John Belushi

Image of John Belushi
I guess happiness is not a state you want to be in all the time.
- John Belushi
Collection: Happiness
Image of John Belushi
I'm learning to cope and not deny my own success, but I still think it's not happening a lot. I get nervous, and I am capable of doing something to blow it on purpose. A lot of actors have that problem.
- John Belushi
Collection: Learning
Image of John Belushi
Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Christ, seven years of college, down the drain.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I give so much pleasure to so many people. Why can I not get some pleasure for myself?
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Back in Chicago, all we cared about was rock 'n' roll and staying out of the army.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
You don't know what it's like to be me.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I used to scrimp with Judy in one-room apartments.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
The trick is knowing what you want to do and then resolving to do everything you have to do to get there.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
It's all false pressure; you put the heat on yourself, you get it from the networks and record companies and movie studios. You put more pressure on yourself to make everything that much harder.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Rock n' roll is at a standstill, I think - and comedy is taking its place as something exciting.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
What rock n' roll was supposed to be about was getting loose, enjoying it, going a little crazy, and not caring how you act or dress.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I've seen Animal House two and a half times now at sneak previews with a real audience, and the reaction was great.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
It's hard to go back and be constantly funny.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Work is no longer challenging.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Some comedians love their characters. I don't fall in love with mine. In fact, I get tired of them very fast. You have to be willing to throw it all away.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
It's very hard to be a good actor, you know. It's easy to be cute.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I don't go anywhere without Judy.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
If Brando can do Capote and I can do Brando - well then, I can do Capote.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I want to do a romantic comedy that nobody thought I could do. And then do a comedy with Dan Aykroyd that is totally different from 'The Blues Brothers.' I'm a comic actor, but I'm an actor, too.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I want to do different things all the time.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
I'm out of control.
- John Belushi
Image of John Belushi
Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
- John Belushi
Collection: Silly
Image of John Belushi
My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
- John Belushi
Collection: Drinking
Image of John Belushi
On stage is the only place where I really know what I'm doing.
- John Belushi
Collection: Stage
Image of John Belushi
We’re on a mission from God.
- John Belushi
Collection: Missions
Image of John Belushi
We don't need no stinking badges!
- John Belushi
Collection: Needs
Image of John Belushi
I may be gone, but Rock and Roll lives on.
- John Belushi
Collection: Rocks
Image of John Belushi
In your 20s, you feel like you're indestructible...In your 30s, you think...I'll be around here a little longer, so I'm going to take better care of myself.
- John Belushi
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Belushi
Christ. Seven years of college down the drain.
- John Belushi
Collection: College
Image of John Belushi
I hate Illinois Nazis.
- John Belushi
Collection: Hate
Image of John Belushi
Grab a brew... don't cost nothin'.
- John Belushi
Collection: Cost
Image of John Belushi
We are on a mission for God.
- John Belushi
Collection: Missions