Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of  no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg
of what value would such works be?"
- no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg
Collection: For Whatever Reason
Image of Haruki Murakami
How can the mind be so imperfect?" she says with a smile. I look at my hands. Bathed in the moonlight, they seem like statues, proportioned to no purpose. "It may well be imperfect," I say, "but it leaves traces. And we can follow those traces, like footsteps in the snow." "Where do the lead?" "To oneself," I answer. "That's where the mind is. Without the mind, nothing leads anywhere." I look up. The winter moon is brilliant, over the Town, above the Wall. "Not one thing is your fault," I comfort her.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Wall
Image of Ray Bradbury
Nobody listens anymore. I can't talk to the walls because they're yelling at me, I can't talk to my wife; she listens to the walls. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough it'll make sense. And I want you to teach me to understand what I read.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Wall
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
Our economy has not served large fractions of our population. Trump grasped that. And rather than saying, "What have we not done right?" he said, "It's those foreigners. Let's build a wall." He says globalization is unfair to the United States.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: Wall
Image of Horace
Faults are committed within the walls of Troy and also without. [There is fault on both sides.]
- Horace
Collection: Wall
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
First comes Self-confi­dence, that is the foundation. Then comes Self-satis­faction, it is like the wall. Next comes self-sacrifice, it is like the roof. Finally the house is complete and the Indweller is installed inside; that is Self-realiza­tion. It starts with Self-confidence and it ends with realizing the Self.
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Wall
Image of Eric Weiner
The late British-born philosopher Alan Watts, in one of his wonderful lectures on eastern philosophy, used this analogy: "If I draw a circle, most people, when asked what I have drawn, will say I have drawn a circle or a disc, or a ball. Very few people will say I've drawn a hole in the wall, because most people think of the inside first, rather than thinking of the outside. But actually these two sides go together--you cannot have what is 'in here' unless you have what is out there.' " In other words, where we are is vital to who we are.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Wall
Image of Ed Sheeran
I used to get drunk in venues after my shows and sign the walls "Ed was here." So if you see that, it was me.
- Ed Sheeran
Collection: Wall
Image of Christian Slater
It's the obvious thing to say but artists want to be able to tell all kinds of stories and tear down every kind of wall, to look at ourselves and examine who we are and just get deeper insights into what makes us human beings. Anything that could possibly prevent that in our near future horrifies me to no end.
- Christian Slater
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Ultimately, we have to have the wall on the border. If we don't have the wall, we are doing nothing.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Henry David Thoreau
If one doubts whether Grecian valor and patriotism are not a fiction of the poets, he may go to Athens and see still upon the walls of the temple of Minerva the circular marks made by the shields taken from the enemy in the Persian war, which were suspended there. We have not far to seek for living and unquestionable evidence. The very dust takes shape and confirms some story which we had read.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Wall
Image of Sara Shepard
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all?
- Sara Shepard
Collection: Wall
Image of Marcel Proust
Many years have passed since that night. The wall of the staircase up which I had watched the light of his candle gradually climb was long ago demolished. And in myself, too, many things have perished which I imagined would last for ever, and new ones have arisen, giving birth to new sorrows and new joys which in those days I could not have foreseen, just as now the old are hard to understand.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Wall
Image of David Brooks
Obamacare is woven into the fabric of health care. It's very hard to just rip it out, as Donald Trump sort of acknowledged with The Wall Street Journal.
- David Brooks
Collection: Wall
Image of William Shakespeare
Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself are much condemned to have an itching palm.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Wall
Image of Mel Brooks
The more serious the situation, the funnier the comedy can be. The greatest comedy plays against the greatest tragedy. Comedy is a red rubber ball and if you throw it against a soft, funny wall, it will not come back. But if you throw it against the hard wall of ultimate reality, it will bounce back and be very lively. Very, very few people understand this.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Wall
Image of Carl Sandburg
His books were part of him. Each year of his life, it seemed, his books became more and more a part of him. This room, thirty by twenty feet, and the walls of shelves filled with books, had for him the murmuring of many voices. In the books of Herodotus, Tacitus, Rabelais, Thomas Browne, John Milton, and scores of others, he had found men of face and voice more real to him than many a man he had met for a smoke and a talk.
