Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Jeffree Star
Every day is something new. It's kind of like Hurricane Katrina. Some days I'm recording or going shopping or having a group orgy. Maybe today I'll go to Louis Vuitton and have sex with a straight guy. I have to balance my time.
- Jeffree Star
Collection: Sex
Image of Duncan Fallowell
All lovers are unique. Bad sex can be very thrilling for the heart.
- Duncan Fallowell
Collection: Sex
Image of Adam Cooper
Giving English to an American is like giving sex to a child. He knows it's important but he doesn't know what to do with it.
- Adam Cooper
Collection: Sex
Image of Suzanne Braun Levine
Iris Krasnow has managed to demystify the workings of long-term marriages by confirming the mysterious uniqueness of each one. The secret, she finds, lies in the way two people negotiate their own personal amalgam of companionship and sex, compromise and disappointment, lust and tenderness, trust and lies. The challenge for the rest of us is to do the same.
- Suzanne Braun Levine
Collection: Sex
Image of Eve Ensler
Why don't we teach sex the way we teach math or history? It is such a deeply crucial and healing part of life and we offer no road map. I think it is core to ending violence.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Sex
Image of John Rechy
Gay men should not adopt the sophomoric model of heterosexual dating; gay men should always have sex first.
- John Rechy
Collection: Sex
Image of Christina Hoff Sommers
Of course, intersectionality theory is a confused muddle. It fights racism and sexism by classifying everyone according to race and sex. It views race and gender privilege as the root of all evil, while ignoring the role played by dogmatic ideologies held by all genders. And it is unfalsifiable - to its adherents, criticism and rejection of the theory actually demonstrate its truth, by showing how deeply we all have internalized our oppression.
- Christina Hoff Sommers
Collection: Sex
Image of Barbara Parkins
I'd very much like to be Ava Gardner. She IS sex.
- Barbara Parkins
Collection: Sex
Image of Warren Farrell
Male bashing is everywhere. It would be a mistake to view the current situation as another skirmish in the war between the sexes. Women have been doing the shooting, and men have been burying their heads in the sand, hoping the bullets will miss.
- Warren Farrell
Collection: Sex
Image of Marilyn
It's woman's spirit and mood a man has to stimulate in order to make sex interesting. The real lover is the man who can thrill you by touching your head or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.
- Marilyn
Collection: Sex
Image of Marilyn
I'm a failure as a woman. My men expect so much of me, because of the image they've made of me and that I've made of myself, as a sex symbol. Men expect so much, and I can't live up to it.
- Marilyn
Collection: Sex
Image of Rosa Bonheur
To his doctrines I owe my great and glorious ambition for the sex to which I proudly belong and whose independence I shall defend until my dying day.
- Rosa Bonheur
Collection: Sex
Image of Eva Hesse
Excellence has no sex.
- Eva Hesse
Collection: Sex
Image of Daphne Merkin
No bill of sexual rights can hold its own against the lawless, untamable landscape of the erotic imagination.
- Daphne Merkin
Collection: Sex
Image of Daphne Merkin
Everyone lies about sex, more or less, to themselves if not to others, to others if not to themselves, exaggerating its importance or minimizing its pull.
- Daphne Merkin
Collection: Sex
Image of John Amaechi
There was certainly nothing really sexual about my youth growing up, simply because the fact remains if you're the fat kid in a school and I was the only fat black kid in the school - in fact, I was the only black kid in the school - but if you are kind of ostracized on many different levels in your school the last thing you're worried about is sex.
- John Amaechi
Collection: Sex
Image of John Waite
I'm almost a black singer. And without the backbeat, it's singer/songwriter. There's a definite choice to be made there, every time. And I love the sex of singing with a beat; I like the sexiness of it. I think it's really where I'm from.
- John Waite
Collection: Sex
Image of Judith Merril
We only really learn in conversation after sex.
- Judith Merril
Collection: Sex
Image of Charlotte Bingham
I think it's terribly difficult to take sex seriously if you've got a sense of humor.
- Charlotte Bingham
Collection: Sex
Image of Tara Moss
Our sex need not primarily define who we are, what we are capable of, or what we can be expected to enjoy or engage in.
- Tara Moss
Collection: Sex
Image of Declan Lynch
I just wonder what has been the effect on the human soul of nearly a century in which we have regarded sex on screen as generally better than the sex we actually have, the sex which is, in fact, much better than anything we have seen in the movies, becuase it's sex, after all, and in the movies, it isn't.
- Declan Lynch
Collection: Sex
Image of Christopher Bram
Penicillin was as liberating for gay sex as the pill had been for straight sex.
- Christopher Bram
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Jensen
People routinely assume that pornography is such a difficult and divisive issue because it's about sex. In fact, this culture struggles unsuccessfully with pornography because it is about men's cruelty to women, and the pleasure men sometimes take in that cruelty. And that is much more difficult for people-- men and women-- to face.
- Robert Jensen
Collection: Sex
Image of Karen X. Tulchinsky
Filled with great advice, practical support, and steamy, imaginative suggestions for how to have an exciting, challenging, satisfying sex life.
- Karen X. Tulchinsky
Collection: Sex
Image of Carlos F. Lucero
Although cohabitating same-sex couples are prohibited from jointly adopting children under Utah law as a result of the same-sex marriage ban, the record shows that nearly 3,000 Utah children are being raised by same-sex couples. Thus childrearing, a liberty closely related to the right to marry, is one exercised by same-sex and opposite-sex couples alike, as well as by single individuals.
