Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 23

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 23 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Hugh Hefner
The notion that Playboy turns women into sex objects is ridiculous. Women are sex objects. If women weren't sex objects, there wouldn't be another generation. It's the attraction between the sexes that makes the world go 'round. That's why women wear lipstick and short skirts.
- Hugh Hefner
Collection: Sex
Image of William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling
The weaker sex, to piety more prone, by rare examples, oft have been renown'd. When many murders were bewail'd by none, an isles whole men in blood by women drown'd.
- William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling
Collection: Sex
Image of William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling
The weaker sex, to piety more prone.
- William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling
Collection: Sex
Image of Amy Lockwood
What is it that you think about just before you get a condom? Sex!
- Amy Lockwood
Collection: Sex
Image of Marcelo Goianira
SEX! Now that I have your attention... Please try to meditate at least 15 minutes, every day. You know it's good for you.
- Marcelo Goianira
Collection: Sex
Image of Nancy Astor
No one sex can govern alone. I believe that one of the reasons why civilization has failed so lamentably is that is had one-sided government.
- Nancy Astor
Collection: Sex
Image of Julia Ward Howe
I think nothing is religion which puts one individual absolutely above others, and surely nothing is religion which puts one sex above another.
- Julia Ward Howe
Collection: Sex
Image of Nell Zink
I have known many people who were seduced as children by same-sex partners and then spent their teen years being gay, and then found their way back to heterosexuality as adults.
- Nell Zink
Collection: Sex
Image of Stephen Marche
The easier sex gets, the less intimate every sexual act gets. In the Victorian period, a kiss was like a f - k. And now, you know, when actual sexual acts become so easy, their intimacy declines and their meaning declines.
- Stephen Marche
Collection: Sex
Image of Eileen Davidson
Some people say I appeared on the Phil Donahue show to tell "my" sex change story but I've never appeared on his show for any reason... not even as a member of the studio audience.
- Eileen Davidson
Collection: Sex
Image of Grace Hopper
I'm totally against women in combat, because we live in a culture and a society that imposes on every man the concept of women and children first...If you had a man and a woman trying to go through some dangerous woods, the man's instinct would be to protect the woman. Therefore you weaken the man.
- Grace Hopper
Collection: Sex
Image of Benny Hill
I never yell, I never tell, but I'm grateful as hell.
- Benny Hill
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Kimmel
Ironically, survey after survey shows that married men are happier and healthier than unmarried men. Oh, and they also have more sex.
- Michael Kimmel
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Kimmel
My colleagues and I have done a survey of 13,000 students on more than 17 campuses, and we found that while sex in college has always been a bit more casual, "hooking up" has pretty much replaced other traditional forms of dating.
- Michael Kimmel
Collection: Sex
Image of Damian Kulash
I'm passionate about music, food, books, film, blah, blah. The same things everyone is passionate about, no? Love, sex, connection. Peace. Not f - - g up our planet.
- Damian Kulash
Collection: Sex
Image of Philippe Sollers
Stop being astounded by the realization that sex is the object of such misunderstanding and of such automatic clumsiness that it implies either a universal loathing or a universal veneration (which are much the same thing).
- Philippe Sollers
Collection: Sex
Image of Richard Savage
Such, Polly, are your sex - part truth, part fiction; - Some thought, much whim and all a contradiction.
- Richard Savage
Collection: Sex
Image of Chris D'Elia
We're the only species that listens to Michael Bublé when we have sex. That's gotta be wrong.
- Chris D'Elia
Collection: Sex
Image of Diora Baird
I'm aware that people see me as a sex symbol, and it's getting me attention. But I know I can act.
- Diora Baird
Collection: Sex
Image of Pamela Des Barres
It means rock'n'roll in the sack. It means sex: the lyrics, the beat of it, the thunderous feeling through your body. Before the word groupie even existed I knew that I wanted to share myself with someone who created that music and turned me on in every kind of way.
- Pamela Des Barres
Collection: Sex
Image of David Shrigley
I guess I must just be obsessed with death. Apparently you think about it a lot more as you get older. Maybe you could chart how when I was in my 20s I talked about sex all the time, and in my 40s it's just death.
- David Shrigley
Collection: Sex
Image of Danny Worsnop
I was having sex with everything that moved
- Danny Worsnop
Collection: Sex
Image of Hidetaka Suehiro
To me, video games aren't something as necessary as food or sleep, but they're just as important as delicious food, drinks, afternoon naps, walks, music, and sex (or masturbation). Not having them won't kill you, but without them, your life would be so boring you might as well be dead.
- Hidetaka Suehiro
Collection: Sex
Image of Clarence Carter
I stroke it to the East, and I stroke it to the West, and I stroke it to the woman that I love best. I be strokin'.
- Clarence Carter
Collection: Sex
Image of Mary Stott
A lot of women seem to have a similar attitude, - 'I'm not a feminist' - and it gets wearying. What's wrong with being a feminist? I'm proud to be a feminist. It's been one of the most positive things in my life. It's one of the best traditions there is. It's admirable to be a feminist and to stand up for one's sex, to fight against inequality and injustice and to work for a better society.
- Mary Stott
Collection: Sex
Image of Mardy Grothe
The best thing about the battle between the sexes is often the sex between the battles.
- Mardy Grothe
Collection: Sex
Image of Anna Cora Mowatt
Lord Chesterfield designated ugly women as the third sex; how shall we place ugly men.