- Carl Sandburg
Collection: Wall
Image of John Muir
But no temple made with hands can compare with Yosemite. Every rock in its walls seems to glow with if into this one mountain mansion Nature had gathered her choicest treasures.
- John Muir
Collection: Wall
Image of Veronica Roth
I get the strange urge to hit my head against the wall. Other people's sobs make me feel uncomfortable.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Wall
Image of Rick Riordan
A long white ribbon shot out of the crack in the wall. The ribbon just kept coming, weaving itself into some kind of shape next to Anubis, and my first thought was, My god, he’s got a magic roll of toilet paper.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Wall
Image of Denzel Washington
I'm a positive person, so I don't get bogged down with it. If you're expecting that, if you wall in that, if you practice that, then you'll attract what you fear.
- Denzel Washington
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
I want to say something, and it may sound harsh, not to you, but to the American people. In a sense, in my view, the business model of Wall Street is fraud. It's fraud. I believe that corruption is rampant, and the fact that major bank after major bank has reached multi billion dollar settlements with the United States government when we have a weak regulator system tells me that not only did we have to bail them out once, if we don't start breaking them up, we're going to have to bail them out again, and I do not want to see that happen.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Roger Zelazny
The enemy of the moment is not as important as our own inner weakness. If this is not mended we are already defeated, though no foreign conqueror stands within our walls.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Wall
Image of David Brooks
There will just always be a distance between you and the people around you. Now, [Hillary Clinton] can clearly emotionally connect with her intimates within the zone of trust. It's just the wall outside the zone of trust is so impermeable.
- David Brooks
Collection: Wall
Image of Deb Caletti
You were a stone wall, a fort in high, unreachable trees, an island, my own island, that no boat could reach.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Wall
Image of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The window is the absence of the wall, and it gives air and light because it is empty. Be empty of all mental content, of all imagination and effort, and the very absence of obstacles will cause reality to rush in.
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Collection: Wall
Image of Russell M. Nelson
They climbed the ladder of learning only to find it leaning against the wrong wall.
- Russell M. Nelson
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
Importantly, in several years when we have accomplished all of our enforcement and deportation goals and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, which we will have built in record time. And at a reasonable cost, which you never hear from the government.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Ilona Andrews
The intruder hesitated, turned, and anchored itself in the corner, where the ceiling met the wall. It sat there, fastened to the paneling by enormous yellow talons, still and silent like a gargoyle in full sunlight. I took a swig from the bottle and set it so I could still see the creatures reflection. Nude and hairless, it didn't carry a single ounce of fat on its lean frame. Its skin stretched so tight over the cords of muscle, it threatened to snap. Like a thin layer of wax melted over an anatomy model. Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Wall
Image of John Flanagan
Easy climb, Kurokuma. You do it easily.' 'Not on your life,' Horace said... 'That's what we have Rangers for. They climb up sheer rock walls and crawl along narrow, slippery ledges. I'm a trained warrior, and I'm far to valuable to risk such shenanigans.' 'We're not valuable?' Will said, feigning insult. Horace looked at him. 'We've got two of you. We can always afford to lose one,' he said firmly.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Wall
Image of Russell Simmons
If you don't break a hole through the brick wall, don't just start digging a new hole. Keep going until you break through that wall.
