Hugh Hefner

Image of Hugh Hefner
Surrounding myself with beautiful women keeps me young.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Women
Image of Hugh Hefner
Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Life
Image of Hugh Hefner
I always say now that I'm in my blonde years. Because since the end of my marriage, all of my girlfriends have been blonde.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Dating
Image of Hugh Hefner
The whole 1950s notion was find the right girl, get married, move to the suburbs and then hang out with the guys while she stayed home with the babies. I felt that was sort of sad.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Home
Image of Hugh Hefner
To pursue your dreams, to have them come true, to have made a difference, to have changed society, to have fought against powerful forces... that's a life well-spent.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Dreams
Image of Hugh Hefner
What's amazing is that the taste of American men and international tastes in terms of beauty have essentially stayed the same. Styles change, but our view of beauty stays the same.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Amazing
Image of Hugh Hefner
I was an absent dad. Once the magazine started, I really had two families. The dream was the magazine. I worked through the night all the time.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Dad
Image of Hugh Hefner
My first wife was a brunette, and Barbi Benton, my major romantic relationship of the early 1970s, was a brunette. But since the end of my marriage, all of my girlfriends have been blonds.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Romantic
Image of Hugh Hefner
I was very influenced by the musicals and romantic comedies of the 1930s. I admired Gene Harlow and such, which probably explains why, since the end of my marriage, I've dated nothing but a succession of blondes.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Romantic
Image of Hugh Hefner
Someone once asked, 'What's your best pickup line?' I said, 'My best pickup line is, 'Hi, my name is Hugh Hefner.'
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Best
Image of Hugh Hefner
You know, from my point of view, I'm the luckiest cat on the planet.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Chance
Image of Hugh Hefner
The difference between Marilyn Monroe and the early Pamela Anderson is not that great. What's amazing is that the taste of American men and international tastes in terms of beauty have essentially stayed the same. Styles change, but our view of beauty stays the same.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Amazing
Image of Hugh Hefner
In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined a sweeter life.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Dreams
Image of Hugh Hefner
The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Religion
Image of Hugh Hefner
I'm very comfortable with the nature of life and death, and that we come to an end. What's most difficult to imagine is that those dreams and early yearnings and desires of childhood and adolescence will also disappear. But who knows? Maybe you become part of the eternal whatever.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Dreams
Image of Hugh Hefner
It is women who have traditionally, historically been given non-human roles, perceived as simply the daughters of Eve, perceived as either Madonna or whore. And I think that it is the sexual revolution that plays one part in female emancipation.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Women
Image of Hugh Hefner
One of the problems with organized religion is that it has always kept women in a second-class position. They have been viewed as the daughters of Eve.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Religion
Image of Hugh Hefner
Picasso had his pink period and his blue period. I am in my blonde period right now.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Sex is the driving force on the planet. We should embrace it, not see it as the enemy.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I'm never going to grow up. Staying young is what it is all about for me.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
It's good to be selfish. But not so self-centered that you never listen to other people.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
With the rabbit as our emblem, when we got to the point in 1960 of opening the first Playboy Club... one of our executives suggested the possibility of a bunny costume. We tried it out, and I made some modifications - added the cuffs and the bow tie and collar - and the bunny was born.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I think everyone should get married. I just took a little longer than usual.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Living in the moment, thinking about the future, and staying connected to the past: That's what makes me feel whole.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Even when I was young, I said age is largely a state of mind if you're healthy.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I have been married twice, and those were not the happiest times of my life. Part of the problem, quite frankly, is that when you get married, the romance disappears and the children arrive and the love is transferred. It shouldn't be that way, but too often it is transferred to the children.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I got married before I found myself. People should find themselves before they get married.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I guess I'm the most successful man I know. I wouldn't trade places with anybody in the world.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
The people who had the most impact on me when I was young were Freud and Darwin, but growing up I also had my film idols.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
It's hard to really compare new love and old love.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I don't have dinner parties - I eat my dinner in bed.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I think that retirement is the first step towards the grave.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Sex, and the attraction between the sexes, does make the world go 'round.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
The interesting thing is how one guy, through living out his own fantasies, is living out the fantasies of so many other people.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I remain very much connected to my childhood... I have never been too jaded or too sophisticated.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I'm actually a very moral guy.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I looked back on the roaring Twenties, with its jazz, 'Great Gatsby' and the pre-Code films as a party I had somehow managed to miss.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I'm not an active feminist: I'm an active humanist.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
My mother loaned me $1000. The first issue came out at the end of 1953. I knew I needed something original. I had a photographer shoot a 3D feature for the first issue and learned it would cost too much money. When the 3D thing turned out to be too expensive, at that same moment I came across the photos of Marilyn Monroe.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Historically the Puritans left England to escape religious persecution, and they promptly turned around and started persecuting the people they didn't agree with - the scarlet letter A, and the stocks and the dunking board came from that. That puritanism is still there.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
The women's movement, from my point of view, was part of the larger sexual revolution that 'Playboy' had played such a large part in. The reality is that the major beneficiaries of the sexual revolution are women.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
The difference between Marilyn Monroe and the early Pamela Anderson is not that great.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
The notion of the single man began in the 1950's. The idea of the bachelor as a separate life was new and obscure.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I looked back on the roaring Twenties - with its jazz, 'Great Gatsby,' and the pre-Code films - as a party I had somehow managed to miss. After World War Two, I expected something similar, a return to the period after the first war, but when the skirt lengths went down instead of up, I knew we were in big trouble.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Men project their fantasies onto me; they live them through who they think I am.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Could I be in a better place and happier than I am today? I don't think so.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
I separated ways from the American feminist movement when they became anti-sexual. I believe embracing sexuality is a part of what it means to be free.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Ageism is a variation of racism or sexism, all the other isms.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Being attacked by right-wing Christians did not bother me. Being attacked by liberal feminists did.
- Hugh Hefner
Image of Hugh Hefner
Part of the concept behind the magazine was breaking barriers. And it wasn't just a sexual thing. It was racial and doing the things that were right. And in the process, that set 'Playboy' apart.
- Hugh Hefner