Dar Williams

Image of Dar Williams
In the laughing times we know that we are lucky, and in the quiet times we know that we are blessed. And we will not be alone.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Alone
Image of Dar Williams
If you're looking for can-do, earthy-crunchy attitude then you've got to go to Wisconsin.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Attitude
Image of Dar Williams
Sometimes I see myself fine, sometimes I need a witness. And I like the whole truth, but there are nights I only need forgiveness.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Dar Williams
Therapy was the biggest romance of my life.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Romantic
Image of Dar Williams
Writing 'February' made me realize that breaking form is a way of letting the song be human.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
Sometimes life gives us lessons sent in ridiculous packaging.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
How I long to fall just a little bit, to dance out of the lines and stray from the light.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
But if you're looking to be spooked by really tall trees then you've got to go to Washington State.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
You always have to wrestle with chaos.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I'm becoming a professional nomad and enjoying that whole part of my life.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
The very best thing you can do is to try to write a song that has some sort of impact.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
And where does magic come from? I think that magic's in the learning.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
But social justice and the environment are very tied together in my head.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I was raised by parents who really admired the religious leaders of the left, as many 60s and 70s liberals did.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I watch people throw aluminum cans in the trash, and I think of all the stories I've heard about the over-mining of aluminum, the erosion that happens, and the trees that fall down.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
Everyone has to decide how they're going to appear in their lives, how they're going to put themselves out there to the world.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I try to be careful not to do single concerts where I fly out, do my show, turn around and go home.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
Arizona is really cool but I couldn't stay there for too long.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
Milwaukee one of my favorite cites; I think Milwaukee is #1.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I think music is another language.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
The funny thing is musicians often love to go to see visual art because you've got all these pictures to turn into metaphors.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
If a war has to happen, a war has to happen.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I really value people besides parents who nurture kids.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
But I benefit from the taxes I pay because I know how to access the benefits of the taxes.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
I have a sordid past.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
Being told that you are good at banter is like being told that you are a good person.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
The very best thing for music would be to live next door to a person who listens to loud music so you could mishear music everyday and mutate it to your own means.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
A song versus an album is not like a scene versus a play.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
You'll almost encounter a superstition amongst musicians, people sort of go through strange rituals, what they need to do to write a song.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
The first concert I saw was Cheryl Wheeler.
- Dar Williams
Image of Dar Williams
There's a marketing scheme that tells you that pregnancy and child rearing will make you into a moron, that your kids are only happy when you're buying them stuff. It's hard being a parent, but I laugh a lot and smile a lot and really enjoy it. The ratio of laughter to sadness is higher. There's part of me that wants to broadcast that. Parenting only affirmed what I already cared about, and that's good.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Laughter
Image of Dar Williams
I would encourage people to bridge broadly and creatively in their communities, not just because that creates the most fun and resiliency, but also because it creates the most points of access for people to be part of the community, which is what democracy is at its best.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Dar Williams
God looks like a guidance counselor, God's got that smile. God says, 'How could this be? That's really odd I guess I'll have to check my records, silly me, you know, I'm only God.'
- Dar Williams
Collection: Silly
Image of Dar Williams
Go ahead, push your luck, find out how much love the world can hold.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Luck
Image of Dar Williams
We all do the wrong thing. And then we have to wake up the next morning and live with the fact that we have done things that are wrong.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Morning
Image of Dar Williams
Basically, I have found that people who have tried to start communities out of good feelings or hippie-dippie abstract concepts of love - it doesn't work. But if you just concentrate on what is the identity of your town - its waterfalls, its battles, its notable mill strike or those things - you dig into what your town is from its rock formations to its history to its food. Then this thing called community happens all the time.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Hippie
Image of Dar Williams
When we learn about ourselves, we can evolve.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Evolve
Image of Dar Williams
The light that stopped the night felt like forgiveness.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Revenge
Image of Dar Williams
Slavery doesn't have any positives.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Slavery
Image of Dar Williams
Some of us have such incredible things that can keep us from acting. We have the luxury of drinking such good wine, and having such good information at our fingertips. I can look up anything on my computer. And I can call any friend at the drop of a hat on my cell phone. And I can have beautiful clothing and great food in a world where people are being tortured. I have some responsibility for that.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Dar Williams
There's always people who came 600 miles to hear the song you didn't play.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Song
Image of Dar Williams
The summer ends and we wonder who we are And there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car And today I passed the high school, the river, the maple tree I passed the farms that made it Through the last days of the century And I knew that I was going to learn again Again, in this less hazy light I saw the fields beyond the fields The fields beyond the field
- Dar Williams
Collection: Summer
Image of Dar Williams
And the ones that know you so well are the ones that can swallow you whole.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Wells
Image of Dar Williams
Guiding the ship takes more the your skill. It is the compass inside as the strength of your will.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Skills
Image of Dar Williams
I fear that to fall in love with you is to fall from a great and gruesome height.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Dar Williams
There's tons of anger and angst and peculiarity and eccentricity, and good towns know that that's okay. But towns that are kind of bullshit don't know what to do with all those feelings.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Bullshit
Image of Dar Williams
Every time you opt in to kindness Make one connection, used to divide us It echoes all over the world
- Dar Williams
Collection: Time
Image of Dar Williams
But where do we come up with this notion of a woman in which the less space you take up, the more you're worth?
- Dar Williams
Collection: Space