Top responsibility Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of responsibility quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more responsibility quotes.

Image of Winona LaDuke
Water is life. We are the people who live by the water. Pray by these waters. Travel by the waters. Eat and drink from these waters. We are related to those who live in the water. To poison the waters is to show disrespect for creation. To honor and protect the waters is our responsibility as people of the land.
- Winona LaDuke
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Todd Rundgren
I've always said, rather glibly, that the message of my career has been about individualism, about getting to know yourself and taking responsibility, not just for what you do, but what you think.
- Todd Rundgren
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Rick Bass
There are none among us who have not been, even for a moment, cruel to those whom we love most, as if unable, in that moment, to shoulder any longer the magnificent weight and burden, the responsibility, of that love.
- Rick Bass
Collection: Responsibility
Image of William Faulkner
A gentleman accepts the responsibility of his actions and bears the burden of their consequences.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Responsibility
Image of William Schutz
Everyone is responsible and no one is to blame.
- William Schutz
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Eugenio Montale
The most dangerous aspect of present-day life is the dissolution of the feeling of individual responsibility. Mass solitude has done away with any difference between the internal and the external, between the intellectual and the physical.
- Eugenio Montale
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Tim Pawlenty
I think if you look at Medicare and Medicaid, the premise was that government needs to provide some assistance to people who aren't able to take care of themselves. I think we all share that goal, Republicans and Democrats. I don't think anybody's gonna go back now and say, Let's abolish, or reduce, Medicare and Medicaid. But as we confront the challenges and the responsibilities of our time - from here on - how do we serve more people or different people who are in need of financial assistance? Just forever having the government expand to address all of that seems unwise.
- Tim Pawlenty
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Howard Nemerov
Absolute power corrupts absolutely; and if you surrender your personal responsibility to a government which promises to take care of you, they will only take care of themselves.
- Howard Nemerov
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Walter M. Miller, Jr. abuse the intellect for reasons of pride, vanity, or escape from responsibility, is the fruit of that same tree.
- Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Josh Brolin
In fact, I am so happy to be turning 40 and finally having a reason to take responsibility for my own behavior. It's also worked for me in terms of my physical appearance and emotional make-up and people entrusting me to bring the things a role deserves. I don't know whether that's depth or being a curmudgeon or what.
- Josh Brolin
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Gil Scott-Heron
Paul Robeson once said that the artist has the responsibility to either help liberate the community or further oppress it. And I think that when Eldridge Cleaver wrote it down it was interpreted as his, but there's a history of people saying things of that nature and meaning it. And what I do is in that tradition, in that mode.
- Gil Scott-Heron
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Glenn Greenwald
I think that - not just as a journalist but as a human being - I have the ethical responsibility to avoid actions that can harm innocent people.
- Glenn Greenwald
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Halle Berry
I take care of myself, because I learned early on that I am the only person in life who's responsible for me.
- Halle Berry
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Melissa Bean
But in Congress, accountability is just a catch phrase, usually directed elsewhere. Demands to personal responsibility or corporate accountability abound, but rarely congressional accountability or fiscal responsibility.
- Melissa Bean
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Lu Xun
True, we must dare look things in the face before we dare think, speak, act, or assume responsibility. If we dare not even look, what else are we good for?
- Lu Xun
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Deborah Tannen
Critiquing relieves you of the responsibility of doing integrative thinking.
- Deborah Tannen
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Frances O'Grady
All the evidence shows very clearly that if you are a member of a trade union you are likely to get better pay, more equal pay, better health and safety, more chance to get training, more chance to have conditions of work that help if you have caring responsibilities ... the list goes on!
- Frances O'Grady
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
What we say and what we do ultimately comes back to us so let us own our responsibility, place it in our hands, and carry it with dignity and strength.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
I understand, of course, that grain-fed meat is not the cause of the world hunger problem - and eating some of it doesn't directly take food out of the mouths of starving people - but it is, to me, a symbol and a symptom of the basic irrationality of a food system that's divorced from human needs. Therefore, using less meat can be an important way to take responsibility. Making conscious choices about what we eat, based on what the earth can sustain and what our bodies need, can help remind us that our whole society must begin to balance sustainable production with human need.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Hosni Mubarak
The people gave me the responsibility of building the future of this nation And I did it with honor.
- Hosni Mubarak
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Stephen White
Batterers aren't renowned for taking responsibility for their abusiveness, Sam. They tend to shed blame like a snake molts.
- Stephen White
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Marc Morial
Poverty, the racial divide and social injustice do not impact only those who suffer most visibly. Alleviating poverty and injustice is a responsibility we must never forget or abandon.
