by the wall, a savage beastMaybe with golden hair, with deep eyesLike a bearded spider on a sunlit floorWill snarl-and man can never be alone.
- Allen Tate
Collection: Wall
Image of Charlotte Bronte
Too often do reviewers remind us of the mob of Astrologers, Chaldeans, and Soothsayers gathered before 'the writing on the wall' and unable to read the characters or make known the interpretation.
- Charlotte Bronte
Collection: Wall