Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 58

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 58 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of John Green
In English, we don't have a word for people who aren't virgins. What the non-virgin lexical gap really made me think was that our obsession with sexual purity is such that once you are no longer this THING, you are indescribable.
- John Green
Collection: Sex
Image of John Green
Sexuality is important, but it's certainly not the most interesting or important thing happening to you right now. We live in a world that tells us that there are only two important things. One is the acquisition of goods and the other is either the acquisition or avoidance of sex, but it turns out that the question of who's a virgin and who's a virgout is not the most interesting question.
- John Green
Collection: Sex
Image of George Friedman
War and sex are what I call the two abysmal - by that I mean deep - parts of the human condition.
- George Friedman
Collection: Sex
Image of Edward Gibbon
It was with the utmost difficulty that ancient Rome could support the institution of six vestals; but the primitive church was filled with a great number of persons of either sex who had devoted themselves to the profession of perpetual chastity.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Sex
Image of Edward Gibbon
Although the progress of civilisation has undoubtedly contributed to assuage the fiercer passions of human nature, it seems to have been less favourable to the virtue of chastity, whose most dangerous enemy is the softness of the mind. The refinements of life corrupt while they polish the intercourse of the sexes. The gross appetite of love becomes most dangerous when it is elevated, or rather, indeed, disguised by sentimental passion.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Sex
Image of Jonah Goldberg
I'd like to know why sociologists can't decide whether movie sex and violence has any effect on children, but there's a universal consensus that even a glimpse of a Camel will force children to become lifelong smokers.
- Jonah Goldberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Germaine Greer
It is often falsely assumed, even by feminists, that sexuality is the enemy of the female who really wants to develop these aspects of her personality, and this is perhaps the most misleading aspect of movements like the National Organization of Women. It was not the insistence upon her sex that weakened the American woman student's desire to make something of her education, but the insistence upon a passive sexual role
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Sex
Image of Germaine Greer
continuing sexual interest and perfect sexual adjustment between partners who have been together for thirty years is so difficult and rare that no one should feel guilty or inadequate for not having managed it.
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Sex
Image of Neil Gaiman
I believe that anyone who says that sex is overrated just hasn't done it properly.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Sex
Image of Melinda Gates
The fact that 98 percent of women in [the U.S.] who are sexually experienced say they use birth control doesn't make sex any less sacred. It just means that they're getting to make choices about their lives.
- Melinda Gates
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
What if we just acknowledged that we have a bad relationship, and we stuck it out, anyway? What if we admitted that we make each other nuts, we fight constantly and hardly ever have sex, but we can't live without each other, so we deal with it? And then we could spend our lives together - in misery, but happy to not be apart.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Sex
Image of Pietro Aretino
Desire is poison at lunch and wormwood at dinner; your bed is a stone, friendship is hateful and your fancy is always fixed on one thing.
- Pietro Aretino
Collection: Sex
Image of Arthur Golden
Here's the thing: this eel spends its entire life trying to find a home, and what do you think women have inside them? Caves, where the eels like to live...when they find a cave they like, the wriggle around inside it for a while to be sure that...well, to be sure it's a nice cave, I suppose. And when they've made up their minds that it's comfortable, they mark the cave as their spitting.
- Arthur Golden
Collection: Sex
Image of Allen Ginsberg
Every American wants MORE & MORE of the world and why not, you only live once. But the mistake made in America is persons accumulate more & more dead matter, machinery, possessions & rugs & fact information at the expense of what really counts as more: feeling, good feeling, sex feeling, tenderness feeling, mutual feeling. You own twice as much rug if you're twice as aware of the rug.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
If I'm being forgiving of myself, I could say I'm somebody who was really hungry for experiences. The same thing that would make me go try to be a trail cook on a ranch was the same thing that would make me want to have sex with a couple cowboys while I was there.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Sex
Image of Anatole France
A woman without breasts is like a bed without pillows.
- Anatole France
Collection: Sex
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Sex
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
Talking with Gary Busey is kinda like sex. You want to do it, you just don't want to be alone when you do it.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Sex
Image of Billy Graham
Sex is front-page copy everywhere. [But] nothing can alter the fact that God calls perversion sin.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Sex
Image of Germaine Greer
Sex for many has become a sorry business, a mechanical release involving neither discovery nor triumph, stressing human isolation more dishearte-ingly than ever before.
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Sex
Image of Sigmund Freud
We must not allow ourselves to be deflected by the feminists who are anxious to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position and worth.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Sex
Image of Germaine Greer
Sex is more fun than cars but cars refuel quicker than men.
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry George
one sex of voice in public matters, and that we could in no way so increase the attention , the intelligence and the devotion which may be brought to the solution of social problems as by enfranchising our women .
- Henry George
Collection: Sex
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Sex is the quickest way to ruin a friendship.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Sex
Image of Marvin Gaye
Sexual healing is good for me.
- Marvin Gaye
Collection: Sex
Image of Mark Duplass
And, there are negatives and positives to it. Like, you know, just like a marriage, where you're like, "Well, this... you know, is the sex still as exciting as it was two years ago?"
