Peter Biskind

Image of Peter Biskind
Every man who is any kind of artist has a great deal of female in him. I act and give of myself as a man, but I register and receive with the soul of a woman. The only really good artists are feminine. I can't admit the existence of an artist whose dominant personality is masculine.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Artist
Image of Peter Biskind
Warren Beatty once quipped that the best time for a wedding was noon, because if the marriage didn't work, you hadn't screwed up the entire day.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Marriage
Image of Peter Biskind
I've always felt there are three sexes: men, women, and actors. And actors combine the worst qualities of the other two.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Sex
Image of Peter Biskind
It's absolutely impossible to have a serious critical discussion about enthusiasms for movie stars. Because a movie star is an animal separate from acting. Sometimes, he or she is a great actor. Sometimes a third-rate one. But the star is something that you fall in love with.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Peter Biskind
I regard posterity as vulgar as success. I don't trust posterity. I don't think what's good is necessarily recognized in the long run. Too many good writers have disappeared.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Running
Image of Peter Biskind
I have all the equipment to be a politician. Total shamelessness. But it's lucky I never ran. In the years from [Joseph] McCarthy to now, I would have either been destroyed or reduced.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Years
Image of Peter Biskind
I cannot, in my old age, live off pieces of my youth.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Age
Image of Peter Biskind
'Perfectionist' is the scariest word on a studio lot.
- Peter Biskind
Collection: Perfectionist