Michelle Shocked

Image of Michelle Shocked
Writing and singing does give me some kind of release from the demons of my past, it is a therapy of sorts, but to be honest, my marriage played a more important role in the acceptance of myself than performance has ever done.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Marriage
Image of Michelle Shocked
I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Faith
Image of Michelle Shocked
Music is too important to be left to professionals.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I'm one of the few that comes from this vantage point: I never tried to get a record deal.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
As I look back over my life, before I had any real identity, I was a traveler. I grew up an Army brat, a runaway, an activist, and a musician. All my life I've been traveling.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
Make your own music. It can be done.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I think people have to choose between living with contradictions or painting themselves into a corner. I have a lot of contradictions.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I accepted a change in my life. I didn't choose that change and those are the best changes to make.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
My grandmother had a Miss Margaret's School of Dance to teach tap and ballet to kids, but I never studied it. I was raised a Mormon and they're dancing fools. It's the only vice they have - dancing.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
The thing I fail to do is fully comprehend what's given back to me by the audience. You would think you would be a performer partly so you could feel all the appreciation or adulation, but I haven't quite managed that yet.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I've been through some dark times but I've experienced joy too. Now that joy can't be suppressed.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I'm too shy, really to be able to hang out with my heroes for too long.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I'm a perfectionist, which I think is a mistake.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
Ideals are not something I can control. It's not logic that convinces me of something, it's what my heart says. My heart has a way of involving me in things, which can only be good for the music.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
They sign a bunch of women, and they call it a movement. I don't like the way women in music have been identified as women first and musicians second.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I think the word soul has gotta come into it. Music that's created just for consuming lacks that soul, that swing, that feeling.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
Music is not a commodity, it's a resource.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
I try to look at this music career thing as the means to an end. And really, at the end of it, I see myself on a sailboat, sailing off the edge of the world.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
People might say I'm difficult, but did you ever hear anyone describe a label as 'difficult'? By nature, artists should challenge. When they call you difficult, it is a reflection of the imbalance of power.
- Michelle Shocked
Image of Michelle Shocked
Making music should not be left to the professionals.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Music
Image of Michelle Shocked
The secret to a long life is knowin' when it's time to go.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Long
Image of Michelle Shocked
When I grow up I want to be an old woman.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Michelle Shocked
I'm passionate about two things: Jesus and liberation.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michelle Shocked
I was in a prayer meeting yesterday. You gotta appreciate how scared, how scares folks on that side of the equation are. From their vantage point -- I really shouldnt say their -- cause its mine too, we are nearly at the end of time and from our vantage point, were going to be I think maybe Chinese Water torture is going to be the means the method, once Prop 8 gets instated and once preachers are held at gunpoint and forced to marry the homosexuals, Im pretty sure that that will be the signal for Jesus to come on back.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michelle Shocked
I believe in the power of music. I believe in it absolutely. It's never failed me. Never.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Believe
Image of Michelle Shocked
Prayer is so incredibly powerful. It keeps you in perfect peace.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Prayer
Image of Michelle Shocked
The love that I pray every day is manifest through me. Not because I'm a loving person, but because the God that I serve loves everybody.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Praying
Image of Michelle Shocked
We've come a long way, we've come a long way and we never even left L.A.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Michelle Shocked
If I'm going to be held captive by social media, I'm going to use it against itself.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Media
Image of Michelle Shocked
Their lives ran in circles so small They thought they'd seen it all
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Michelle Shocked
If I have something to apologize, I want to be the first one to step up and make that apology. I don't want anyone to broker it for me. I don't want anyone to take the hit for me. If I have anything to apologize for, I'm only human. I'm prone to making mistakes.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Mistake
Image of Michelle Shocked
What kind of religion is it that would encourage the parent to shelter the child from any outside influences and punish it by putting it out in a world you never had any way of learning about?
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Children
Image of Michelle Shocked
At one time I was a nihilistic punk with a mohican and a ring in my nose. I think in the course of time I'll find a middle ground, but I also carry that sense of responsibility. I'm in a position to defeat stereotypes.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Michelle Shocked
Everyone thinks young people are alienated from the system. But when you present them with a viable alternative, they will be the first to take it. And then watch out.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michelle Shocked
Mainstream media would convince you that there's commercial culture and that's all - but this other music is still here.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Media
Image of Michelle Shocked
"What the hell'd you let them break your spirit for?" You know, their lives ran in circles so small. Ah, they thought they'd seen it all. And they could not make a place for a girl who'd seen the ocean.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Girl
Image of Michelle Shocked
I regard myself as a true American musician, and I play every style that is my heritage.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Play
Image of Michelle Shocked
Punk is just as much a form of folk music as anything is!
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Punk
Image of Michelle Shocked
Vengeance and revenge are just two words for pain.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Pain
Image of Michelle Shocked
I resent like hell that I was maybe eighteen before I ever heard the 'L' word. It would have made all the difference for me had I grown up knowing that the reason I didn't fit in was because they hadn't told me there were more categories to fit into.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: Differences
Image of Michelle Shocked
I can't tell you where I'm going . . . but I can tell you where I come from.
- Michelle Shocked
Collection: I Can