- Mark Duplass
Collection: Sex
Image of E. M. Forster
The novelist, unlike many of his colleagues, makes up a number of word-masses roughly describing himself (roughly: niceties shallcome later), gives them names and sex, assigns them plausible gestures, and causes them to speak by the use of inverted commas, and perhaps to behave consistently.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Sex
Image of E. M. Forster
Sex begins before adolescence, and survives sterility; it is indeed coeval with our lives, although at the mating age its effects are more obvious to Society.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Sex
Image of Lady Gaga
I'm single right now and I've chosen to be single because I don't have the time to get to know anybody. So it's okay not to have sex, it's okay to get to know people. I'm celibate, celibacy's fine.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Sex
Image of Jim Gaffigan
I always seem to be chosen to do very flattering things like the beard comb over or go to the bathroom with the door open on Sex and the City or be the guy people meow at in Super Troopers. It's great for self esteem.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: Sex
Image of Jennifer Stone
In an age in which greed and lust stalk the land like some Biblical plague, it is easy to view sex as just one more thing to be had. It is the mythos of moderns.
- Jennifer Stone
Collection: Sex
Image of Jennifer Stone
sex is like sandwiches, there has to be something in between.
- Jennifer Stone
Collection: Sex
Image of Michel Foucault
We demand that sex speak the truth and we demand that it tell us our truth, or rather, the deeply buried truth of that truth about ourselves wich we think we possess in our immediate consciousness.
- Michel Foucault
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
Don't explain computers to laymen. Simpler to explain sex to a virgin.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Herrick
Against diseases here the strongest fence is the defensive vertue, Abstinence.
- Robert Herrick
Collection: Sex
Image of Jo Coudert
A cruel joke has been played on us. We are fated always to remember what we learned but never to recall the experiences that taught us. Who can remember being born? Yet, it is possible to speculate that anxiety has its roots in this experience, that dread of abandonment, fears of separation, intolerable loneliness go back to this moment. Who can remember being cared for as an infant? ... Who can remember being toilet-trained? ... Who can remember the attachment which developed to the parent of the opposite sex? ... We cannot remember but what we have forgotten lives on dynamically.
- Jo Coudert
Collection: Sex
Image of Diane Ackerman
Devising a vocabulary for gardening is like devising a vocabulary for sex. There are the correct Latin names, but most people invent euphemisms. Those who refer to plants by Latin name are considered more expert, if a little pedantic.
- Diane Ackerman
Collection: Sex
Image of Daniel Handler
This is like a cookie, it tastes like a cookie having sex with a doughnut.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Sex
Image of Hugh Hefner
I’ve never thought of Playboy, quite frankly, as a sex magazine. I always thought of it as a lifestyle magazine in which sex was one important ingredient.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Sex
Image of Hugh Hefner
It is the beauty of women, and the fact that they are the focus, that they are sex objects in a positive sense, is the reason we have civilization.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Sex
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Two things I do well in books are sex and violence, but I don't want gratuitous sex or violence. The sex and violence are only as graphic as need be. And never included unless it furthers the plot or character development
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Sex
Image of Christina Hendricks
My first day on set [Bad Santa 2] was with Billy [Bob Tornton] and it was a sex scene in a Christmas tree lot and you know in order to make it great for the audience you just have to go for it! It was our sort of our icebreaker. There is something very freeing and fun about just playing make believe and it's just over the top and hilarious so you just go for it.
- Christina Hendricks
Collection: Sex
Image of Bell Hooks
Couples who rarely or never have sex can know lifelong love.
- Bell Hooks
Collection: Sex
Image of Jen Kirkman
It [sex-ed] was such a slow rollout for me. I just didn't know what the hell was happening.
- Jen Kirkman
Collection: Sex
Image of Bill Hicks
But where did this veneration of childbirth come from? I missed that meeting. Childbirth is wonderful, childbirth is a miracle. Wrong. It's no more a miracle than eating food and a turd coming out your ass.
- Bill Hicks
Collection: Sex
Image of W. H. Auden
The masculine imagination lives in a state of perpetual revolt against the limitations of human life. In theological terms, one might say that all men, left to themselves, become gnostics. They may swagger like peacocks, but in their heart of hearts they all think sex an indignity and wish they could beget themselves on themselves. Hence the aggressive hostility toward women so manifest in most club-car stories.
- W. H. Auden
Collection: Sex
Image of Ilana Mercer
The Delphic oracles of the disease theory of delinquency (the "experts") have slapped all manner of misconduct with diagnostic labels... The arsonist has ”pyromania,” the thief is inflicted with ”kleptomania,” and Bill Clinton is not promiscuous, but a ”sex-addict."
- Ilana Mercer
Collection: Sex
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
I sat on the bed. Neither of us said anything. I wasn't slick and sophisticated enough for this. What do you say to boyfriend A when he finds you naked in the bed of boyfriend B? Especially if boyfriend A turned into a monster the night before and ate someone. I bet Miss Manners didn't cover this at all.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Sex
Image of Nick Hornby
The chief attraction of the opposite sex for all of us, old and young, men and women: we need someone to save us from the sympathetic smiles in the Sunday-night cinema queue, someone who can stop us from falling down into the pit where the permanently single live with their mums and dads.
- Nick Hornby
Collection: Sex