- Anna Cora Mowatt
Collection: Sex
Image of Marlene Zuk
There is not a moral to every story in animal behavior. Sometimes a snake is just a snake, and sometimes snake sex is only about sex in snakes, or sex in egg-laying reptiles. Although a biologist's job in part is to interpret what organisms do in a broader context, that context does not, and should not, need to include a lesson for human beings. This is true regardless of whether the lesson is something we would like to teach, which means that using animals as vehicles for nonsexist thinking is just as out of bounds as using them to keep women barefoot and pregnant.
- Marlene Zuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Alphonse Karr
A woman who writes commits two sins; she increases the number of books, and decreases the number of women.
- Alphonse Karr
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Glawogger
A young man in Bangladesh can't even hold hands with a young woman. Without marriage there is no kissing, no holding hands, no going anywhere. So young boys can only go to the brothels for sex before marriage.
- Michael Glawogger
Collection: Sex
Image of Lawrence M. Friedman
Ideas about the scope and meaning of freedom of speech do expand and contract with the times. At the moment, we live in an age that is very permissive, both legally and socially, on a wide range of subjects from Karl Marx to kinky sex. This has not always been the case. Things that even children freely see and read and hear today -- writings, pictures, words -- would have been banned as just plain obscene, even for adults, as recently as the middle of the twentieth century.
- Lawrence M. Friedman
Collection: Sex
Image of Loraine Hutchins
Some have a difficult time with feminism. 'Why not a human liberation movement?' they say. The answer is that the power differences between the sexes, races, and classes are still so extreme that invoking humanism, at this time, dangerously denies that fact.
- Loraine Hutchins
Collection: Sex
Image of Arnold Gesell
The family is both a biological and a cultural group. It is biologic in sense that it is the best arrangement for begetting children and protecting them while they are dependent. It is a cultural group because it brings into intimate association persons of different age and sex who renew and reshape the folkways of the society into which they are born. The household serves as a "cultural workshop" for the transmission of old traditions and for the creation of new social values.
- Arnold Gesell
Collection: Sex
Image of Kenna
I'm bringing raw sex appeal. That's my whole thing.
- Kenna
Collection: Sex
Image of Lady Saw
I came at a time where male artists where dominating, so I had to do something quick to get people's attention. I wanted to let people know that women artists can hold their own compare to the men. Sex got their attention, while I open the road for the other female artists.
- Lady Saw
Collection: Sex
Image of Augustus Napier
The ubiquitous and acutely conscious presence of our adolescents is a major problem, especially since much of their consciousnessseems to be focused on sexuality--ours and theirs. They expect us to ignore them if they are kissing their dates in the family room; but let us so much as wink at one another, and they whistle loudly.
- Augustus Napier
Collection: Sex
Image of George S. Kaufman
I've never had any complaints yet!
- George S. Kaufman
Collection: Sex
Image of John B. Keane
How would you know a Cork footballer? He's the one who thinks that oral sex is just talking about it.
- John B. Keane
Collection: Sex
Image of Thomas Koerfer
Sex is probably one of the last forms of human expression to enjoy such a direct connection with nature. It might be the primary site of conflict between nature and culture. If one assumes that nature (or instinct) is repressed in a highly civilised society, then I think the conceptual dyad nature-culture is best preserved there, in the realm of sex.
- Thomas Koerfer
Collection: Sex
Image of Enid Bagnold
It's not till sex has died out between a man and a woman that they can really love. And now I mean affection. Now I mean to be fond of (as one is fond of oneself) --to hope, to be disappointed, to live inside the other heart.
- Enid Bagnold
Collection: Sex
Image of John Key
I read a review on the Herald, it says it takes 40 minutes to get to the first sex session apparently and the whole movie only contains 11 minutes of forbidden fruit.
- John Key
Collection: Sex
Image of Perry Brass
Have hot, wild sex with a friend. Then go out and do something stupid, like bowl, afterwards.
- Perry Brass
Collection: Sex
Image of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Shaking hands with the strangers of opposite sex is forbidden
- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Kazinsky
I had a really weird moment when I was doing ADR, and I was watching a sex scene that I was in. I had this really detached moment where I realized I was looking at my own behind in third person.
- Robert Kazinsky
Collection: Sex
Image of Devin Kelley
Except for Carrie Bradshaws in the opening credits of Sex and the City, I dont know if the tutu has ever really been trendy, but I want to wear one. I want to dance around in it, and I want that to be socially acceptable.
- Devin Kelley
Collection: Sex
Image of Lois Greiman
Women have to be in the mood for sex. Men have to be breathing.
- Lois Greiman
Collection: Sex
Image of Mario Sorrenti
I'm pretty open. I'm not afraid of men. I'm not afraid of women. I'm not afraid of sex and sexuality. It's part of me, and it comes out in the photograph. It's as if at that moment when I'm taking pictures, I'm not a man and I'm not a woman. If I see a moment that seems true to me, that seems honest, whether it's female or male, it's part of me as well.
- Mario Sorrenti
Collection: Sex
Image of Gavin Ewart
Sex suppressed will go berserk, But it keeps us all alive. It's a wonderful change from wives and work And it ends at half past five.
- Gavin Ewart
Collection: Sex
Image of Rick James
I don't try to hide sex in my music. Music is very sexual. I don't hide it.
- Rick James
Collection: Sex