Top responsibility Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of responsibility quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more responsibility quotes.

Image of Morrie Schwartz
Be compassionate, and take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons, this world would be so much a better place.
- Morrie Schwartz
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Al-Waleed bin Talal
It is my responsibility to take advantage of my position to make the world a better place
- Al-Waleed bin Talal
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Edward Albee
It is not enough to hold the line against the dark. It is your responsibility to lead into the light. People don't like the light--it reveals too much. But hand in hand with the creative artist, you can lead people into the wisdom that is known to all other animals: simply, that it is the dark we have to fear.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Edward Albee
A playwright has a responsibility in his society not to aid it, or comfort it, but to comment and criticize it.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Keenen Ivory Wayans
Comedy has a responsibility to be a voice of society, so within that, there's always going to be those that talk about those subjects and things that are going on in the world.
- Keenen Ivory Wayans
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Earl Warren
A republic is not an easy form of government to live under, and when the responsibility of citizenship is evaded, democracy decays and authoritarianism takes over.
- Earl Warren
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Phyllis Bottome
Morale is not a single instinct. It has many ingredients. A sense of personal responsibility, the natural courage of an individual, the amount of his acquired self-discipline -- and above all his interest in others -- these together make up the spirit of morale.
- Phyllis Bottome
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Patrick Ness
To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility.
- Patrick Ness
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Dalton Trumbo
Democracy isn't a gift. It's a responsibility.
- Dalton Trumbo
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ai Weiwei
The world is not changing if you don’t shoulder the burden of responsibility.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Tatsuhiko Takimoto
If that type of bad God did exist, then we could go on living in good health. If we could push the responsibility for our misery onto God, then we would have that much more peace of mind, wouldn't we?
- Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Michelle Shocked
At one time I was a nihilistic punk with a mohican and a ring in my nose. I think in the course of time I'll find a middle ground, but I also carry that sense of responsibility. I'm in a position to defeat stereotypes.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ida B. Wells
It is extremely rough to follow through with my goals, but I felt a responsibility to show the world what the African Americans are facing through this rough patch.
- Ida B. Wells
Collection: Responsibility
Image of David Sarnoff
If we are to become the masters of science, not its slaves, we must learn to use its immense power to good purpose. The machine itself has neither mind nor soul nor moral sense. Only man has been endowed with these godlike attributes. Every age has its destined duty. Ours is to nurture an awareness of those divine attributes and a sense of responsibility in giving them expression.
- David Sarnoff
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Zachary Quinto
It didn't really change my opinion about [Edward] Snowden all that much, but I definitely feel like as a culture, it gave us information that generated a responsibility to protect ourselves as much as we can and also a responsibility to hold our government accountable to honoring our constitutional rights.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Donald Tusk
I am glad that Angela Merkel is the German Chancellor, as she tries to combine a sense of responsibility with morality and values. Because this is the essence of Europe.
- Donald Tusk
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Hjalmar Schacht
Only the closest collaborators of the Fuehrer know how difficult is the burden of this responsibility; how sorrowful are the hours during which decisions must be made which bear upon the well being and the fate of all of Germany
- Hjalmar Schacht
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Starhawk
To practice magic is to bear the responsibility for having a vision.
- Starhawk
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Sheryl WuDunn
We all have won the lottery of life. How do we discharge that responsibility?
- Sheryl WuDunn
Collection: Responsibility
Image of James Redfield
Blaming our behavior on forces outside ourselves is a way of avoiding responsibility.
- James Redfield
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Andrei Tarkovsky
I am convinced that any attempt to restore harmony in the world can only rest on the renewal of personal responsibility.
- Andrei Tarkovsky
Collection: Responsibility
Image of James Monroe
There is a price tag on human liberty. That price is the willingness to assume the responsibilities of being free men. Payment of this price is a personal matter with each of us.
- James Monroe
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Rudolf Steiner
Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.
- Rudolf Steiner
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Henri Bergson
Men do not sufficiently realize that their future is in their own hands. Theirs is the task of determining first of all whether they want to go on living or not. Theirs is the responsibility, then, for deciding if they want merely to live, or intend to make just the extra effort required for fulfilling, even on this refractory planet, the essential function of the universe, which is a machine for the making of gods.