- Russell Simmons
Collection: Wall
Image of Emily Bronte
The old church tower and garden wall Are black with autumn rain And dreary winds foreboding call The darkness down again
- Emily Bronte
Collection: Wall
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
Humans believe so many lies because we aren’t aware. We ignore the truth or we just don’t see the truth. When we are educated, we accumulate a lot of knowledge, and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that doesn’t allow us to perceive the truth, what really is.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
When we talk about power, we talk about Wall Street.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Bernie Sanders
What the Supreme Court did in Citizens United is to say to these same billionaires and the corporations they control: 'You own and control the economy, you own Wall Street, you own the coal companies, you own the oil companies. Now, for a very small percentage of your wealth, we're going to give you the opportunity to own the United States Government.' This is the essence of what Citizens United is all about - and that's why it must be overturned.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Wall
Image of Alice Munro
As soon as a man and woman of almost any age are alone together within four walls it is assumed that anything may happen. Spontaneous combustion, instant fornication, triumph of the senses. What possibilities men and women must see in each other to infer such dangers. Or, believing in the dangers, how often they must think about the possibilities.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Wall
Image of Alice Munro
Peoples lives, in Jubilee as elsewhere, were dull, simple, amazing, unfathomable-deep caves paved with kitchen linoleum. . . . What I wanted [to write down] was every last thing, every layer of speech and thought, stroke of light on bark or walls, every smell, pothole, pain, crack, delusion, held still and held together-radiant, everlasting.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Wall
Image of Abbi Glines
Talk. We are going to talk first. I want to see you smile and laugh. I want to know what your favorite show was when you were a kid and who made you cry at school and what boy band you hung posters of on your wall. Then I want you naked in my bed again.
- Abbi Glines
Collection: Wall
Image of Kristen Stewart
It's funny: By putting up walls, you think you're protecting yourself, but you get to live less. You're depriving yourself of so much if you're trying to be too aware of what you're putting out there. If you feel someone breaking those walls down, let them. Those are the people that you need to find in life, rather than people that you're just comfortable with.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Snowden
You can show a guy sort of peeking over the wall, you can see a guy tunneling underneath, you can see a guy going through the front door. All of those, in cyber terms, are vulnerabilities, because it's not that you have to look for one hole of a specific type. It's the whole paradigm.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Snowden
I believe strongly that Occupy Wall Street had such limits because the local authorities were able to enforce, basically in our imaginations, an image of what proper civil disobedience is - one that is simply ineffective.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Wall
Image of Edward Snowden
As inequality grows, the basic bonds of social fraternity are fraying - as we discussed in regard to Occupy Wall Street. As tensions increase, people will become more willing to engage in protest. But that moment is not now.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Wall
Image of Virginia Woolf
Wind and storm colored July. Also, in the middle, cadaverous, awful, lay the grey puddle in the courtyard, when holding an envelope in my hand, I carried a message. I came to the puddle. I could not cross it. Identity failed me. We are nothing, I said, and fell. I was blown like a feather. I was wafted down tunnels. Then very gingerly, I pushed my foot across. I laid my hand against a brick wall. I returned very painfully, drawing myself back into my body over the grey, cadaverous space of the puddle. This is life then to which I am committed.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Wall
Image of Neal Shusterman
Walls don't fall without effort.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: Wall
Image of Gregory David Roberts
While I was chained to a wall and being tortured, I realized, through the screaming of my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. And the choice you make between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life.
- Gregory David Roberts
Collection: Wall
Image of Peter Singer
If you have the abilities to earn a lot of money and if you have the character to persist in giving that to the most effective charities you can find, then that may be the best thing that you can do. And - also, if you do become a Wall Street banker, I think you need to be aware of what you're doing in terms of your daily work, not just earning money to give a lot away. But you need to think about - am I harming people through the work that I'm doing?
- Peter Singer
Collection: Wall
Image of Norman Schwarzkopf
More than 200 ships from 13 nations conducted over 10,000 flawless intercepts, which formed a steel wall around the waters leading to Iraq. And these operations continue today. Thanks to these superb efferts not one cargo hold, not one crate, not even one pallet of seaborne contraband even touched Saddam Hussein's shores. The result: Iraq lost 90% of its imports, 100% of its exports, and had its gross national product cut in half.
- Norman Schwarzkopf
Collection: Wall