Top Rainy Day Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Rainy Day quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Andy Partridge
Ballet for a rainy day Silent film of melting miracle play Dancing out there through my window To the backdrop of a slow descending grey
- Andy Partridge
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Lucretius
The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want where the mind is satisfied.
- Lucretius
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Mark Ruffalo
You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.
- Mark Ruffalo
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Alessandro Baricco
... he was one of those men who like to be observers at their own lives ... such people observe their destiny much as most people tend to observe a rainy day.
- Alessandro Baricco
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Rachel Simon
A rainy day can actually be a very important day. And a small hope isn't really small if it makes a lost hope less sad.
- Rachel Simon
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Yoko Ono
Tape the sound of friends laughing together. Save it for a rainy day.
- Yoko Ono
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of H. John Poole
You must learn to save first and spend afterwards.
- H. John Poole
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Jameis Winston
The worst thing is a rainy day with no laughs
- Jameis Winston
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Jimmy Fallon
I didn't invent the rainy day. I just own the best umbrella.
- Jimmy Fallon
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Giulio Andreotti
In politics, sunny days and rainy days can change very quickly.
- Giulio Andreotti
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Vikas Swarup
...a rainy day ceases to have meaning for a person who has lived in the open under a monsoon cloud most of his life.
- Vikas Swarup
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Keith B. McMullin
We call upon priesthood bearers to store sufficient so that you and your family can weather the vicissitudes of life. Please see to it that those entrusted to your watchcare receive these two pamphlets entitled All Is Safely Gathered In. Exhort them to prepare now for rainy days ahead.
- Keith B. McMullin
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of J. D. Daniels
There was nothing the matter with me that was not also the matter with everyone else. I was not as interesting as I thought I was. My major problem, inadequate or inappropriate love from my parents, was as common as dirt. And one rainy day, all the boring poignancy of these realizations detonated in me like an atom bomb, burning the dead shadow of each former torment or preoccupation onto solid rock. Those silhouettes, that record would remain: the museum where I used to be.
- J. D. Daniels
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Savings is an important tool because it can help the poor deal with the ups and downs of irregular earnings, and help them build reserves for a rainy day.
- Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Zane Grey
I hope I have found myself, my work, my happiness - under the light of the western skies.
- Zane Grey
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland
I do pity unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day.
- Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Robby Takac
I love playing rock music, man. You give me a guitar in my hands, and I go out there, and, for me, it's know, some dudes like hunting, fishing, going out and playing ball in the backyard with their buddies on a rainy day. I like being out with my buddies playing rock guitar. That's what I love to do.
- Robby Takac
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Mary Oliver
Don't we all die someday and someday comes all too soon? What will you do with your own wild, glorious chance at this thing we call life.
- Mary Oliver
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Chris Rock
Nobody's about saving anymore. No one cares about a rainy day anymore. Nobody saves up enough for even an umbrella for a rainy day. It's sad. It really is a new form of slavery. We used to work to be able to afford material things. Now we work for these things. They're the boss. That house you can't afford, that car that's out of your price range, that cellphone that drains your bank account - that's your boss.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Rabindranath Tagore
Let my love like sunlight surround you and yet give you illumined freedom.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Ai Yazawa
I might cry tomorrow, but I may be smiling the day after. That's enough. That's the way life is. If I don't lose hope - tomorrow will come. Tomorrow will come if we don't lose hope... I learned that from Nana. But rainy days still make my cheeks wet with tears, even now. It was pouring, on that rainy day.
- Ai Yazawa
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Time is a resource that is non-renewable and non-transferable. You cannot store it, slow it up, hold it up, divide it up or give it up. You can’t hoard it up or save it for a rainy day—when it’s lost it is unrecoverable. When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of L. Tom Perry
One of the better ways to simplify our lives is to follow the counsel we have so often received to live within our income, stay out of debt, and save for a rainy day. We should practice and increase our habits of thrift, industry, economy, and frugality. Members of a well-managed family do not pay interest; they earn it.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Haruki Murakami
I wonder what ants do on rainy days?
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Taylor Swift
I'm taking pictures in my mind so i can save them for a rainy day.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Dodie Smith
Stew's so comforting on a rainy day.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Dan Ariely
Rainy day savings are incredibly important, because from time to time, bad things happen. And if you're not prepared for that, it's going to be really terrible.
- Dan Ariely
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Nikki Giovanni
I think life is cotton candy on a rainy day. For those who grew up with cotton candy the old-fashioned way, it is very delicate. Pre-made cotton candy that has preservatives is not nearly as good or true. True cotton candy is sugar, color, and air and it melts very quickly. That was the metaphor - it can't be preserved, it can't be put aside, it can't be banked. It has to be experienced, like life.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Benjamin Franklin
On being asked what condition of man he considered the most pitiable: A lonesome man on a rainy day who does not know how to read.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Daniel Handler
He looked like the sort of person who would tell you that he did not have an umbrella to lend you when he actually had several and simply wanted to see you get soaked.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of P. T. Barnum
A penny here, and a dollar there, placed at interest, goes on accumulating, and in this way the desired result is attained.
- P. T. Barnum
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of George R. R. Martin
She might have wept then, had not the sky begun to do it for her.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Rainy Day
Image of Ian Mcewan
What can it be about low temperatures that sharpens the edges of objects?
- Ian Mcewan
Collection: Rainy Day