Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Rita Hayworth
I never really thought of myself as a sex goddess; I felt I was more a comedian who could dance.
- Rita Hayworth
Collection: Sex
Image of John Osborne
The whole point of a sacrifice is that you give up something you never really wanted in the first place. People are doing it around you all the time. They give up their careers, say -- or their beliefs -- or sex.
- John Osborne
Collection: Sex
Image of Melissa Joan Hart
I'm a pretty open person. Like, if I have good sex, then the next day I'm going to tell everyone I know about it.
- Melissa Joan Hart
Collection: Sex
Image of Dave Thomas
The anger that appears to be building up between the sexes becomes more virulent with every day that passes. And far from women taking the blame... the fact is that men are invariably portrayed as the bad guys. Being a good man is like being a good Nazi.
- Dave Thomas
Collection: Sex
Image of G. Stanley Hall
Every theory of love, from Plato down teaches that each individual loves in the other sex what he lacks in himself.
- G. Stanley Hall
Collection: Sex
Image of Harriot Kezia Hunt
In opening your doors to woman, it is mind that will enter the lecture room, it is intelligence that will ask for food; sex will never be felt where science leads for the atmosphere of thought will be around every lecture.
- Harriot Kezia Hunt
Collection: Sex
Image of Gail Levin
I don't think she [Marilyn Monroe] saw herself as victimized and a sex object. She knew how to contend with it. I'm sure she was no fool about it. On the one hand, it was very flattering and great; on the other hand, it was probably awful and could be very lascivious and very terrible. But I think a lot of women just wanted to be like her. And that's still true today.
- Gail Levin
Collection: Sex
Image of Randall Wright
The problem with TV today is not just too much sex, violence, profanity, dishonesty or crude behavior. It is too much TV, period.
- Randall Wright
Collection: Sex
Image of Frank Oppenheimer
Understanding is a lot like sex; it’s got a practical purpose, but that’s not why people do it normally.
- Frank Oppenheimer
Collection: Sex
Image of Fabio Novembre
Him & Her are born directly from the ideas behind the Panton Chair. An evolution of the hermaphroditic original, declined into the harmony of the two sexes. They assume sculpted forms like naked models of seduction...but they feel no shame.
- Fabio Novembre
Collection: Sex
Image of Julian Beck
I do not like the Broadway theatre because it does not know how to say hello. The tone of voice is false, the mannerisms are false, the sex is false, ideal, the Hollywood world of perfection, the clean image, the well pressed clothes, the well scrubbed anus, odorless, inhuman, of the Hollywood actor, the Broadway star. And the terrible false dirt of Broadway, the lower depths in which the dirt is imitated, inaccurate.
- Julian Beck
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Hardwick
Sex can no longer be the germ, the seed of fiction. Sex is an episode, most properly conveyed in an episodic manner, quickly, often ironically. It is a bursting forth of only one of the cells in the body of the omnipotent I, the one who hopes by concentration of tone and voice to utter the sound of reality.
- Elizabeth Hardwick
Collection: Sex
Image of Ed Robertson
I'm having a mid-life crisis, so I thought instead of having sex with a stranger, I'd just get a new haircut. It's good clean fun without all the messy emotional baggage. It's just a haircut folks! It's not like I had an eye removed, or a leg added on! Live a little... it'll grow back!
- Ed Robertson
Collection: Sex
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
From our earliest beginnings, we have been a nation obsessed with sex, titillated by it at the same time that we fear it, elaborating rules to contain it at the same time that we violate them.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Sex
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
Interesting, isn't it, that even though more than two and a half decades have passed since the sexual revolution brought women a new measure of sexual freedom, there's still no word in the language that doesn't reek with pejorative connotation to describe a woman who has sex freely. Since language frames thought and sets its limits, this is not a trivial matter. For without a word that describes without condemning, it's hard to think about it neutrally as well. When we say the words 'promiscuous woman,' therefore, it's a statement about her character, not just her sexual behavior.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Sex
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
Whatever else we may say about sex, it is at least as much a social and psychological phenomenon as it is a biological one.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Sex
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
Sexual freedom is about choice. It's the freedom to say no as well as yes.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Sex
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
For sex to be wholly satisfying, we must have at least as much concern for a partner as for self - a requirement that doesn't live comfortably alongside the exhortation to 'do your own thing.' In the end, we are left with an extraordinarily heightened set of expectations about the possibilities in human relationships that lives side by side with disillusion that, for many, borders on despair.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Sex
Image of Tim Zuck
Making a painting is like having sex for a month or something. Then I go through this period of elation at finishing the work. Then you drop off - you know, 'post-coital man is sad,' as the old saying goes.
- Tim Zuck
Collection: Sex
Image of Red Peters
When you part your lips that way, I want you night and day. When you squeeze my balls so tight, I wanna blow my load with all my might.
- Red Peters
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Gould Davis
So long has the myth of feminine inferiority prevailed that women themselves find it hard to believe that their own sex was once and for a very long time the superior and dominant sex.
- Elizabeth Gould Davis
Collection: Sex
Image of Brenda Song
Eat your alcohol, or you won't get nonconsensual sex!
- Brenda Song
Collection: Sex
Image of Jason 'J' Brown
The third-date rule [that you need to have sex by the third date] treats sex like it's the down payment on a relationship.
- Jason 'J' Brown
Collection: Sex
Image of Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero
Sex is the main way we exist on the planet. It's an essential part of life.
- Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero
Collection: Sex
Image of Anne Royall
If those millions squandered on designing missionaries had been deposited in funds for the support of yourselves, when old age, misfortune, or sickness (from which none are exempt,) overtakes you, or for the distressed of your race, what a heaven of happiness you would have created on earth: ye would now be an ornament to your sex, and ages to come would call you blessed. But it is in vain to try - a priest-ridden female is lost to reason. Why? because she has surrendered her reason to the ... missionaries ... the orthodox; they are the grand deceivers.
- Anne Royall
Collection: Sex
Image of Dashiell Hammett
You don't pay a prostitute for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards.
- Dashiell Hammett
Collection: Sex
Image of Dashiell Hammett
If you have a story that seems worth telling, and you think you can tell it worthily, then the thing for you to do is to tell it, regardless of whether it has to do with sex, sailors or mounted policemen.
- Dashiell Hammett
Collection: Sex
Image of Alonzo Bodden
Watching news showing all the same sex marriages. How long before first same sex divorce?
- Alonzo Bodden
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Christopher Riley
In the 1920's it was legs. My God, women hadn't shown their legs for 2000 years.
- Robert Christopher Riley
Collection: Sex
Image of Helen Lawrenson
There is nothing that impairs a man's sexual performance quicker than any suggestion that he's not doing it right ('Not there, you idiot!').
- Helen Lawrenson
Collection: Sex
Image of Helen Lawrenson
As for the topsy-turvy tangle known as soixante-neuf, personally I have always felt it to be madly confusing, like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time.
- Helen Lawrenson
Collection: Sex
Image of Helen Lawrenson
Whatever else can be said about sex, it cannot be called a dignified performance.
- Helen Lawrenson
Collection: Sex
Image of Tinashe
This industry's so full of distractions: partying, drinking, sex, money. The priority for me is just to make music that people can connect with. I want to make something fresh that people may not understand
- Tinashe
Collection: Sex
Image of Mary Astell
A husband is indeed thought by both sexes so very valuable, that scarce a man who can keep himself clean and make a bow, but thinks he is good enough to pretend to any woman.
- Mary Astell
Collection: Sex
Image of John S. Hall
Whenever the circus would come to town, I would tell Ethan all kinds of kinky clown domination stories involving the leather clown, like the time she forced me to have sex with her in the little car, or the time she kept spraying me with the seltzer bottle until I obeyed her every command. Ethan and I would laugh and laugh at these tall tales, but I could tell deep down, he was wondering whether the leather clown was really real or not. And I would let him wonder.
- John S. Hall
Collection: Sex
Image of Johnny Burnette
You touched my hand, my heart went pop. Ooh, when we kissed, I could not stop.
- Johnny Burnette
Collection: Sex
Image of Thomas J. Paprocki
Politicians responsible for enacting civil same-sex marriage legislation are morally complicit as co-operators in facilitating this grave sin.
- Thomas J. Paprocki
Collection: Sex
Image of T. J. MacGregor
it was Tark's experience that TV addicts were usually addicted to something else as well. Food, booze, drugs, sex, money, take your pick.
- T. J. MacGregor
Collection: Sex
Image of Carolyn Heilbrun
the term 'androgyny' ... defines a condition under which the characteristics of the sexes, and the human impulses expressed by men and women, are not rigidly assigned. Androgyny seeks to liberate the individual from the confines of the appropriate.
- Carolyn Heilbrun
Collection: Sex
Image of Carolyn Heilbrun
Androgyny suggests a spirit of reconciliation between the sexes.
- Carolyn Heilbrun
Collection: Sex
Image of David First
I still have my "Anarchy in the UK" 7" [ Sex Pistols single]. I'm sure it gave us a context to think about as well as a kind of kick in the ass. But we had all been playing for years at that point.
- David First
Collection: Sex
Image of Bif Naked
The first time we made love, I wasn't sober, and you told me you loved me over and over.
- Bif Naked
Collection: Sex
Image of Richard Conniff
The natural world is full of females falling hard for stupid male display behavior, including bright feathers, big antlers, and bombastic courtship rituals.
- Richard Conniff
Collection: Sex
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I see a long lost home in his eyes. He sees a nice hotel in mine.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Sex
Image of Mike Rosen
One of the leading causes of divorce is sexual incompatibility. Why not mandate premarital sex, overseen, of course, by the Marriage Board to ensure that it was carried out and completed as required? The final exam question could be: "Was it good for you two?" For good measure, the engaged couple should be required to work together on a home improvement project like installing a kitchen sink or finishing a basement. That's the ultimate test of a marital relationship.
- Mike Rosen
Collection: Sex
Image of Kenneth Cole
Those against same-sex marriage aren't thinking straight (or are they)?
- Kenneth Cole
Collection: Sex
Image of Tennessee Celeste Claflin
The history of woman is the history of the continued and universal oppression of one sex by the other. The emancipation of woman is her restoration to equal rights and privileges with man.... Need we wonder, then, at the sad spectacle which humanity offers us? Its hideous wars, its social abominations, its foul creeds, its treacheries, vices, wants, diseases, lusts, tyrannies, and crimes are the natural outcome of the subjugation of one half of the human race by the other.
- Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Collection: Sex
Image of Tennessee Celeste Claflin
While we honour religion and believe it to be a powerful factor in elevating our race, we discriminate, as we hope our readers will also do, between it and dogmatism. Dogmatism has been the bane of civilization and a curse to mankind. It has degraded our sex, stifled intelligent inquiry, and persecuted every independent reformer and every noble cause.
- Tennessee Celeste Claflin
Collection: Sex
Image of Will Gluck
I don't think anyone says "Wow, the best sex I ever had was when I was 16 years old."
- Will Gluck
Collection: Sex