Top thinking Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of thinking quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more thinking quotes.

Image of Alber Elbaz
I don't like perfection - I think it's dangerous. There is nothing after perfection.
- Alber Elbaz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Smart
I like to think that we’re not defined by what happens to us…because so many times they’re beyond our control. I like to think that we’re defined by our choices and our decisions.
- Elizabeth Smart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Smart
I feel helpless, hopeless, too low to call out, too weak to think. Impotent tears dribble down.
- Elizabeth Smart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tariq Ramadan
Criticizing to destroy is easy, thinking in order to build is much more difficult to achieve
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Egon Schiele
I must live in my own excrement, breathe in my own poisonous sticky fumes. Yet I am a human being! I still am. Does no one think of that?
- Egon Schiele
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ryan Seacrest
When you're in the center of something, on a ride, I don't think you realize what it is until it's over.
- Ryan Seacrest
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ryan Seacrest
I'm someone who thinks that where there's a void, I need to fill it, but I'm trying to have patience and a little bit of discipline.
- Ryan Seacrest
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Christopher
There are times when thinking about something is the worst possible policy.
- John Christopher
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bernhard Schlink
What a sad story, I thought for so long. Not that I now think it was happy. But I think it is true, and thus the question of whether it is sad or happy has no meaning whatever.
- Bernhard Schlink
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tony Benn
I think there are two ways in which people are controlled - first of all frighten people and secondly demoralize them.
- Tony Benn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tony Benn
I think very often the boat-rockers turn out to be the people who are building the craft
- Tony Benn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tony Randall
I thought that I held the record of most appearances on the Bob Hope Show, but I think - It's Brooke Shields
- Tony Randall
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bernice Johnson Reagon
I just don't think one person has that much to contribute to any subject
- Bernice Johnson Reagon
Collection: Thinking
Image of Freida Pinto
I think when you have doubts, you just say no.
- Freida Pinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Freida Pinto
I think it's important to know yourself before you try to deal with a relationship.
- Freida Pinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Freida Pinto
I am very direct, to the point that I think I might make people uncomfortable! I do not know how not to be direct. I don't think there's time to waste.
- Freida Pinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Sandel
Economics has increasingly become the science of human behavior in general, and it's all the more unlikely to think that it can possibly be value-free - and, in fact, it isn't. Economics rests on un-argued assumptions that need to be examined.
- Michael Sandel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Skrillex
I think phone cases will always be novelties, but there's always so many interesting phone cases I like phone cases and I think the sillier the better - but this is a cool take on it.
- Skrillex
Collection: Thinking
Image of George Soros
The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. [This idea] happens to coincide with the prevailing opinion in the world. And I think that's rather shocking for Americans to hear.
- George Soros
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ariel Sharon
I don't care what the American people think, I own the congress!
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kate Ross
I always think boredom is to some extent the fault of the bored.
- Kate Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mark Doty
Love, I think, is a gateway to the world, not an escape from it.
- Mark Doty
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mark Doty
Here and gone. That’s what it is to be human, I think—to be both someone and no one at once, to hold a particular identity in the world (our names, our place of origins, our family and affectional ties) and to feel that solid set of ties also capable of dissolution, slipping away, as we become moments of attention.
- Mark Doty
Collection: Thinking
Image of Mark Doty
What did you think, that joy / was some slight thing?
- Mark Doty
Collection: Thinking
Image of Naomi Watts
What you want, as an actor, is a great leader. I can't bear it when I work with a director who is wishy-washy and says, "What did you think?"
- Naomi Watts
Collection: Thinking
Image of Naomi Watts
We're all the same, we all think its better somewhere else; its better being older if you're younger - or its better being younger when we're older.
- Naomi Watts
Collection: Thinking
Image of Naomi Watts
I think I have better taste now than I did then.
- Naomi Watts
Collection: Thinking
Image of Naomi Watts
I think film is a director's medium and the good filmmakers that I like tell the darker stories. Therefore, I'm always inclined to follow people like David Cronenberg.
