Harland Williams

Image of Harland Williams
The problem with binge-watching on Netflix is that you lose three days of your life.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I'm an American citizen now, but I will always have Canadian pride.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
In 'There's Something About Mary' and 'Dumb & Dumber,' I ended up improvising quite a bit of my scenes, and later I didn't even remember what I'd said because I just winged it. When I went and saw the movie, I was as stunned as everyone else was.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I don't laugh so much at jokes and premises as I do at a guy who goes onstage and starts twitching and acting funny.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I get a lot of people telling me that I'd make a good 'wacky neighbor.' I wouldn't mind that, if it was a starting-off point.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I think life would be so much funnier if every day you saw someone walking down the street getting hit in the head by a monkey, don't you?
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I was walking around bored one day, and I started filming stuff with my cellphone. There are all these shows where people are trying to do these outrageous stunts, and I thought it would be funny to do all these stunts that aren't outrageous but then act like they are.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I always improvise with the crowd. Sometimes it will be a 50 percent show, sometimes 70 percent, sometimes it's almost a whole show where I wing it. It depends on my mood, the energy in the room. For sure, a portion of it is just kind of winging it.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
It was such a pleasure to work with Eugene Levy. What a treat. That's a guy I grew up watching as a kid. Guys like that, they were hilarious and didn't have to be super vile or X-rated.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
If you're going to take a jab at someone, you should at least have a bit more of a personal relationship with them. I feel like you can be funny and clever, as opposed to just outright vile.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I just tried to create a life for myself that's full of fun and fantasy and things that equal laughter. My life's been cartoons and comedy and acting, and it's just been a fun life, man.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I used to do little sketches into my cassette tape recorder when I was a little boy. I would just turn it on and just start doing voices and characters. I just loved it.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
The thing I love about sketch is sometimes it leads you as opposed to you leading it.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
What's interesting about Stephen Baldwin is that me and Dana Gould were originally cast for 'Bio-Dome' - but Pauly Shore and Baldwin ended up doing it. So there's a little movie trivia for ya.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
The thing is, you never know with any movie how it's going to turn out. It's always a mystery - you'll do pages and pages of scenes that will never make it onto the screen.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I don't go on tour tours - I just go randomly to cities to do shows if I have an opening in my schedule.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I grew up on Don Knotts and Jerry Lewis and all the guys from Second City.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I think a lot of people think I'm doing kind of a character onstage, but what you're really getting is just me.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
If you were to come out and hang out with me, just having fun at a nightclub or a party, that's kind of the version of Harland you'd get - silly, kind of always saying wacky things.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I try to take normal things - whether it's a serious subject or something as obscure as a piece of toast - and put a very weird twist on them.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I'd done a ton of movies here in Hollywood, and I realized that every movie I'd done was somebody's else's work and someone else's vision.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I love seafood. Whenever I'm in Las Vegas, I love going to the Bellagio buffet because they have these great king crab legs.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I hate when you go into a nice restaurant - someplace where you're going to spend good money - and there are kids in there crying.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
My roots are in stand-up, and stand-up is very freeing. There's no script involved; you just fly.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I sort of write onstage. I'll throw an idea out there, like Home Depot, and just start talking about it.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
Without sounding negative, I'm not a huge fan of a lot of stand-up. I'm more interested in an absurd kind of theater.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I'd like to explore the more abstract side of people's minds, as opposed to the usual sitcom stuff. I don't want to do the typical sitcom-type humor. I'd want to do stuff like go bowling with pineapples.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
Canada has been a breeding ground for great comedic actors, sketch artists and stand-up comedians. We grew up with a different perspective on the world.
- Harland Williams
Image of Harland Williams
I think life would be so much funnier if every day you saw someone walking down the street getting hit in the head by a monkey.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Thinking
Image of Harland Williams
Pumpkins are the only living organisms with triangle eyes.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Eye
Image of Harland Williams
I think people should maybe just go out into the garden and watch a ladybug crawl across a flower and relax their mind. That's about all you need to know about life, I think.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Flower
Image of Harland Williams
Everything's a conspiracy and everything's not a conspiracy. You could look at this planet and go, "This is all a conspiracy. God made this to test us to see if we'll use the nukes." You can let your mind believe anything.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Believe
Image of Harland Williams
Animation wasn't my love, but drawing was. I loved drawing, and when it came time to graduate from high school, I looked around and it was like, "Wow, I don't really want to study math. I don't really want to study science. I don't really want to study literature. Is there a place where I can go and draw cartoons?"
- Harland Williams
Collection: School
Image of Harland Williams
The thing I love about sketch is sometimes it leads you as opposed to you leading it. So, I don't go out there [thinking], "Oh, I want to make this as silly as possible." In fact, sometimes I get the most enjoyment out of a sketch that plays very real - and it's so real that it's just funny.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Real
Image of Harland Williams
I love the theater of the mind because you can go anywhere. You can say anything, and you pull people in. [You] can be jumping out of a window or riding a cow or having bubble-wrap sex or spraying your body with Pam and sliding out of your chair.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Harland Williams
I hate when you go into a nice restaurant - someplace where youre going to spend good money - and there are kids in there crying.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Hate
Image of Harland Williams
I just tried to create a life for myself that's full of fun and fantasy and things that equal laughter. My life's been cartoons and comedy and acting, and it's just been a fun life.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Harland Williams
Executives and studios really like to have control over their product. They panic or they're not secure enough to trust in the powers of really amazing improv people.
- Harland Williams
Collection: People
Image of Harland Williams
I don't go on tour tours, I just go randomly to cities to do shows if I have an opening in my schedule.
- Harland Williams
Collection: Cities