- Carlos F. Lucero
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael C. Reed
Sex is the mathematics urge sublimated.
- Michael C. Reed
Collection: Sex
Image of Howard Jacobson
Although I was too young to understand the theory of universal (that's to say male) guilt, I was old enough to know which sex suffered migraine and which sex caused it.
- Howard Jacobson
Collection: Sex
Image of J. Irwin Miller
In the search for character and commitment, we must rid ourselves of our inherited, even cherished biases and prejudices. Character, ability and intelligence are not concentrated in one sex over the other, nor in persons with certain accents or in certain races or in persons holding degrees from some universities over others. When we indulge ourselves in such irrational prejudices, we damage ourselves most of all and ultimately assure ourselves of failure in competition with those more open and less biased.
- J. Irwin Miller
Collection: Sex
Image of Julian May
There is no such thing as love at first sight, Bryan. There's only sex at first sight.
- Julian May
Collection: Sex
Image of Paige Turco
You need to talk about sex with a sense of humor, especially because sex is a sensitive area for a lot of people. The other thing is that you may not want to tell the world everything you do in bed.
- Paige Turco
Collection: Sex
Image of Wade Kach
I saw with so many of the gay couples, they were so devoted to another. I saw so much love. When this hearing was over, I was a changed person in regard to this issue. I felt that I understood what same-sex couples were looking for.
- Wade Kach
Collection: Sex
Image of Marie de Gournay
Happy are you, reader, if you do not belong to this sex to which all good is forbidden.
- Marie de Gournay
Collection: Sex
Image of Marie de Gournay
certain ancient cavilers have gone so far as to deny that the female sex, as opposed to the male sex, is made in the likeness of God, which likeness they must have taken to be, as far as I can tell, in the beard.
- Marie de Gournay
Collection: Sex
Image of LouAnne Johnson
There are two kinds of books in the world--the boring kind they make you read in school and the interesting kind that they won't let you read in school because then they would have to talk about real stuff like sex and divorce and is there a God and if there isn't then what happens when you die, and how come the history books have so many lies in them.
- LouAnne Johnson
Collection: Sex
Image of John Currin
I'd like to get the sex thing over with, but I realized I'm not done with it. You should never will a change in your work - you have to work an idea to death. I often find that the best things happen when you're near the end.
- John Currin
Collection: Sex
Image of Margaret Carlson
Sleep is the new sex.
- Margaret Carlson
Collection: Sex
Image of Sean Price
Abortion is abortion. Maybe you should have more protected sex? But if you get raped and get pregnant why would you keep that kid? I believe you should make your own choice - you're human. That's for you and God to deal with afterwards.
- Sean Price
Collection: Sex
Image of Fredric Lieberman
No human society, present or past, has lacked music. Music is therefore one of the very few human universals, which puts it on the same level as food and sex.
- Fredric Lieberman
Collection: Sex
Image of Crystal Eastman
What is the problem of women's freedom? It seems to me to be this: how to arrange the world so that women can be human beings, with a chance to exercise their infinitely varied gifts in infinitely varied ways, instead of being destined by the accident of their sex to one field of activity--housework and child-raising. And second, if and when they choose housework and child-raising to have that occupation recognized by the world as work, requiring a definite economic reward and not merely entitling the performer to be dependent on some man.
- Crystal Eastman
Collection: Sex
Image of Crystal Eastman
While American men are fighting to rid the old world of autocracy let American women set to and rid the new world of this intolerable old burden of sex ignorance.
- Crystal Eastman
Collection: Sex
Image of Asra Nomani
There is a fundamental flaw in interpretations of sharia that say a woman or man should be punished for sex outside of marriage.
- Asra Nomani
Collection: Sex
Image of Stephen Dobyns
Most women are more into real estate than sex. They want to own you.
- Stephen Dobyns
Collection: Sex
Image of Eileen Myles
I am always hungry and wanting to have sex. This is a fact.
- Eileen Myles
Collection: Sex
Image of Eileen Myles
The poet’s life is just so much crenellated waste, nights and days whipping swiftly or laboriously past the cinematic window. We’re hunched and weaving over the keys of our green our grey or pink blue manual typewriter maybe a darker stone cold thoritative selectric with its orgasmic expectant hum and us popping pills and laughing over what you or I just wrote, wondering if that line means insult or sex. Or both. Usually both.
- Eileen Myles
Collection: Sex
Image of Novak Djokovic
Nothing, nothing, nothing is better than sex, it is what God created us to do.
- Novak Djokovic
Collection: Sex
Image of David Shuster
The script was classic Joe Eszterhas, intelligent, steamy and provocative. At one time, Eszterhas was Hollywood's highest paid writer, illiterate rock and roll bad boy whose 14 films glorified sex, drugsa nd cigarettes. Eszterhas also fought publicly with producers and politicians. In 1995 he argued that some of the misdeeds of the Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations were more obscene than anything in an "R" rated movie.
- David Shuster
Collection: Sex
Image of Caroline Wells Healey Dall
I have no two separate moral standards for the sex.
- Caroline Wells Healey Dall
Collection: Sex
Image of Jack Finney
It may be that the strongest instinct of the human race, stronger than sex or hunger, is curiosity: the absolute need to know. It can and often does motivate a lifetime, it kills more than cats, and the prospect of satisfying it can be the most exciting of emotions.
- Jack Finney
Collection: Sex