- Naomi Watts
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Milner
Once you assume your right to interfere in other people's problems they become in some ways more of a worry than your own, for with your own you can at least do what you think best, but other people always show such a persistent tendency to do the wrong thing.
- Marion Milner
Collection: Thinking
Image of Marion Milner
I want to draw and study a few things closely by feeling, not thinking.
- Marion Milner
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ron White
Everything creative is somewhat collaborative. If you're a painter and someone stretches your canvas, it was collaborative on some level. Ultimately I'm the writer for me, but also anytime one of my friends gets stuck with a bit, they can call me and I'm pretty good at helping them get there. I think we all work together on some level, but for the most part, we're on our own.
- Ron White
Collection: Thinking
Image of Franka Potente
Television in America is so elaborate. There are so many remote cranes, and they have all the toys to play with. The directors are really good. They really work with you. So, I'm not really on set thinking, "Oh, my God, this is television. It's very different."
- Franka Potente
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kiera Cass
If this were a simpler matter, I'd have eliminated everyone else by now. I know how I feel about you. Maybe it's impulsive of me to think I could be so sure, but I'm certain I would be happy with you.
- Kiera Cass
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kiera Cass
I think there are pieces of yourself that you will always guard.
- Kiera Cass
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jeaniene Frost
I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Thinking
Image of Clare B. Dunkle
Forks are absurd, he scoffed. They insult your food. They make it think you're killing it twice.
- Clare B. Dunkle
Collection: Thinking
Image of Myles Munroe
No matter how many people celebrate your gifts, don't ever think that you are more important to them than your gift is to them. This is why many people fail: They fail because they think that people came to follow them.
- Myles Munroe
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry West
I don't think people fully appreciate the trauma associated with losing. It takes a lot out of you, year after year.
- Jerry West
Collection: Thinking
Image of Josh Bazell
It's a weird curse, when you think about it. We're built for thought, and civilization, more than any other creature we've found. And all we really want to be is killers.
- Josh Bazell
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sakyong Mipham
If you want to be miserable, think of yourself. If you want to be happy, think of others.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jeffrey R. Immelt
I think there's a need for somewhat of a mindset change. We need to have a consistent external focus. We've always had the research labs. We've always had the resources to be innovative, and we've been innovative in a number of businesses. But, in any big company, you have to constantly push people to look at markets and customers, rather than look internally at themselves.
- Jeffrey R. Immelt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Molly Ringwald
It's the universal feeling that we all are alone - that we're all different. I think the movie's one resounding theme is that everybody feels the same, and we're all alone together. Some people come up to me on the street and thank me for helping them get through their teen years.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Thinking
Image of Molly Ringwald
I think you can be mature without being grown-up. You can also be grown-up without being mentally mature. One of them is forced, while the other one is your choice.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Thinking
Image of Larry Winget
What you think about, talk about, and get off your ass and do something about, comes about.
- Larry Winget
Collection: Thinking
Image of Larry Winget
All talk is just that: talk. All the words written on these pages are just that: words. If you want things to get better, take action. Don't just talk about it. Don't just read and think about it. Do it.
- Larry Winget
Collection: Thinking
Image of Toni Morrison
The peace I am thinking of is the dance of an open mind when it engages another equally open one.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edward Snowden
I don't think there's anything, any threat out there today that anyone can point to, that justifies placing an entire population under mass surveillance.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patrick Jones
What do you think it is to be normal?' Why in the world would you want to be?' she says. I don't know. I guess that's the problem.' I don't think normal is that great.' But so many people choose it,' I reply. I don't think that's it at all. I think most everyone is normal and some of us, for whatever reason, choose to reject that and wear ruby red slippers or old black hats.' Well, why do we choose the hard road?
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cristiano Ronaldo
If you think you're perfect already, then you never will be.
- Cristiano Ronaldo
Collection: Thinking