Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Sacha Baron Cohen
Sex can lead to nasty things like herpes, gonorrhea, and something called relationships.
- Sacha Baron Cohen
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Franklin Floyd
We recognize that same-sex marriage makes some people deeply uncomfortable. However, inertia and apprehension are not legitimate bases for denying same-sex couples due process and equal protection of the laws. Civil marriage is one of the cornerstones of our way of life. It allows individuals to celebrate and publicly declare their intentions to form lifelong partnerships, which provide unparalleled intimacy, companionship, emotional support and security.
- Henry Franklin Floyd
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Franklin Floyd
There is absolutely no reason to suspect that prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying and refusing to recognize their out-of-state marriages will cause same-sex couples to raise fewer children or impel married opposite-sex couples to raise more children. The Virginia Marriage Laws therefore do not further Virginia's interest in channeling children into optimal families, even if we were to accept the dubious proposition that same-sex couples are less capable parents.
- Henry Franklin Floyd
Collection: Sex
Image of Murray Banks
Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
- Murray Banks
Collection: Sex
Image of Eric Jerome Dickey
Love is for the soul and sex is for the body. Both cry out for satisfaction
- Eric Jerome Dickey
Collection: Sex
Image of Porochista Khakpour
Addiction is a very compelling subject for literature - especially now that it's nearly impossible to come out of adult experience without some addiction - to substances, sure, but also to love, sex, success, failure, power.
- Porochista Khakpour
Collection: Sex
Image of Wilma Scott Heide
Every social trait labelled masculine or feminine is in truth a human trait. It is our human right to develop and contribute our talents whatever our race, sex, religion, ancestry, age. Human rights are indivisible!
- Wilma Scott Heide
Collection: Sex
Image of Harland Williams
I love the theater of the mind because you can go anywhere. You can say anything, and you pull people in. [You] can be jumping out of a window or riding a cow or having bubble-wrap sex or spraying your body with Pam and sliding out of your chair.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Marilyn Quayle
Anyone who knows Dan Quayle knows that he would rather play golf than have sex any day.
- Marilyn Quayle
Collection: Sex
Image of Alex Comfort
The things that stop you having sex with age are exactly the same as those that stop you riding a bicycle.
- Alex Comfort
Collection: Sex
Image of Alex Comfort
Sex ought to be a wholly satisfying link between two affectionate people from which they emerge unanxious, rewarded, and ready for more.
- Alex Comfort
Collection: Sex
Image of Alex Comfort
Sex is the most important sort of adult play. If you can't relax here you never will
- Alex Comfort
Collection: Sex
Image of Alex Comfort
There are only two guidelines in good sex, Don't do anything you don't really enjoy and find out what are your partner needs and dont balk them if you can help it.
- Alex Comfort
Collection: Sex
Image of Marton Csokas
Celeborn is more fixed in his beliefs and methods than Galadriel, which is his failing, perhaps. As a team, they work well, although apparently they only have sex once every 2,000 years or so.
- Marton Csokas
Collection: Sex
Image of Noel Coward
Familiarity breeds contempt, but without a little familiarity it's impossible to breed anything.
- Noel Coward
Collection: Sex
Image of Marie Calloway
Besides the money aspect, I guess I was curious about sex work. In the way that most people are, but also because ever since I was a teen I had read feminist writers like Dworkin and Mackinnon and the way they wrote about sex work had an enormous impact on me. Was it really as horrible as they said?
- Marie Calloway
Collection: Sex
Image of Marie Calloway
I feel like people think of me as someone who really believes in a "sex as empowerment" philosophy, like Sasha Grey or something, when actually I feel like I'm much more what a lot of liberal feminists would call "sex negative" than most women I know.
- Marie Calloway
Collection: Sex
Image of Agnes Smedley
I have always detested the belief that sex is the chief bond between man and woman. Friendship is far more human.
- Agnes Smedley
Collection: Sex
Image of Rankin
When you look at pornography, the women become objects, whereas what I'm trying to do is make the person in the photograph as important as their body. And obviously, I like tits and arse, because I just do. I like the sex of taking photographs.
- Rankin
Collection: Sex
Image of Madeline Kahn
Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage!
- Madeline Kahn
Collection: Sex
Image of John Stoltenberg
Pornography tells lies about women. But pornography tells the truth about men.
- John Stoltenberg
Collection: Sex
Image of John Stoltenberg
Insistence on having a sexual orientation in sex is about defending the status quo, maintaining sex differences and the sexual hierarchy; whereas resistance to sexual orientation, regimentation is more about where we need to be going.
- John Stoltenberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Naomi Mitchison
All forms of sexual loving become acceptable if the lovers wear togas or wolfskins.