- Henri Bergson
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Paul Hawken
Business is correct to defend its right to act in order to produce a vigorous and engaging prosperity. But it is wrong if it forgets that this freedom can only be experienced within the discipline of social responsibility.
- Paul Hawken
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Jillian Michaels
At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility.
- Jillian Michaels
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ammon Hennacy
Oh judge! Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them.
- Ammon Hennacy
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Mary Pipher
Maturity involves being honest and true to oneself, making decisions based on a conscious internal process, assuming responsibility for one's decisions, having healthy relationships with others and developing one's own true gifts. It involves thinking about one's environment and deciding what one will and won't accept.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Francis Picabia
We are not responsible for what we do; we are ignorant of our acts until we accomplish them.
- Francis Picabia
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
You must create your own world. I am responsible for my world.
- Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
And a step backward, after making a wrong turn, is a step in the right direction.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Cynthia Nixon
When women got the vote, they did not redefine voting. When African-Americans got the right to sit at a lunch counter alongside white people, they did not redefine eating out. They were simply invited to the table. That is all we want to do; we have no desire to change marriage. We want to be entitled to not only the same privileges but the same responsibilities as straight people.
- Cynthia Nixon
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Pat Summitt
If you don't want responsibility, don't sit in the big chair. To be successful, you must accept full responsibility
- Pat Summitt
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Kenneth Rexroth
The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill, society would not endure an hour.
- Kenneth Rexroth
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Christopher Paolini
Perhaps not one religion contains all of the truth of the world. Perhaps every religion contains fragments of the truth, and it is our responsibility to identify those fragments and piece them together.
- Christopher Paolini
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Anne Holm
Never let me hear you say it's someone else's fault. It often is, but you must never shirk your own responsibility ... You can't change others, but you can do something about a fault in yourself.
- Anne Holm
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Lynn Flewelling
You always have a choice. Don't ever imagine you don't. Whatever you do, it's a decision and you have to accept responsibility for it. That's when honor becomes more than empty words.
- Lynn Flewelling
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Tom Spanbauer
It's the responsibility of the survivor to tell the story.
- Tom Spanbauer
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Vine Deloria Jr.
Every society needs educated people, but the primary responsibility of educated people is to bring wisdom back into the community and make it available to others so that the lives they are leading make sense.
- Vine Deloria Jr.
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Gustavo Gutiérrez
But the poor person does not exist as an inescapable fact of destiny. His or her existence is not politically neutral, and it is not ethically innocent. The poor are a by-product of the system in which we live and for which we are responsible. They are marginalized by our social and cultural world. They are the oppressed, exploited proletariat, robbed of the fruit of their labor and despoiled of their humanity. Hence the poverty of the poor is not a call to generous relief action, but a demand that we go and build a different social order.
- Gustavo Gutiérrez
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Elisabeth Rohm
Our goal as women should be to discover who we are and not who we think we should be or who the world wants us to be. It's not our responsibility to be arm candy!
- Elisabeth Rohm
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Albert J. Nock
Considering mankind's indifference to freedom, their easy gullibility and their facile response to conditioning, one might very plausibly argue that collectivism is the political mode best suited to their disposition and their capacities. Under its regime, the citizen, like the soldier, is relieved of the burden of initiative and is divested of all responsibility, save for doing as he is told.
- Albert J. Nock
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Janelle Monae
When you realize it's your responsibility to be a leader and create the world that you want to see, you have to do it.
- Janelle Monae
Collection: Responsibility
Image of William J. H. Boetcker
No man will succeed unless he is ready to face and overcome difficulties and prepared to assume responsibilities.
- William J. H. Boetcker
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Garry Trudeau
Freedom should always be discussed within the context of responsibility.
- Garry Trudeau
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Alex Pettyfer
I never knew that when you're number one on the call sheet you have not only the responsibility of carrying the film but also the responsibility of keeping up the morale of the crew and cast.
- Alex Pettyfer
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Radhanath Swami
There cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Responsibility