Ariel Sharon

Image of Ariel Sharon
I do know that Syria never will recognize Lebanon as an independent country, and the declaration of independence of Lebanon took place in 1943. Syria never - Syria never have recognized Lebanon. They regard Lebanon as part of Syria.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Independence
Image of Ariel Sharon
The government, under my leadership, will act to implement the rule of law and to maintain the independence of the judicial system, which is one of the pillars of maintaining a democratic system.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Independence
Image of Ariel Sharon
I cannot say that the attitude of the United Nations always is for the Israeli attitude. Israel, I think, has been under severe attacks by members of the United Nations many times.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Attitude
Image of Ariel Sharon
Myself, first of all, I am a Jew. And that is the most important thing for me.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Religion
Image of Ariel Sharon
The sad and horrible conclusion is that no one cared that Jews were being murdered... This is the Jewish lesson of the Holocaust and this is the lesson which Auschwitz taught us.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Sad
Image of Ariel Sharon
For me, peace should provide security to the Jewish people.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Peace
Image of Ariel Sharon
To the citizens of Israel, I say: we have passed difficult years, faced the most painful experiences and overcame them. The future lies before us. We are required to take difficult and controversial steps, but we must not miss the opportunity to try to achieve what we have wished for, for so many years: security, tranquillity and peace.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Peace
Image of Ariel Sharon
I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in Gaza.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Future
Image of Ariel Sharon
Israel is an independent country with a large army, and it has the ability to do what it thinks is right.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Every leaving of a Jewish community is a most difficult thing.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The great question of our day is whether we, the Jewish people of Israel, can find within us the will to survive as a nation.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Political life is like a big wheel: constantly turning. At times you are up, at times down. But always, the wheel keeps moving.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I prefer to stay with Likud. I think I have to be in the party I managed to build.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
No one wants to be beaten, even myself.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The problem is that Abu Mazen signed an agreement with the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Every Jew has the right to ascend onto the Temple Mount.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
David Ben-Gurion understood that the public's trust is given to a leader in order to lead, determine clear goals and make difficult decisions. The fate of the people and the good of the state guided him, not polls, media treatment or measures of prestige.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I have always maintained that the only group I belong to consists of my family, my wife Lily, my mother, my sons Omri and Gilad.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I believe orders should be obeyed, but sometimes you have to think about the orders you get.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I established the Likud to serve a national idea and provide hope to the people of Israel, but it unfortunately can no longer do that.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Even the sheep are afraid of me.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
You don't have to be a scared person. I've had so many tragedies. I've managed to withstand things that you may think you cannot tolerate. But I have the strength.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I have worries, but in difficult times, that is when I am quiet.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I would like to be on the farm. To ride the horses. To watch the cattle, and the plantations, and the beautiful vegetables that my sons are growing there. I would like it. I am one of those who do not have to worry about what I am doing later. I love the fields.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
My strength never came from political echelons, it came from the family. And from the fields and the lands and the flowers and everything I see there. My strength came from there.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Close to 80 percent of all terrorist activity in Samaria was directed and financed either by Hizbullah or the Iranians. Iran continues to increase its involvement in terror attacks inside Israel, particularly through a small but radical minority of Israeli Arabs which Iran supports and directs.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Israel is a society governed by the rule of law.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I believe that Israel is much stronger than many of its leaders.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
We have learned a long time ago that one cannot compromise with terrorists.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Arafat conducts terror; his strategy is the strategy of terror.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
There is a famous saying: 'It's hard to be a Jew.' It's also hard to be a Palestinian. I know that.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The Palestinians have arrived at the conclusion that nothing can be achieved using terror.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The Palestinians should have understood by now that what they haven't gotten today they won't be given tomorrow.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
A day will come when other Israelis will be launched into space in the service of science and progress. For them and for us, Ilan Ramon will always be a source of inspiration as Israel's space pioneer, and his memory will be engraved in our hearts forever.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Arabs have the right to visit everywhere in the Land of Israel, and Jews have the right to visit every place in the Land of Israel.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Israel, an embattled democracy, has been fighting terrorism for over 100 years.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
In times of peace, just as today in our fight against terror, the United States and Israel stand together.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Arafat is the greatest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
In all of my possessions, in all moments, whether hard or happy, I was accompanied by my dear wife, Lilly, who supported me wholeheartedly.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
There is a deep-felt desire among the people to stand firmly together in dealing with the challenges of the future.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The power of a person derives not from the office he occupies but from a clear sense of direction and aspiration and from a willingness to struggle for his ways and beliefs.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I have absolute faith in the correctness of my course.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
Abu Mazen understands that it is impossible to vanquish Israel by means of terrorism.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
One has to view things realistically.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
If there is ever to be an end to the conflict, the Palestinians must recognize the Jewish people's right to a homeland and the existence of an independent Jewish state in the homeland of the Jewish people.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I call on the Western democracies and primarily on the leader of the free world, the United States: Do not repeat the dreadful mistake of 1938, when enlightened European democracies decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for a convenient temporary solution... Israel will not be Czechoslovakia.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
I was born in the Land of Israel, the son of pioneers - people who tilled the land and sought no fights - who did not come to Israel to dispossess its residents.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel does not mean disregarding the rights of others in the land.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
The Jewish people remember the dramatic vote in the U.N. Assembly on November 29, 1947, when representatives of the nations recognized our right to national revival in our historic homeland.
- Ariel Sharon
Image of Ariel Sharon
When it comes to matters of war and peace, we must not act rashly.
- Ariel Sharon