- Naomi Mitchison
Collection: Sex
Image of Betsy McCaughey
Obamacare will question your sex life.
- Betsy McCaughey
Collection: Sex
Image of Caitlin Thomas
Sex divorced from love is the thief of personal dignity.
- Caitlin Thomas
Collection: Sex
Image of Peter Biskind
I've always felt there are three sexes: men, women, and actors. And actors combine the worst qualities of the other two.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Sex
Image of David James
I don't understand why women get upset when you compare them to one of the monkeys from Planet of the Apes, even one of the heroic ones, like Dr. Zera.
- David James
Collection: Sex
Image of Immortal Technique
Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond 'Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone
- Immortal Technique
Collection: Sex
Image of Elisabeth Guigou
Dominique Strauss-Kahn has always had a reputation as a man who cares for women, and even a libertine . . . There is a vast difference between [that] reputation . . . and the charge which he is the object, which is a serious, very serious crime or sex crime. This is something very different.
- Elisabeth Guigou
Collection: Sex
Image of Janet Fitch
There used to be a category called women's fiction - meaning not too rude, not too much sex, a bit domestic and internal. Women have changed so much. We're so varied. And we've become more interested in the same varied experience in fiction.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Sex
Image of Jaime Hernandez
To me, sex is sex and I don't think it is or should be a problem. Maybe my presenting it that way will unscrew up a few heads out there, including my own.
- Jaime Hernandez
Collection: Sex
Image of Todd Starnes
Southern Baptist Convention's EC president Frank Page tells me: "If I'm told I have to marry same sex couples I will refuse."
- Todd Starnes
Collection: Sex
Image of Bruno Dumont
Sex becomes violent when you eliminate all the sentiments... voila, it gets crude.
- Bruno Dumont
Collection: Sex
Image of Daniel Hack Tuke
A very common symptom in maniacal conditions is erotic excitement. This varies from mere coquetry, a somewhat extended application of the command "love one another", an undue attention to the opposite sex, and so forth, up to the extreme of salacity, when the mind is wholly occupied by the urgent sexual appetite, and all restraint is abandoned.
- Daniel Hack Tuke
Collection: Sex
Image of Roald Hoffmann
A few atoms added here, subtracted there, is all it takes to make the difference between male and female sex characteristics, between a harmless molecule and a deadly addictive one.
- Roald Hoffmann
Collection: Sex
Image of Elie Tahari
New York accepts everybody. It doesn't matter your sex, color, religion. Everybody works together to create a better life.
- Elie Tahari
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
Masturbation is a meditation on self-love. So many of us are afflicted with self-loathing, bad body images, shame about our body functions, and confusion about sex and pleasure, I recommend an intense love affair with yourself
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
The clitoris is the female sex organ, and the fact that we aren't told that when we were small children is devastating. We grow up with no information about the pleasure center of our body.
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
Because orgasmic sex would lead to women's autonomy, knowing who you are and what we want: Women are not going to follow what some jackass tells us we must do. Not all women are going to get married, be monogamous and raise a family. It will destroy the current social structure based on a sexual double standard that we're currently living under.
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
I used to think masturbation was not really sex because it only involved me. That's a very limited view of human sexuality, and it isn't going to work for women.
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
Women who come to see me admit that they've never looked at their sex organ; they've never seen their clitoris. Now tell me if that isn't a form of being psychologically genitally mutilated? For them, the clitoris doesn't exist, but we're worried about women in Africa!
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
Vaginal penetration only doesn't work for most of us. And we're not all meant to be monogamous either, especially since women are capable of having far more sex than men. Try to get that fact across in America!
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
I did large drawings of couples having sex! Men and woman enjoying intercourse and oral sex in a Madison Avenue Gallery? That was the first time I broke a barrier that made me think, some idiot is going to blow my brains out for sure.
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Betty Dodson
We all have our individual romantic or idealistic ideas. To get information that masturbation is our basic form of sex is hard, because who wants to admit they're masturbating?
- Betty Dodson
Collection: Sex
Image of Bert McCracken
Sometimes kissing is better than sex. Especially kissing someone for the first time
- Bert McCracken
Collection: Sex
Image of Phil Foglio
Why the hell can't people just write nice happy stories about people having happy sex? That's what I want, and I bet a whole bunch of other people want it too.
- Phil Foglio
Collection: Sex
Image of Nobuyoshi Araki
I would say my sex drive is weaker than most. However, my lens has a permanent erection.
- Nobuyoshi Araki
Collection: Sex
Image of Alfred Kahn
Maybe it's sex appeal, but there's something about an airplane that drives investors crazy.
- Alfred Kahn
Collection: Sex