- Marc Morial
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Nia Vardalos
Being an actor/ writer is a responsibility and a burden and a gift. The responsibility to me is that you can't just wait to be cast into something and then you create the role. You almost have a voice inside of you telling you what you might want to play and be able to play. It's hard, but once that thing comes out of the printer and you hold those warm pages to your cheek it's great. It's a huge sense of accomplishment.
- Nia Vardalos
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Barack Obama
Every single one of you has something you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That's the opportunity an education can provide.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Tom Morello
A musicians or artists responsibility is a simple one, and that is, through your music to tell the truth.
- Tom Morello
Collection: Responsibility
Image of W. Cleon Skousen
Strictly enforce the scale of "fixed responsibility." The first and foremost level of responsibility is with the individual himself; the second level is the family; then the church; next the community, finally the county, and, in a disaster or emergency, the state. Under no circumstances is the federal government to become involved in public welfare. The Founders felt it would corrupt the government and also the poor. No Constitutional authority exists for the federal government to participate in charity or welfare.
- W. Cleon Skousen
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Irene Rosenfeld
To build and sustain brands people love and trust, one must focus-not only on today but also on tomorrow. It's not easy...but balancing the short and long term is key to delivering sustainable, profitable growth-growth that is good for our shareholders but also good for our consumers, our employees, our business partners, the communities where we live and work, and the planet we inhabit
- Irene Rosenfeld
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Roberto Unger
Social solidarity must rest instead on the sole secure basis it can have: direct responsibility of people for one another. Such responsibility can be realized through the principle that every able-bodied adult holds a position within the caring economy - the part of the economy in which people care for one another - as well as within the production system.
- Roberto Unger
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Michael Bolton
I still get butterflies. It's because there's a certain level of responsibility you carry when doing a concert. You've got to sound at least as good as the record.
- Michael Bolton
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Anita Roddick
The business of business should not be about money. It should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Maurice Strong
Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?
- Maurice Strong
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Anthony Swofford
I think the combatant is always burdened with returning and making his way through his past. And that we as citizens have a responsibility to those guys upon return. We have to make some kind of an attempt to understand what their life is like.
- Anthony Swofford
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Emily Saliers
Artists and celebrities are citizens, and as such you have a responsibility to keep fighting for justice because there are monolithic power structures and systemic oppression out there.
- Emily Saliers
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Augusto Pinochet
Today, near the end of my days, I want to say that I harbor no rancor against anybody, that I love my fatherland above all and that I take political responsibility for everything that was done which had no other goal than making Chile greater and avoiding its disintegration. I assume full political responsibility for what happened.
- Augusto Pinochet
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Liv Tyler
I don't live a very posh life. There are no drivers waiting or people doing everything for me. I pretty much live like a normal person... It's not good to have a life without responsibilities, you know?
- Liv Tyler
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ken Keyes Jr.
You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult, you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it.
- Ken Keyes Jr.
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Huston Smith
If human life is to survive on this planet, the old dualistic worldview, with people on one side and the environment on the other, must yield to a new vision that connects us with everything else and leads us to care for and take responsibility for it.
- Huston Smith
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Rumer Willis
I've borrowed tons of jewelry. Most people [in Hollywood] do. But it's your responsibility to keep track of it.
- Rumer Willis
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Marilyn Ferguson
Health and disease don't just happen to us. They are active processes issuing from inner harmony or disharmony, profoundly affected by our states of consciousness, our ability or inability to flow with experience. This recognition carries with it implicit responsibility and opportunity.
- Marilyn Ferguson
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Alfred P. Sloan
It is impossible to get the measure of what an individual can accomplish unless the responsibility is given him.
- Alfred P. Sloan
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Anton Szandor LaVey
Don't waste your time with people who will ultimately destroy you, but concentrate instead on those who will appreciate your responsibility to them, and, likewise, feel responsible to you.
- Anton Szandor LaVey
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ross Perot
Modern politics has become little more than shirking responsibility and blaming somebody else.
- Ross Perot
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Jack Welch
When you were made a leader you weren't given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.
- Jack Welch
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Ahdaf Soueif
And Egypt ? What is Egypt strenght?her resilience ?her ability to absorb poeple and events into the pores of her being? is that true or is it just a consolation ? a shifting of responsibility? and if it is true , how much can she absorb and still remain Egypt ?
- Ahdaf Soueif
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Sheldon B. Kopp
You are free to do whatever you like. You need only face the consequences.
- Sheldon B. Kopp
Collection: Responsibility
Image of David Petersen
A minimal level of sportsman ethics afield is mandated by written law. Beyond that, say, when an action is legal but ethically questionable, or when (as Aldo Leopold long ago pointed out) no one is watching, hunter ethics is an individual responsibility. As the existentialists would have it, we determine our own honor minute by minute, action by action, one decision at a time.
- David Petersen
Collection: Responsibility