Top thinking Quotes Collection - Page 592

Discover a curated collection of thinking quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 592 provides more thinking quotes.

Image of Ewan McGregor
It's impossible to put your finger on what that is exactly other than protecting the environment that the actors get to find the scenes and build the scenes and invest in them. I think that's key and that's what I've learned from all the great directors I've worked with.
- Ewan McGregor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Malcolm X
We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves... One can't unite bananas with scattered leaves.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bob McDonnell
I don’t think the objective of an abortion clinic is to try to talk women out of having the procedure. That obviously would not be positive for their bottom line.
- Bob McDonnell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John D'Agata
Back in the day, a lot of our instructors in nonfiction were actually fiction scholars. So they would bring in stories as models for the essay. And in some ways that's a good idea, because we can all learn from other genres. But I think it also made me realize that I literally didn't have an essay model, and that if I wanted one I would have to find it.
- John D'Agata
Collection: Thinking
Image of John D'Agata
Yet there are some critics in the nonfiction world who still look at some of today's stranger interpretations of the essay and say "You don't belong here. That's not how we do things." I think that's problematic.
- John D'Agata
Collection: Thinking
Image of Norman Mailer
In my day the library was a wonderful place.... We didn't have visual aids and didn't have various was a sanctuary.... So I tend to think the library should remain a center of knowledge.
- Norman Mailer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
We may think that our tradition is exactly the same as it has always been, but that is an illusion.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Thinking
Image of Oliver D. Crisp
We are still living with the consequences of that today in popular Reformed thinking from the likes of John Piper, R. C. Sproul, and Tim Keller.
- Oliver D. Crisp
Collection: Thinking
Image of Al McGuire
I don't think any decent human being enjoys recruiting.
- Al McGuire
Collection: Thinking
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Perhaps the chief cause which has retarded the progress of poetry in America, is the want of that exclusive cultivation, which so noble a branch of literature would seem to require. Few here think of relying upon the exertion of poetic talent for a livelihood, and of making literature the profession of life. The bar or the pulpit claims the greater part of the scholar's existence, and poetry is made its pastime.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Louv
There’s no denying the benefits of the Internet. But electronic immersion, without a force to balance it, creates the hole in the boat — draining our ability to pay attention, to think clearly, to be productive and creative.
- Richard Louv
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richard Louv
Now, my tree-climbing days long behind me, I often think about the lasting value of those early, deliciously idle days. I have come to appreciate the long view afforded by those treetops. The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.
- Richard Louv
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dean Martin
The reason I drink is because when I'm sober I think I'm Eddie Fisher.
- Dean Martin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophia Loren
Isn't it wonderful to be alive? You know, you can forget all about it. Then suddenly you remember, and think of all the things you can do. Here I am. I can walk around. I can talk. I can see things and remember things. I am alive. How wonderful!
- Sophia Loren
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ian Mcewan
All this happiness on display is suspect... If they think - and they could be right - that continued torture and summary executions, ethnic cleansing and occasional genocide are preferable to an invasion, they should be sombre in their view.
- Ian Mcewan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Terence McKenna
I think with the work we do with these drugs we are the earliest pioneers in what over the next 100 years will lead to an understanding of consciousness almost as a thing apart from the monkey body and brain.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richelle Mead
Hey Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time." [...] "This is my time, Hathaway. I'm leading today's session." "Oh yeah?" I retorted. "Huh. Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then." "It's always a good a time to think about you naked," added someone nearby, breaking the tension further.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richelle Mead
Fine" I said icily. "I'll do this. but i want it noted that I'm doing this against my will." "I think we already figured that out, Miss Hathaway.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Thinking
Image of James M. Barrie
The fairies, as their custom, clapped their hands with delight over their cleverness, and they were so madly in love with the little house that they could not bear to think they had finished it.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rachel Maddow
One of the manifestations of depression for me is that I lose my will. And I thereby lose my ability to focus. I don't think I'll ever have the day-to-day consistency in my performance that something like This American Life has. If I'm not depressed and I'm on and I can focus and I can think through something hard and without interruption and without existential emptiness that comes from depression, that gives me - not mania. But I exalt. I exalt in not being depressed.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Quincy Adams
Let us consider an alternative style of thinking, which we can call 'creative thinking.' It is playfully instructive to note that the word 'reactive' and the word 'creative' are made up of exactly the same letters. The only difference between the two is that you 'C' [see] differently.
- John Quincy Adams
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Negative thinking creates clouds at critical decision times.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Negative thinking hinders others from making a positive response.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Negative thinking keeps us from enjoying life.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of George MacDonald
Suppose you didn't know him, would that make any difference?' 'No,' said Willie, after thinking a little. 'Other people would know him if I didn't.' 'Yes, and if nobody knew him, God would know him, and anybody God has thought worth making, it's an honor to do anything for.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Thinking
Image of Thomas B. Macaulay
We do not think it necessary to prove that a quack medicine is poison; let the vender prove it to be sanative.
- Thomas B. Macaulay
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marilyn Manson
Image and music always works together for me. I think they're equally important and I've always done things in a way that people remember them by, but I don't set out to just shock people...because that's very easy, a lot of people could do that, I just like to do things the way that makes me happy really. And sometimes that's too much for certain people, but, you know, I try to push the envelope to make the boundaries wider as far as what you can and can't do in music.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marilyn Manson
I've always had a desire to be provocative and to make people think, but it wouldn't be any challenge for me just to be shocking. That is where it begins for me, not where it stops. And I could be much more shocking. I think I've adopted a sense of subtlety. I don't sit around wondering how I can make myself even stranger to the world. I've simply evolved into the monster I created, and I'm quite happy with it.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marilyn Manson
There's a lot of talk in some of the other versions of the Bible, the Hebrew versions, and things about the end of the world not being a punishment from God, but being an invitation from mankind. That mankind has to invite its own destruction. And I think that's very true, and it's almost very American. I think that's the type of society we're in and it's people's very fear of the Antichrist that has created it
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Mayer
If you're good, and you know you're good, and you know you're better than those people getting paid to do it, you still have to have an open ear….Nobody's music is the enemy of your music…The idea that someone else has made it when they shouldn't have made it is toxic thinking.
- John Mayer
Collection: Thinking
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
All important persons have about them someone in a subordinate position who has their ear. These dependents are very susceptible to slights, and, when they are not treated as they think they should be, will by well-directed shafts, constantly repeated, poison the minds of their patrons against those who have provoked their animosity. It is well to keep in with them.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Thinking
Image of Warren MacKenzie
We thought [with Alix MacKenzie], if those are the kinds of pots from every culture that interest us, why would we think that it should be any different in mid-North America 20th century? And we decided then that our work would center around that sort of utilitarian pottery, and that's what I've done ever since.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Warren MacKenzie
If you didn't know what you were trying to do, [Robert von Neumann] wouldn't say a word. He would just turn and walk away. So you very quickly learned to think that you'd better be attempting to do something in that painting class.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Warren MacKenzie
When we worked at the pottery, we did learn to make pots, that is, the physical act of making the pot. We learned to control clay, to put it where you want it and not just wherever it wanted to go, and that was valuable. At the end of about six months, though, I think if that was all we had, we may have been inclined to leave because the workshop did not challenge us so much as living with [Bernard] Leach did.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Warren MacKenzie
Friends of Bernard's [Leach] came to visit, and when we went to London, we were given introductions to people like Lucie Rie, Hans Coper, Richard Batram. All these people were, let's say, made available to us by a friendship with Leach. In addition there was a potter's group - what was it called? I think it was called the Cornish Potters Society, but I'm not sure of that. Anyway, they had meetings and we would go with Leach to these meetings and meet other potters, and they would have programs where they would discuss pottery and people would interchange ideas.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill Maher
People, especially the liberals, just live in this world where if anything is said that offends anybody even a little bit, not only does that person have to apologize; sometimes they have to go away forever. Go away, bad person. My analysis of this is that most of us don't do anything decent in our life. I'm not saying we're evil. I'm just saying we don't make a contribution, so the way they [liberals] think they're making a contribution is to point at the bad people [which] is somehow even more pathetic.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill Maher
Even when [Federal Reserve Chairman Ben] Bernanke said the recession was over ... you think that would have been a bigger boom somewhere, but it seems we just take everything in stride.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zachary Cole Smith
I think that when people download the record they're kind of missing out on part of the experience, because it's really meant to be an immersive experience.
- Zachary Cole Smith
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chris Matthews
I think Bernie's [Sanders] setting a direction in the way that [Barry] Goldwater when he lost - I'm not saying he's going to lose. We don't know what is going to happen. It's early. But I think he's already set a lot of themes.
- Chris Matthews
Collection: Thinking
Image of Andrea Leadsom
I think we would look at other possibilities that would deliver further passenger capacity, that would deliver further infrastructure to the north of England but would be better value for taxpayers.
- Andrea Leadsom
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael T. Flynn
We have a problem with radical Islamism and I actually think that we could work together with Russia against this enemy. They have a worse problem than America does.
- Michael T. Flynn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Benoit Mandelbrot
Think of color, pitch, loudness, heaviness, and hotness. Each is the topic of a branch of physics
- Benoit Mandelbrot
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
People go farther than they thought they could when someone else thinks they can.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dave Barry
In Los Angeles, the jury in the Reginald Denny Beating trial, after much thinking, concludes, that Person A is not necessarily trying to kill Person B just because Person A happens to very deliberately bash Person B's skull in with a brick. The verdict is applauded by scientists at the Tobacco Institute.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dave Barry
I think if you use Twitter and social media as your main source of information you are an idiot, but I think most people who use it know better, so I kind of enjoy it.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rachel McAdams
Would I rather be dental floss or a toothbrush? is that a question? Um, I would actually rather be floss, I think, if I was using me. Because I don't really floss enough.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Max Lucado
I don't think I have ever created an entire fiction piece or followed a historical piece and made that into a sermon.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jack London
The aim of life was meat. Life itself was meat. Life lived on life. There were the eaters and the eaten. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN. He did not formulate the law in clear, set terms and moralize about it. He did not even think the law; he merely lived the law without thinking about it at all.
- Jack London
Collection: Thinking
Image of Richelle Mead
Hey Mason, wipe that drool off you face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time. -Rose to Mason
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Thinking